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Eating crappy and not exercising
« on: Jun 22nd, 2005, 9:12am »
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Anyone notice a dramatic change in eating and activity, and how it hurts the situation?
I know one thing that I have noticed in the past few years with the beast, I tend to eat like total crap when I am having the headaches, and I just feel so immobilized, I don't exercise.  When I had my female equipment removed July 2002, I had a cluster like I have never had before, and it seems like they are WORSE each time.  Only GOOD thing, I don't get monthly migraines anymore, but UGH, I used to kick them with excedrin, the clusters don't go, I can't sleep I am exhausted, the blood sugar goes wacky, I eat crap, I don't exercise, and THAT's probably why they are WORSE  
That is part of the reason I dropped out of the group after my little twice a year cycle FebruayandJuly (Oh boy, right a round the corner), I joined a weight loss support group, and traded it off for here. I gained so much weight, I am a whale like I have never been before.  I know I am in shape under the lard, when I get back at it, I can just hop right on the treadmill 30 mintues everyday, and get right back to crunches and free weights.
  The problem with the weight loss support, when I go wacko with clusters, they just don't get it,  and I have the famous. "Oh I know, I had a migraine yesterday." Some of the statements I have are like I am from another planet, planet cluster, right?
The think about exercise and eating, I feel WORSE when I eat the crap, and I feel better if I exercise.  I recall calling my doctor about the pain, and just being totally wiped out, just wanting to die, and then I put on my shoes and hopped on the treadmill.  At first it was total torture, I thought my eye was going to pop out, and then he returns the page, and I was on the treadmill.  I told him it was killing me, but after it was over, it seemed to make me feel better.
I am going to keep in the clusterheads, headache or not, because I can help you all through to the other side and let you know I know how it feels.
« Last Edit: Jun 26th, 2005, 7:51pm by Leggs » IP Logged

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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #1 on: Jun 23rd, 2005, 4:48pm »
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on Jun 22nd, 2005, 9:12am, Leggs wrote:
I am going to keep in the clusterheads, headache or not, because I can help you all through to the other side and let you know I know how it feels.

Thank you!...we need all the heads we can get!
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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #2 on: Jun 23rd, 2005, 8:02pm »
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Lips Sealed  exercise???   Lips Sealed
I cannot do all my chores and work,
I have to do dishes at 10 minute - stints.
then go rest for at least 10 minutes.
I can soemtimes force myself to chase after the ten kids
at work form 8 -5...but after that, all bets are off.
I mean just gathering the laundry form the dryer is a workout for me after the hits.... I feel so terrible
about not keeping up the normal routines....but I have no choice, I have to let it slide. Undecided
Once things are manageable and back to some semblience of normal, then I can get into gear and finish all the housework and then some.  Cheesy
but additional exercise?  Tongue I would need a walker,
and a converyor belt and soemone to move my feet for me.  These things just drain me...completely. Embarassed
Add to that lack of sleep and the fear of more pain yet to come....i am a zombie....  once the cycle is gone...
i am 100% commmited to areobics, swimming, biking and what not....but in a cycle?  pull me in a wagon to get me out of the house....ugh.   Roll Eyes
How many calories do you burn while doing "the dance"  I think that should count at least 300 calories an hour....times 8 hits....I have a full work out every 24 hours....   Wink
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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #3 on: Jun 23rd, 2005, 9:29pm »
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Oh, yes, I hear you about the eating!! That pain usually kills my appetite, but also makes me crave comfort food--for me, mostly things like buttered toast, noodles with butter..... Exercise? I can go for a walk in the fresh air, that's about it. I lost 80 pounds and thought it would help. It helped everything but my headaches!!  Oh dear. Well, at least I'm in good company. Take care of yourself, hon.  Marion Wink
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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #4 on: Jun 24th, 2005, 12:16pm »
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Hi Guys..
I can exercise but after I have finished my workout and get back home I am totally washed out... I feel like I could sleep for a week.. Eating doesn't seem to be a problem, but watching tv or cinema tends to aggravate my head most of the time.  I am constantly thinking if I am going to bring on an episode with what I am actually doing, no chocolate no alcohol, the only time my head does feel clear is actually in the gym.  I just can't wait until they pass, I feel like my life is on hold.
take care everyone  
heres to pain free days ..
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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #5 on: Jun 24th, 2005, 12:49pm »
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If only I could muster up the energy to exercise.  I wake every day with a HA.  No matter how much I sleep in or don't sleep in.  I love to run but just can't seem to do it lately.  Started wearing a pedometer and work on walking 10,000 steps in a day.  Up to 6,000 at work.  Walking doesn't seem to aggrivate as much.
Eating like crap.............Well I have been able to stick to my diet if anything I forget a meal or a snack but that usually happens at work when I get to caught up in Resident care.  Still have a ton of wt to lose though.
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aka...................................................... KimY


Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #6 on: Jun 25th, 2005, 7:51am »
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Weight gain seems to be common among us chronics.  I put on about 80 pounds over 3 years when I had to go on disability pension-all of my cravings were for junk foods, especially Sara Lee German Chocolate Cake, cheese cake, ice cream and the aforementioned noodles with butter and anything with butter-comfort food, as someone wrote.  I'm finally starting to get rid of the excess but the only exercise that I can do is walking-anything more stressful brings on attacks, apparently a common problems with us.  After a day at work, I am totally wiped out and doing any sort of chores is a problem and I too have to do them in 10 or 15 minute intervals-my primary goal when I get home is to avoid doing anything that will bring on another bad attack and I WISH that I could get 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night and always wake up with a HA or one starts within an hour.  It must be due to the "stress" in my life, the well known cause of CH amongst those who don't have them and have never heard of them-yeah, I've been under constant stress since 1980 when I had my first CH episode....if I could just find the unconcisous source of this stress I bet that I'll be all better...must be my mother's fault, it always is, isn't it? Wink
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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #7 on: Jun 26th, 2005, 7:55pm »
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,,I cannot do all my chores and work,
I have to do dishes at 10 minute - stints.
then go rest for at least 10 minutes.>>It just sounds so ridiculous, but DISHES is just total torture for somereason.  I remember sitting on the sofa, just clenching my jaw, trying to get up the gumption to go and do the blasted dishes, I guess because I am trying so hard to control my compulsion to just sling them across the room!! Hey, maybe I have that compulsion anyway, and it's just stronger during CH...
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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #8 on: Jun 26th, 2005, 8:01pm »
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on Jun 23rd, 2005, 9:29pm, Fig wrote:
Oh, yes, I hear you about the eating!! That pain usually kills my appetite, but also makes me crave comfort food--for me, mostly things like buttered toast, noodles with butter..... Exercise? I can go for a walk in the fresh air, that's about it. I lost 80 pounds and thought it would help. It helped everything but my headaches!!  Oh dear. Well, at least I'm in good company. Take care of yourself, hon.  Marion Wink

THIS is so me, I had the HORRID CH, like kip 10, never that severe in my LIFE, when they gave me HORMONES after I had the plumbing removed.  That was where I was saying in another topic, I REALLY was so wanting to kill myself, but I had my kids and family.  I just wanted to be dead more than the pain.  The clusterheads made me see I wasn't a complete wacko, and saw me out the other side of it.  
After it was over, I was exercising DAILY and eating a soy shake for breakfast ( helped with no hormones), salad for lunch, and just a small version of what the family had for dinner.  I lost 60 pounds in 4 months.  I was not starving, about 1200-1500 calories a day, but WHAM that February season came around, and I gained 20 back with the same stuff you talk about the, the comfort foods.
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #9 on: Jun 26th, 2005, 8:08pm »
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on Jun 24th, 2005, 12:16pm, iain_bridge wrote:
Hi Guys..
I can exercise but after I have finished my workout and get back home I am totally washed out... I feel like I could sleep for a week.. Eating doesn't seem to be a problem, but watching tv or cinema tends to aggravate my head most of the time.  I am constantly thinking if I am going to bring on an episode with what I am actually doing, no chocolate no alcohol, the only time my head does feel clear is actually in the gym.  I just can't wait until they pass, I feel like my life is on hold.

