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   Author  Topic: getting desperate, what's your opinion of 'shrooms  (Read 456 times)
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getting desperate, what's your opinion of 'shrooms
« on: Mar 2nd, 2003, 9:58pm »
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Hey everyone,
First off, I've gone back over the past little while and have read all the info you have posted about shrooms.  I thank-you for your info.
I have a bladder disease as well as CH's, making some of these pills tough to take as they bother my bladder.  Sansert being a good example.  Verap gave me bad ha's.  I already take topamax.  Prednisone has been tried but I will try again.  Depakote gave me gastrointestinal problems.  I've tried the pain killers and I've worked with the abortives..the list goes on.
So my question is...what is your real opinion on shrooms.  I'm not looking for someone to sway me or anything, but god honest opinions of how long it took to see relief, what happened to your body when you drank the tea, etc etc.  Does it affect your ability to take on certain jobs?  I want to join the RCMP, but I want relief.   Angry
I realize that it is illegal, and engaging in illegal activities is obviously a problem for certain jobs and such and we take our lives in our own hands, but I'm a believer in the fact that If I am not an addict and I do my job to the best of my ability and I"m pain free and not on a bunch of drugs (given to me by prescription or not) then I'm probably better off.  Pain can be a horrible drug too.
Anyways, I"m less worried about jobs and more worried about pain at this point, so any info you have about your experiences are great.  Perhaps if I could get through training with this I could do anything.
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Re: getting desperate, what's your opinion of 'shr
« Reply #1 on: Mar 2nd, 2003, 11:30pm »
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Amber --  
The ClusterBusters site has archive of discussions and reports about shrooms posted that have been posted on this message board: (much thanks to Ueli)
Some folks see relief after one or two small doses. Others may have to take more and larger doses. A few have had no luck at all.  
Relief may not be complete and immediate, but most see a significant reduction in attacks by the next day.  Often there's a gradual lessening in frequency, severity and length of attacks over the period of a week. A second dose, and a second week and there's nothing left but shadows, which also soon fade away. Your mileage may vary.
Some people have some mild nausea right afer they take the shrooms. Many report a mild hangover the day after...kind of a tired, foggy feeling.
Some folks don't like the high, but find it tolerable, others find it enjoyable, even enlightening. A few, especailly the insecure and mentally ill, have bad reactions. A dose big enough for an intense psychedelic experience is usually not necessary for effectiveness against clusters.
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Re: getting desperate, what's your opinion of 'shr
« Reply #2 on: Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:21am »
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thanks tommyD Smiley
i'll be sure to look up the extra responses!
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Bob P
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Re: getting desperate, what's your opinion of 'shr
« Reply #3 on: Mar 3rd, 2003, 11:11am »
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My experience:
I grew my own.  About 1week into my cluster and having used no other medications, I dosed with a good shot of shrooms blended with some oranje juice.  Shortly after the shrooms kicked in.  My vision seemed blurry and I felt removed from my surroundings.  I got extremely cold and my right arm trembled.  At one point the room seemed to strobe.  The high lasted about 4 hours.  I did not enjoy it.  That night the clusters came.
I dosed 3 more times over the next couple of weeks with no results.  Eventually I wound up riding out my longest cluster ever, 15 weeks.
A lot of people say they have good results with the shrooms so I wouldn't let my story stop you from trying them.  I just wanted to give you both sides of the experience.
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Re: getting desperate, what's your opinion of 'shr
« Reply #4 on: Mar 4th, 2003, 8:39am »
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Hey Amber... Hope you are feeling better...
Doesn't the RCMP drug test? Have you tried oxygen??
All I can say is, I stay away from meds and believe that they do not help much.. Shrooms may be helpful for you, but find out about the RCMP's drug testing policy before going for the shrooms..  
