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(Message started by: SyliGoose on Dec 13th, 2002, 9:40am)

Title: New Here!!
Post by SyliGoose on Dec 13th, 2002, 9:40am
I'm new here.  I'm not sure if this is where I belong, though.  Everything going on with me seems not exactly like what I'm reading Cluster Headaches are.  

I'm going through what I've been calling a 'phase' of headaches.  Normally, I'm a horrible migraine sufferer.  I get blinding headaches that lay me up in bed for hours.  I take a preventative (Inderal) for it and I've been doing really well on it.  I've been a migraine sufferer for as long as I can remember.  

So, when I got these headaches, I initially thought nothing of it - took hot showers, went to sleep, whatever I could find that helped.  I've been in this current 'phase' for about 5 weeks or so now.  They start roughly the same time everyday - right about 2:30 or 3pm.  I get really grumpy because so far, the ONLY thing I've found to get rid of them, or to feel any relief at ALL is alcohol.  A couple glasses of wine, a couple rum & cokes and I'm good.  

I can't goto the Dr till the new I've only got a few more weeks......but to be totally honest with you all, I'm kinda getting sick of alcohol.  

Hubby's been helping me by looking things up for me, as well.  He seems to think that maybe the Inderal I already take on a daily basis IS helping and that's why I'm not getting the headaches as bad as what I'm reading here.  

If I can find my way back to this message board, I'd LOVE to find out if this is what I have or not.  
Thanks!! :)

Title: Re: New Here!!
Post by Bob P on Dec 13th, 2002, 9:45am
You don't have clusters.

Alcohol triggers cluster attacks, usually within 10-15 minutes of consumption.

Nobody sleeps with a cluster!

Inderal is usually not effective in treating clusters.

Sounds like you got a bunch of migraines.

Title: Re: New Here!!
Post by RevDeFord on Dec 13th, 2002, 10:00am
I have to concur.  Doesn't sound like Clusters to me.  Take the Cluster quiz.

You have a trait or two that is consistent with clusters, but the majority of what you are saying is completely incongruant to clusters.

Title: Re: New Here!!
Post by echo on Dec 13th, 2002, 11:17am
Must are with Bob and the Rev.  Your description leads one to believe you do not have classic clusters.  There is a Migraine site some where out in cyberland.  I do not remember the addy.  I'm sure someone here will lead you to the site.

Title: Re: New Here!!
Post by SyliGoose on Dec 13th, 2002, 1:51pm
Thanks everyone for replying.

The search continues........ :-/

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