When I do exercise, it's sort of PAIN on purpose, like I am in control, what's that, a sadist?  I recall when I used to get it really bad when I was younger, I would play my radio so loud, so I would feel the pounding in my ears instead of feel the pain so badly.  
I can't remember the last time I had ANY alcohol.  I mean, I would really love some beer with pizza, or at the ballgame, just because I really liked it!!! I just liked some Guiness Stout, or just a plain ole Bud with a Saturday night meal, hanging out with friends.  It just was NOT worth the pain and hell the CH caused.
Wow, Ian, the life on hold thing is so true!! But it seems that way, but I drag myself out of my room, and deal with the kids, and just pretend as best I can.  Some times I just take a break and go and listen to a relaxation tape and tell the kids "Mama just needs about 30 minutes of her peaceful tape, and I will feel better and then we will go do something fun."  It just really pisses me off how life isn't on hold, like it's a choice, IT'S STOLEN.
« Last Edit: Jun 26th, 2005, 9:18pm by Leggs » IP Logged

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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #10 on: Jun 26th, 2005, 8:14pm »
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on Jun 24th, 2005, 12:49pm, Kim Y. wrote:
If only I could muster up the energy to exercise.  I wake every day with a HA.  No matter how much I sleep in or don't sleep in.  I love to run but just can't seem to do it lately.  Started wearing a pedometer and work on walking 10,000 steps in a day.  Up to 6,000 at work.  Walking doesn't seem to aggrivate as much.
Eating like crap.............Well I have been able to stick to my diet if anything I forget a meal or a snack but that usually happens at work when I get to caught up in Resident care.  Still have a ton of wt to lose though.

Today, I got up, had the headache, it has not blown into a full blown seasonal, that is around the corner though, I can tell...Anyway, I jumped on that treadmill first thing.  I don't know how to explain this, it didn't help the head today, but I just felt better in the background of the headache.  I am going to shoot for more exercise next week.  
I am just trying to keep off the junk.  I am getting reinvigorated tomorrow.  I know eating the total junkfood does not HELP the situation, the more water I drink and the more veggies I eat, the better I feel.  WAY TO GO ON THE PEDOMETER!!!  Keep active!!!  
I have about 70 pounds to lose, I had lost 60, gained most of it back Embarassed  I have a weight loss buddy who is cheering me on, and it helps. If you wanted some support, let me know! Smiley  I would rather be a foxy clusterhead than a fat one!!! (note my name Leggs, they used to call me that in high school re: the ZZtop song)
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Re: Eating crapping and not exercising
« Reply #11 on: Jun 26th, 2005, 8:23pm »
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on Jun 25th, 2005, 7:51am, hdido wrote:
I'm finally starting to get rid of the excess but the only exercise that I can do is walking-anything more stressful brings on attacks, apparently a common problems with us.  After a day at work, I am totally wiped out and doing any sort of chores is a problem and I too have to do them in 10 or 15 minute intervals-my primary goal when I get home is to avoid doing anything that will bring on another bad attack and I WISH that I could get 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night and always wake up with a HA or one starts within an hour.  It must be due to the "stress" in my life, the well known cause of CH amongst those who don't have them and have never heard of them-yeah, I've been under constant stress since 1980 when I had my first CH episode....if I could just find the unconcisous source of this stress I bet that I'll be all better...must be my mother's fault, it always is, isn't it? Wink

Walking is great! Have you ever found a "relaxation" or self hypnosis tape you like you could listen to?  I have several, one talks about feeling you pain, it's red, get a blue paint brush, and paint it blue, it's cool and blue, paint it blue......."  Sometimes I just listen to one with water running.  NOTE HERE, I AM NOT TRYING TO SELL THEM!!! HEE HEE!!! Grin  
The sleep deprivation STINKs, and you know, that leads to messed up blood sugar which leads to cravings, and inability to deal with stress and then you medicate the stress with the food, blah blah blah.  
I was telling a friend the other day, if we want to blame all our issues on stress, oh, this is happening because of stress, etc, we need to just step back, shut up and say "life IS STRESS," and get on with it!!!  I don't blame my life on my parents anymore, that's my siblings' job!  
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #12 on: Jul 1st, 2005, 11:03am »
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Before all this ever came about I was an avide person who liked to exercise.  I was training for a marathon and then the beast hit.  I love to run it was my stress relief but now I can't get motivated waking with the pain takes it out of me.  The most I get is walking at work and on my days off here at home.  
I eat pretty good but with the lack of activity I just maintain.  I have 50lbs to loose and just can't seem to get it off.
When this first started in Nov.  I could bearly eat anything and now I can eat but talk myself out of it (sometimes) Undecided
Will have to force myself to workout after class every day just to relieve some of my studying stress.
Leggs I totally understand where you are coming from.
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aka...................................................... KimY
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #13 on: Jul 1st, 2005, 11:51am »
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I don't eat much during my cycle and I can't drink beer. I lost 15 lbs. last cycle. As far as exercise or just being active, I'm limited to places with hiding spots and cold air.
For 3 months twice a year, I just want to be a hermit
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #14 on: Jul 1st, 2005, 5:31pm »
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Eat crappy and never exercise.
Words to live by.
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #15 on: Jul 1st, 2005, 8:31pm »
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on Jul 1st, 2005, 11:03am, Kim Y. wrote:
Before all this ever came about I was an avide person who liked to exercise.  I was training for a marathon and then the beast hit.  I love to run it was my stress relief but now I can't get motivated waking with the pain takes it out of me.  The most I get is walking at work and on my days off here at home.  
I eat pretty good but with the lack of activity I just maintain.  I have 50lbs to loose and just can't seem to get it off.
When this first started in Nov.  I could bearly eat anything and now I can eat but talk myself out of it (sometimes) Undecided
Will have to force myself to workout after class every day just to relieve some of my studying stress.
Leggs I totally understand where you are coming from.

