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(Message started by: Deadmanwalking on Dec 13th, 2002, 6:39pm)

Title: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by Deadmanwalking on Dec 13th, 2002, 6:39pm
Underdog that has to be drawn into this, My appologies to you all, I never expected Smutmouth to attack you guys, I have set the record straigh and this is why I quit the Board to begin with, after over 2 years of this prolific non-stop blabbering vulgarity machine and those that play into his crapola, Slammy just had to jump in there and lick his ass for him, then Jackie had to pour her opinion inther, it's pathetic, those that bitch and moan and complain the loudest are the biggest abusers of all, I thought it was just my attitude because of my health, but Guess what- Wrong Annology !            

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by Slammy on Dec 13th, 2002, 6:49pm
I'm sorry about your health issues, Pappy.  If you are a deadman walking, I'm truly saddened.  My advice to you is enjoy what time you have remaining and live life to the fullest...which I am sure is not sitting in here and grinding an axe over issues the grand scheme of things, don't mean squat.  Good luck...

Slammy   8)

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by jonny on Dec 13th, 2002, 6:52pm
And now back to the Oxycontin.

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by Deadmanwalking on Dec 13th, 2002, 8:08pm
 Get ready Ass hole yours is coming! My Nueros choice of pain management has nothing to do with this at all, Maybe the Lithium has your mind so ate up you can't come up with more than the few words you have adapted to fit every situation, Daaaaaaaaa! DMW

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by jonny on Dec 13th, 2002, 8:21pm
Want a few words, Pappy?

A Nam vet would come at me head on knowing who he is, did you?



Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 13th, 2002, 10:14pm
Sailpappy, welcome back.  But don't waste your time arguing with anyone here.  Instead just enjoy the hugs I am sending to you.  And the others you will get from the board !!!!  You have been missed.  

Your buddy, Nancy M.  

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by kim on Dec 13th, 2002, 10:42pm

You are a spirit.  You share with us the wind, you bring the ocean breeze and a balmy day at sea....................A combination of a lifetime spent as perhpaps some of us talk much of and spent little doing......And those mongrels will always bark at yur toes............ :D
I am so happy to hear from yu! Hugs and a sailors smoooch Pappy.

You are no deadmanwalking.  You are simply a man traveling the map of "the world".  If they don't get it, FUCK EM!

Love ya!  Catch me some crabby patties :D

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by tanner on Dec 14th, 2002, 12:23am
Sailpappy, thanks for the e-mail. you really freaked me out because i thought you were refering to a post on a hep-c board, took me a few minutes. don't like your health news at all bro but don't give it up! i'll write ya with somemore amazing coincidence's soon... be strong and hang in!!!

btw liked your original nic better!  tim

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by rick on Dec 14th, 2002, 1:26am
It's great to hear from you Pappy, I miss your spirit around here.

I hope you find peace as best you can...


Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by paul_b on Dec 14th, 2002, 1:42am
Welcome back Pappy. Agree with you about Johnny's style of communication, but I appreciate the fact he gets the "snake oil types" identified so quickly. We all have roles to play in this family and the depth of your perception stated so beautifully has been missed. May you find a sea of calm in your illness.

Title: Unfurl yer sail
Post by rumplestiltskin on Dec 14th, 2002, 2:05am
Hi Pappy

Addie and I met and heard Sister Helen Prejean speak. She wrote Dead Man Walking. Hers is an attitude that celebrates life....unconditionally. Some kinda love and respect for individuals that occurs way beneath and before guilt or innocence. A concern wrapped around a person's being not their "doings or sayings".

I'm sure i could aspire to that if i only had a heart.

I'm off to see the wizard.

Walk in the Sunshine

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by Svenn on Dec 14th, 2002, 3:43am
It's great to hear from you Pappy, I miss your spirit around here.

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by Charlie on Dec 14th, 2002, 6:26am
Me too Pappy, me too.

I missed the man behind all those fancy graphics.


Title: or nowRe: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by Deadmanwalking on Dec 14th, 2002, 11:45am
To everyone besides Jonny, Thanks for the warm welcome, I too miss you guys but I have so much stress in my life I didn't want it spilling over here, I love and miss you all too.
   Deadmanwalking resigns today and the same Old Pappy will come back to play,  Sorry for all the Grief I cause on this board yesterday, but what adulation I found from all those that chose to look beyond the Jonny spat and welcome me back with the unconditional Love that we all use to share.
   Even Snake Oil Salesmen deserve the respect of 1 reply asking nice and politely to not post certain things. Glaxo use to be a Snake Oil company until the Developed Sumatriptan.

DJ thinks this post should have ended right here, but, I'll leave it as is for now... Pappy, welcome back, you've been missed.  But this is exactly they type of shit I was talking about needing to be done via email, not on the board!

    Now your going to question whether I'm a Nam Vet, You ass hole, when I come at you as a Nam vet you'll be dead! I have 2 Presidential citations for having the Most kills in my Corps from the first 6 months, I mowed dowm people with way more gut's than you down like a weedeater cutting grass. I have nothing to prove to you and don't force me to, you really don't want to go there, Believe me. I have Nam Brothers right there in your city!
    You can't even begin to concieve what I'm capible of! Jon. Do yourself a favor and do a little research on Ctroop 7/17th Air Cav, we had to go in and extract the 101st Airbourne and take ove where they failed so Don't keep pushing my buttons, I have nothing buy a few months to lose now!  DMW

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by Margi on Dec 14th, 2002, 11:48am
Pappy, before you delete this profile, please check your message box, ok?
We need the old Salty Dog back here at home.  Deal?

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by Lapsi_Harmaahapsi on Dec 14th, 2002, 11:57am
I remember 2 distinct "voices of reason" among you (or us..) nutcakes from my lurking days. Charlie & Sailpappy. There might be more of them, but those 2 were the ones that stuck in my mind.

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by StanTheMan on Dec 14th, 2002, 12:03pm

I've never met you, but I enjoyed and appreciated your common sense approach to things on this board when I was lurking and began starting to post back in Sept.

I truly hope you can stick around -- there are many of us newbies that can probably glean from your experience.

Prayers and best wishes for happy holidays, Pappy!   :)


Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by dannyboy on Dec 14th, 2002, 12:18pm
Man, you walk out of the room for 11 seconds and ... Badaboom!!

Pappy, ain't no thang Nkosi (Zulu for Tribal Elder), you can use me as decoy in an ambush anyday of the week. I have good courage.

David J, your king is still one apology short of a Hail Mary

Hoo Haa

Title: Re: DarkAngel and Dannyboy,and anyother
Post by dannyboy on Dec 14th, 2002, 1:24pm
And one more thing

You spoke for me Pappy, and for Luke

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