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   19 year clusterhead now drug free!
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   Author  Topic: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!  (Read 3960 times)
Lizzie2 Alumnus
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #25 on: Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:42pm »
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on Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:06pm, evilchopper wrote:
Yeah, I guess you do know it all and have tried everything, so why are you reading if you are so pompous and knowledgable?
 Because you still have cluster headaches, and I don't.  
I guess that's why I'm up here preaching and  you are not.  
If you had anything worthwhile to offer you surely haven't shown it yet.  
  I do have something worthwhile. I have taken the initiative to help myself while you sit here and sulk in misery, forgive me for sharing my story.
  I only mentioned some of the things I did to show that I have been where you're at, angered and confused and humiliated, not to show I'm a badass or something.  I hated chopping up imitrex pills into a powder I could ingest nasally, just so they would last a few days longer than taken orally. Some thought I had resorted to illegal drugs.  I hated losing my job my fiancee, and my life to this monster. I hated the fact that when I originally was diagnosed there were no effective drugs for the treatment of cluster. I went through years of full intensity cluster pain with no treatment but hot water or ice or banging your head against the wall. I hated burning my face on a hot iron that somewhat releived the pain when applied to the surface of my face. I hated blacking out from pressing on my cartoid so long I lost consciousness.  
   I had no indication of spastic bowel until years into my journey, it was not the cause of my clusters, but what caused  the spastic bowel is highly implicated in my cluster headaches.
    Just keep on treating the symptoms like I did and eventually the true cause will take out other organs like it did in my case.  For years I had no clue, much like yourself, but I wasn't pompous about it. It was killing my liver, lungs, brain and other important organs, according to one doctor,  I supposedly had diabetes(which I didn't) and for years I was clueless, much like yourself, but I didn't just cry about it on some forum like you do.  
   Maybe you should change the name of this forum to "Poor poor pitiful me" because that's the impression I'm getting.
I apologize to anyone who may have taken interest in my story, but I am just a regular guy who was excited to share what I found because you could adjust your habits quite easily and at no cost. Nothing to buy, I don't want your money, but you have my pity.
 At least I can say I tried, I was beaten down, but I tried.  I was able to help a couple of my friends locally, and now we all lead mostly normal lives, so I thought it was safe to share with you.
   I did not want money, or I would have written a book. (or tape) I have no desire to profit, and now I have very little desire left to help you.
When studying physics it was easy for me to understand relativity, or quantum physics, or atomic physics, or nuclear physics, or optics, but I fail to understand your attitudes, in fact I'm baffled and confused.
Now I see why there is very little information available on cluster headaches, nobody wants to waste their time helping someone who is hostile to them.  You chase everyone off who even tries! Well I've heard your message, it was not wasted on me.  I'll save my story for someone who really is interested in helping themselves.  Enjoy your pain in your bitter selfishness.

You couldn't be more wrong.  In fact, I don't even think you could BEGIN to realize how wrong what you wrote is.  Some people on this forum have gone years without any relief or diagnosis before finding this site or a good doctor.  Everyone is very supportive of each other.  This is not a "poor me" website.  This is a website of strength, support, ideas, suffering, pain, love.  To attack it in this way shows a real lack of character on your part.  
You didn't even say in all those long posts that you wrote what did end your clusters for you.  
It is a real shame that you feel the need to attack everyone here in this manner.  Over the past few years (even before I had clusters and just had the chronic daily headache), I tried more meds than I could count on both hands and both feet and then some.  I've had 7 hospital stays, most of which have been over 2 weeks in length.  I've been to many doctors.  Explored many many non-pharmaceutical therapies.  No stone left unturned.  
And what do I have right now?  More compassion than ever for those going through similar situations.  So much that when I read what other people have gone through, it breaks my heart.  And I also have the determination to keep on fighting.  People from THIS website and THIS family have given me that strength.
So YOU have no idea what you are talking about.  The things you wrote are absolutely unfounded and extremely insulting.  You say that you are insulted and offended by the comments made here?  Well YOU are the one who is insulting and offending by the comments you have made.
If you feel so much hatred about this site...then there are other places you can deposit your wealth of information because with the attitude you're's not going to do you much good here.
Good luck and glad you don't have clusters anymore.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #26 on: Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:52pm »
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Holly cow i will be an old man before i find out what the hell is the trick he figured out.................
As i guy i went to college with used to say all of the time.
And yes i can't wait to see floridians answer to this
hurricane of a story.
« Last Edit: Sep 3rd, 2004, 12:00am by farmboy » IP Logged


Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #27 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 12:03am »
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If you used to have Clusters, than you obviously know how much of an effect it has on people who still have them.
I cannot believe for a second that you wouldn't just come right out and tell us the CURE that stopped your Clusters.
Why keep talking and rambling on about your  hemmoroids and problems you had when you where 2 years old and just tell us what it is that CURED your  Clusters in the short form instead of a frickin' book.
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Kevin_M Alumnus
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #28 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 12:24am »
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Damn,  say nothing, throw tantrum.
MORE!!   MORE!!    crackup
Kevin M
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Tom K Alumnus
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #29 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 1:21am »
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Ok, chopper, it's 12:20AM, I'm trying to get through a CH, swam through all the crap you wrote and no payoff??!!!  Give me the Cliff notes, give me a point, give me something...If you are a Cluster Head you know that if someone drew out a cure for you this long and didn't get to the frickin point, you would have gone ape by now!
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #30 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 1:30am »
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I can understand your decision to present your supporting documention before the "cure" so people wouldn't read a couple lines and dismiss the theory. But as someone that did suffer for years, you must admit that if you picked up a book at Barnes and Noble that was 500 pages and page one stated the cure was on the last page, how many pages would you sit through before flipping to the end?
Everyone here has pretty much suffered as long or longer, hence the desire to flip to the end. Then, if it says, "eat 1 pound of unsalted peanuts each day" they could decide whether or not they wanted to read the supporting documentation. If it said eat 3mg of Melatonin each night, they could comment accordingly.
Most of the comments were nothing other than a nudge that suggested they were interested and listening. That in itself is pretty impressive since most of those commenting have already spent thousands of hours studying this ailment. Offer them a punchline at the end and they'd much rather get it up front so they can decide if it's worth investing valuable research time. You know all too well of the hours you probably wasted on bad theories.
If you so choose to allow an ego that you perceive to have been bruised by but a few, to forestall a message that you believe can ease the suffering of millions, then you must also accept the fact that revenge has mastery over your compassion.
I'll leave this thread with a few comments from people smarter than me that may help.
"The only way to compel men to speak good of us is to do it." Voltaire
"It is not permitted to the most equitable of men to be a judge in his own cause." Pascal
"Nothing so obstinately stands in the way of all sorts of progress as pride of opinion; while nothing is so foolish and baseless."  J. G. Holland
I could not tread these perilous paths in safety, if I did not keep a saving sense of humor."  Lord Nelson
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #31 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 2:15am »
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Aw, come on now...I am sitting here after dealing with the beast tonite...tell the rest of the story...Yeah, I keep grasping for straws....but I wanna know what happened to stop his chs....I've tried everything else. Smileynancyc
« Last Edit: Sep 3rd, 2004, 2:15am by nancyc » IP Logged


Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #32 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 2:15am »
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on Sep 2nd, 2004, 8:31pm, evilchopper wrote:

I thought I had rebound headaches too, but they turned out to be migraines. I never thought they were migraines, because they seemed a minor nuisance compared to 12 hour cluster attacks    

