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(Message started by: BosMan31 on Dec 13th, 2002, 10:51am)

Title: A welcome relief!
Post by BosMan31 on Dec 13th, 2002, 10:51am
Hi, all.

I'm Ron from Edmonton, Canada - a clusterhead, too. You just don't know how good I feel to know I'm not alone. Well, I guess you all would, wouldn't you...

I'm almost through week one of this cycle. My last cycle was some 14 years ago. 14 years ago - I thought I'd beat this 'beast' as you call it (and what an apt name!).

Back then, I didn't have access to the internet and was misdiagnosed with classic migraines. That troubled me as my discussions with migraine sufferers didn't bring up the same symptoms. So, I thought I was a bit of a wimp in how I dealt with the attacks...doing 'the dance' as you call it. Also, I feared that I might be a little crazy - it's "just a headache", y'know.

I read some of the testimonials on this site. Eerie. Like I wrote them myself.

Anyway, it's very, very good to know there are other clusterheads out there. And that I'm not crazy.


Title: Re: A welcome relief!
Post by Mark C on Dec 13th, 2002, 10:57am
Welcome aboard BM,
Come on in a pull up a chair. The links on the left of this site and the links on the OUCH site are the clearinghouse for Clusterhead info, check it ALL out. What kind of Meds have you taken and is anything working for you? Glad you are here,

Title: Re: A welcome relief!
Post by BosMan31 on Dec 13th, 2002, 11:07am
Don't recall the meds way back when but I remember that nothing worked. Went through a bit of a hitlist of meds though...felt like the proverbial guinea pig at the time. They were all abortive types, I think.

Saw the doc yesterday. He suggested amitripyline and nadolol. Claims a 70% success rate in CH prevention. Are these anything new to the group, 'cause I haven't seen them pop up in any of the research I've done?We'll see...

They didn't work last night but then again he didn't promise overnight miracles.


Title: Re: A welcome relief!
Post by Margi on Dec 13th, 2002, 11:09am
Hi, Ron - welcome.  We'll forgive you that you're from Edmonton.  (I'm from Calgary ;))

A wealth of info here and lotsa battle scarred veterans here that can share war stories and weapons we've accumulated.

14 years remission!  Wow.  And here I thought we were lucky that my husband had 2.5 years painfree. EDIT:  I see we were posting at the same time and you answered my question.  I've heard of amitryptaline but not the other one.  Mike (my hubby) found a little success with Imitrex as an abortive, but Oxygen was better.  He did the prednisone burst and that gave him a few pain free days at the peak.  Ended the 6 month cycle with the combo of lithium and high dose verapamil.  He's tried everything over the years with limited success.  Psilocybin mushrooms (we think) kept him in remission for his longest time ever, but they failed him in his last cycle.  Get yourself some oxygen - it's by far the most effective and popular abortive here.

Non-prescription relief has come from Gravol (over the counter) to help him sleep, icepack on the back of his neck at onset, copious amounts of cold water (the water water water treatment) with multivitamins as a chaser.  The water only worked for him when he was med-free though.

Pull up a chair, newbie.  We're here to help pull you up over the wall.

Title: Re: A welcome relief!
Post by echo on Dec 13th, 2002, 12:00pm
Sorry to read that the SOB found you after 14 years.  I truly hope his visit is a short one.
Welcome to the MB

Title: Re: A welcome relief!
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 13th, 2002, 1:23pm
Welcome to the board!  Sorry that the beast is testing thermo-nuclear ICBMs in the middle of your cranium.  Good luck!

PFDAN....................................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: A welcome relief!
Post by domm on Dec 13th, 2002, 6:16pm
Hey Ron - welcome, but sorry you felt compelled to seek us out. Amitripyline is also called Elavil - used as a muscle relaxant and mood elevator (for depression) My doc gave it to me to help me sleep (he claimed it was a pediatric dose) but it left me feeling loopy in the morning and it didn't do squat for my CH. Others have had success with it. Never heard of the other one. I use Oxygen and Imitrex as abortives and Verapamil as a preventative.
Tons of great people, info, and advise here. Hope you find the right set of stuff that works for you. You might try Charlie's exercise technique also.
Good luck

Title: Re: A welcome relief!
Post by suzy617 on Dec 13th, 2002, 6:19pm
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