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Re: getting desperate, what's your opinion of 'shr
« Reply #5 on: Mar 4th, 2003, 8:37pm »
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I was ECH for 23 years. I think I Became CCH in Feb 2001. Taken no meds hardly for all those years, Just Acupunture (19 years). Followed Pink and Flash's post's and took the plunge in Aug 2001. It took about 2 weeks to kill the beast. I have had no attacks since then, only very mild shadow now and then. When the shadow pain starts to become slightly more intense I take a half dozen Liberty caps, slight buss, like a couple of beers and it goes away.  
This Feb I had a more intense shadow, like I was about to go into my old cycle again, I took half dozen again, and its gone.
Last Autumn I harvested from the local fields about 700 hundred Liberty Caps, dried them and preserved them in honey. I was that desperate I had to go to  Amsterdam for my first dose, some hardship there you can imagine....
It may be to early to say, but in 23 years of ECH nothing has come this close to giving me pain free relief.
My advise if you decide to go for it. Keep in touch with Pink and Flash, have a good friend with you, be prepared to take 1 or 2 stronger doses initially.
Good luck  
Ivan UK
P.S. I belief most organisations don't test for this kind of drug.
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Re: getting desperate, what's your opinion of 'shr
« Reply #6 on: Mar 6th, 2003, 11:56am »
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on Mar 2nd, 2003, 9:58pm, amber wrote:
I realize that it is illegal, and engaging in illegal activities is obviously a problem for certain jobs and such and we take our lives in our own hands, but I'm a believer in the fact that If I am not an addict and I do my job to the best of my ability and I"m pain free and not on a bunch of drugs (given to me by prescription or not) then I'm probably better off.  Pain can be a horrible drug too.

I believe I have probably read every post here about mushrooms, as well as many private e-mails received from people too nervous to post on this board, and I have come to the following conclusions:
1) Properly handled, the only downside to trying psilocybin mushrooms as a therapy is the fact that in most countries in the world they are illegal.
2) The success rate (especially for med-free episodic clusterheads) appears to be higher than any other standard medication or combination of medications of which I am aware.
3) There are a few individuals for whom the mushrooms appear not to work at all, and a few for whom they once worked but now no longer work. To be fair, it must be noted that this seems to be the case with every other cluster med I can think of as well.
4) As Tommyd pointed out, I cannot recommend that people with severe psychological disturbances try mushrooms without the close supervision of a qualified psychiatrist, or at least that they not try anything more than very small doses.
As for the effect it may have on your career, I should mention that it is impossible to be caught by standard drug tests. Only very expensive, specifically tuned specialized tests administered within 24 hours of taking the mushrooms will show positive.    
I noticed in your other post you had mentioned the fact that Canada's laws allow a medical practitioner to subscribe psilocybin. While this is true, in practical terms it doesn't help you a lot. First of all, you would have to find a practitioner willing to actually write the prescription -- no easy task. Then you would have to obtain the psilocybin. No pharmacy is capable of filling the prescription, so you would have to either pick your own from the wild (impossible to do in Canada at this time of year), grow your own (illegal under Canada's Controlled Substances act), or buy them on the black market (with all the risks that entails).
However, once you actually have some in your possession, the Act is quite clear that as long as you have a valid prescription for psilocybin and the amount of psilocybin contained in the mushrooms in your possession does not exceed the amount specified in the prescription, you are safe from prosecution. So, for example, if you grew up a bunch, harvested and dried them and stored them, then threw out all your "production tools", you are safe (always providing the amount you have on hand does not exceed the amount allowed by your prescription). However, if your farm were to be discovered while it was still producing, the prescription wouldn't help you at all in the eyes of the law, since it only allows you to possess psilocybin, not to produce it.
In my opinion, a good lawyer might be able to sway a sympathetic jury to let you go anyway, but the way I read the statute, that jury would have to deliberately disregard the wording of the section of the act pertaining to the production of a controlled substance.  
Even though I know literally dozens of people who do choose to grow their own, it would be unwise for me to urge in a public forum that you do the same. I grow my own, but I am fortunate enough to live in a country where there are no laws about them one way or the other. I must admit that even if I lived in Canada or the US, I would still grow my own, but that is a personal decision.
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