I used to be a total exercise maniac, and somehow, I think that was  preventive for me.  I always could manage my headaches, but after I had kids (following 8 years of infertility).
I just forgot to make the time for ME to exercise.  I am 42, and tired of being such a lard a$$, but the clusters have been killing me.  You know, I could eat what I wanted when I exercised, but I didn't WANT to eat all the crappy total junk/comfort food I do.  Geeze, I have probably eaten more Ben and Jerry's in the past few months, than I have in my LIFE.  
Okay, excuses excuses, but truly, I feel like kids, who are such a treasure, sort of robbed me of part of myself, and then the blasted CH, seems to rob you of your life.  I am so ready to start dealing with it, and I am glad at least SOMEONE understands about the weight mess.
What is going on with you right now Kim?  I am just starting my July cycle of clusters, dealing with mystery "new" pain, trying to find a new neuro, and checking out kudzu and melatonin in the meantime!
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #16 on: Jul 2nd, 2005, 9:42am »
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What is going on with you right now Kim?  I am just starting my July cycle of clusters, dealing with mystery "new" pain, trying to find a new neuro, and checking out kudzu and melatonin in the meantime!
IM you.  I am going into my 8 mo. of CH with kip 6/7 but no really bad hits lately knock on wood...
Tell me more about the new pain.
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aka...................................................... KimY
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #17 on: Jul 12th, 2005, 1:42pm »
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It completely amazes me that ya'll are able to excerse during CH.  I really don't know how you do it.
When I hit my cycles I literally stop eating between the pain and the meds.  About the only thing I can get down is water and crackers in small doses.  (during my last cycle I lost 10 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks from not eating.  
My muscles atrophed so much that once I started to feel better I broke a sweat just trying to do the standard vacuuming.  The stair in the office just completely winded me, I was so tempted to start taking the elavator but I just could not give in.
Have you all found any specific exercise, music or food that helps during  a cycle.  
I know that personally I am stuck stationary in bed or on the couch until the cycle has passed.
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #18 on: Jul 12th, 2005, 2:08pm »
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Posted by: firecracker7481 Posted on: Today at 12:42pm  
It completely amazes me that ya'll are able to excerse during CH.  I really don't know how you do it. That is the problem for me.  I love to exercise but have had to force myself to do it because I just don't feel up to it when I am in pain.
When I hit my cycles I literally stop eating between the pain and the meds.  About the only thing I can get down is water and crackers in small doses.  (during my last cycle I lost 10 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks from not eating. I had that problem when this first started but now going on for so long I am able to eat.  
My muscles atrophed so much that once I started to feel better I broke a sweat just trying to do the standard vacuuming.  The stair in the office just completely winded me, I was so tempted to start taking the elavator but I just could not give in.  
Have you all found any specific exercise, music or food that helps during  a cycle. I run (jog lite with pain and run faster with lite shadows) and lift (lite wts when the pain is really bad)
I know that personally I am stuck stationary in bed or on the couch until the cycle has passed.  
 I try to do what I can to keep the wt. down because if I don't I put the wt on.
PF wishes..........Kim
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aka...................................................... KimY
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Re: Eating crappy and not exercising
« Reply #19 on: Jul 12th, 2005, 5:45pm »
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Well, I have GOT to get aerobic again, treadmill, bike, SOMETHING!  I have been on kudzu nearly two weeks, but the CH seems to be coming back.  All other things remaining constant, the only thing that has changed, the rain kept me from exercising as vigorously.  
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