12 hour cluster attacks??
You lost me at that point.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #33 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 4:57am »
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Wow... Roll Eyes
I have a feeeling this is going to end up as a diet cure story.
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clarence Alumnus
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #34 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 6:33am »
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How many names does this guy have?  
And a 12 hour cluster?  I think all this guy wants is for all of us to get upset.  If he had clusters, or helpful advice, he would have given it.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #35 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 6:42am »
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Glad your pain free.  Wink  
It's time for a reality check:  Roll Eyes
If it's clusters that you have ... they'll be back. (diet or no diet).  Undecided
And damm this was a LONG post. That's the first book i've read in a while. LOL
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #36 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 8:37am »
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clarence  my thoughts also,
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #37 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:18am »
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"if you don't agree, and all you can do is launch unfounded criticism then get the hell out of here and don't show how small you are for all of us to see. I have never met a bigger bunch of whiner who love to wallow in their self pity, I bet all your repective families love your company, especially that lovable wimp from florida who is not here to defend you pussies. And to the loser who called me a jackass, you know what you can go do to yourself you pathetic excuse for human being.
Ok I understand your need for info, but sometimes I'm not the best verbal communicator so I just speak from the heart and tell the truth. I hope you can figure this out, I cut it down as short as I could, sorry, I wish I could get more specific but I've wasted too much of my time here already, life is short and I really don't want to waste it on a forum of whiners.
I do believe that cluster headaches are caused by a brain defect either from a birth defect or trauma. I know there's not a lot I can do about that, but here are the other factors I have played around with that seem to influence their frequency and intensity.
alkalosis (unbalanced leukotriene chemistry) compromises immune system, vascular system, pulmonary system and nervous system, and is suspect as a possible risk factor for cancer.
When your body's energy production is low, and your anti oxidant and acid buffers are exhausted, spasm and hyperalgesia rage out of control
alkalosis may be aggravated by other conditions: virus, infection, imbalance of flora due to diet or antibiotics, candida albicans, e-coli or salmonella overgrowth, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. every case is different-figure it out yourself since your all  so smart
The important stuff is about to come- jerks
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #38 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:20am »
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alkalosis is a multifaceted catch phrase having many causes and even more effects, I believe it triggers the migraine mechanism and influences the cluster mechanism-here's how:
alkalosis is two fold either too acidic or too basic, but there are also varying degrees of ph, and so many different components of possible cause that every case is completely different and there is no single 'miracle cure'  
irritability and neuro muscular hyperexciteability are common with alkalosis
alkalosis inhibits nutrient absorption and inhibits saline flow and oxygen exchange
leukotrienes create spasm and hyperalgesia (ultra sensitivity of the inflammatory immune flare)
bioflavinoids(leukotriene inhibitors)like garlic block the lipoxygenase enzyme used to create leukotrienes from structural fat molecules taken from our own membranes. (Yes, apparently you can get a cluster headache just by burning your own fat, under the right circumstances of course!)
avoid flavinoids(like chocolate, oranges, tangerines) rich in phenols overload and inhibit a detoxification enzyme phenosulfotransferase (PST)
reduce acidifying intake of: smoking, soda pop, coffee, alcohol, high animal protein meals, grains like wheat, narcotics and amphetamines
to combat oxidative leukotriene damage increase omega III, vit E, vit C and magnesium in daily foods
Does this make sense to you without the overview and explanation, don't blink you might miss your miracle cure-
Important stuff to come
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #39 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:21am »
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help vasoconstriction pain with proanthocyanidins
stop spasms with magnesium (-sulfate, -taurate, or -potassium aspartate)
avoid if possible: tyramine-rich aged meats and cheeses, citrus, red wine, yogurt, milk beans, MSG(MSG is hydrolized vegetable protein), Aspartame(nutrasweet), chocolate, legumes, and especially peanuts  -all can cause acidic blood (alkalosis)
avoid aspirin or nsaids since the block cyclo-oxygenase, and lipoxygenase and inhibit prostacyclin(needed to combat spasm).
migraine: increase niacin, riboflavin, and B6 in diet
serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) released by platelet excitation
Proteolytic enzymes make platelets more slippery (less sticky)
nitric oxide acetylcholine promotes eccentric contraction of vessel muscles(elongating the fibril)
3 effective diets I used, figure it out for yourself smart alecks:
1 candida control diet
2 caveman diet
3 rare foods diet
One weird benefit of alkalosis is that mosquitos never seemed interested in me, now they are  so I just carry repellant.
Are you confused now? dummies
-more to come
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #40 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:22am »
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I reduced my clusters using the previous info, but I was still on lithium and elavil, and my other symptoms had not changed much. I found I still had an underlying infection which added to the whole alkalosis problem as well.
I had a systemic candida albicans infestation, when candida (yeast) is unchecked by natural flora it grows out of control into a sharp fungus that burrows into the intestinal and colon  wall, weakens the wall(protrusion), punctures the wall(leaky gut), and enters the surrounding blood vessels, allowing all stomach contents including varying amounts of e-coli, and salmonella and candida directly into blood stream. This triggers explosive immune responses(spastic colon) and exhausts acidic and anti oxidant buffers(leukotriene chemistry unbalance) in the vasular and pulmonary systems. But most never suspect it, and it seems that few doctors can actually treat this condition reliably even if they do detect it. I understand repopulating the natural flora and preventing re-infestation is darn near impossible. Symptoms can be as light as just gas and heartburn or as devastating as a distended colon, IBS, and possibly cancer.
Anyone who has had antibiotics or steroids as a kid, or a high sugar diet, or a high alcohol diet is at risk. Candida albicans(the out of control systemic fungal form) is implicated in IBS, spastic colon, alkalosis. Once in the bloodstream, other organs can get infected. Candida may die off but leaves spores which just come back to life later. Candida tests can read negative even though the spores survive.  Often migraines turn out to be herxheimer reactions (candida die off) which releases alcohol, fermaldahyde, and 79 other toxins into bloodstream. Imagine a small brewery in your stomach, everytime you eat bread, it ferments into alcohol(the poisonous kind) and triggers a cluster headache! Well unfortunately it also thrives on sugar(in everything), and mold(cheese, ice cream, malts, some dairy), and anything else that can be fermented.
The scary part is that there is no reliable test for candida, and often no telltale symptoms at all, but it was suspect in my heartburn, bleeding rectum, spastic colon IBS, yellow nails, fungal teeth, fungal mouth, lactose intolerance, heart palpitations(it was fungal infection and not mitral valve prolapse), brain fog(loss of concentration and memory),  etc. all of which diminished after the candida was treated properly. After repopulation I could withstand a fairly normal diet, so I then began working on my alkalosis and soon my clusters diminished as well. I then weaned myself off of  lithium and the other anti depressants as well.  I still get some cluster pain now and then, kind of like the precursor of a cluster but no real pain anymore. If I take a sip of alcohol, Boom, instant cluster. Yeah it does suck to do that on purpose, but it helped me to understand the limits of what I could achieve on my own if I looked beyond websites like this for my information. I had to forego trying to including a lot of stuff due to all the hassle here, and I'll probably never come back to this pity party due to all the negativity and immaturity demonstrated by it's members. Maybe you all should grow up first.
OK now continue wallowing in you self made self pity so everyone will feel sorry for you. You are all a bunch of losers!
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #41 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:25am »
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BIG YAWN.....LMMFAO  Roll Eyes
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Redd Alumnus
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #42 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:30am »
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Trying to restrain myself from posting that head up the backside pic.....
Hey are we sure this isn't a politician?  He talked and talked and still said jack CHit!
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I saw an act of faith today. A man was on his knees, not in a pew in a Church, but in a garden planting seeds. ~~Unknown


Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #43 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:32am »
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Again I don't have a cure for cluster but I used everything I mentioned to reduce frequency and severity. Put the pieces together yourself, it only took me 19 years and obviously I'm the only one here that does more than sit on their fat arse and whine in this forum.
My cluster haven't been back, and they won't be back. Shows how much you know, loser. I used to be close minded and thought I knew everything like you apparently do. I am still "cluster positive" I still get some symptoms, but nothing that even makes be grab toward my cartoid. I can never cure cluster positive, since the doctors say it's a brain defect, I never said I could and those of you that say "get to the point" "what did you do to stop the headaches" will never see the forest for the trees.
  These are steps I tood and changes that I made, I'm not saying they will cure you. If something helps you then great. I did not buy anything, I am not selling anything.  But this story is true and it's more than any of you have ever done, and it is easy to tell why, jerks. You deserve every attack you get!
-One pissed off Chopper!
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #44 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:34am »
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on Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:32am, evilchopper wrote:
obviously I'm the only one here that does more than sit on their fat arse and whine in this forum

Wrong, try again.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #45 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:35am »
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Hey Redd,
Pass me the popcorn and tell me when the movie starts.....LOL Grin
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Redd Alumnus
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #46 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:42am »
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it's more than any of you have ever done,

Hmmmm and he has the omnipotence and clairvoyance of a Shaman to know what any of us has tried?  
Jonny, Honey the movie started yesterday, and it's certainly no Cain Film Festival.  I say we pack up the lawnchairs, popcorn, cooler of gatoraid and our Excedrin and go home.
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I saw an act of faith today. A man was on his knees, not in a pew in a Church, but in a garden planting seeds. ~~Unknown


Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #47 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:44am »
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Actually I was in a good mood until I started getting mocked by your posts, that soured me totally, and eventually pissed me off.  
p.s. OK it's safe to continue your small minded debates and attacks and lashing out if it makes you feel better!
This site is a sham!
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #48 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 12:20pm »
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Another case of someone not reading the sign on the front door.  Well, dude I hope your pf time lasts.
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Tom K Alumnus
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #49 on: Sep 3rd, 2004, 12:24pm »
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on Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:44am, evilchopper wrote:
Actually I was in a good mood until I started getting mocked by your posts, that soured me totally, and eventually pissed me off.  

But I still posted 4 extra long times, with no end in sight...
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