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(Message started by: Liz04 on Mar 21st, 2004, 3:10pm)

Title: Topomax
Post by Liz04 on Mar 21st, 2004, 3:10pm
Anyone here on it? if so, whatcha think?

Title: Re: Topomax
Post by UN_SOLVED on Mar 21st, 2004, 3:18pm
Makes me feel stupid, lose hair, and oh yea ... GAVE ME KIDNEY STONES !  And it did nothing for my clusters (although, I believe it has helped others)



Title: Re: Topomax
Post by Karla on Mar 21st, 2004, 3:21pm
I went all the way up to 600mg.  Turned stupid at 200mg.  Didin't do a thing for my ch.

Title: Re: Topomax
Post by Tiannia on Mar 22nd, 2004, 3:45pm
Do a search on it and you will see lots of different realctions. It helps some does nothing for others. Make some of us sick, and some ditzy. Others swear by it.  Each clusterhead is different.


Title: Re: Topomax
Post by Lizzie2 on Mar 22nd, 2004, 4:55pm
I went up to 375mg and I could never remember anything.  I couldn't remember words I had learned when I was 2! LOL  They dropped me back to 100mg twice a day for awhile, and then down to 100 mg at night, and the memory loss continued.   In fact, I still have it!  It seems like for me, the topamax turned on some switch in my brain that now will not shut off.  

I do know some people who have been greatly helped by it.  Everyone's different!

Lizzie :)

Title: Re: Topomax
Post by Prense on Mar 22nd, 2004, 6:56pm

on 03/21/04 at 15:10:22, Liz04 wrote:
Anyone here on it? if so, whatcha think?

Not anymore, but it was almost the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life...the only thing that keeps CH higher on the suck scale is I still have the fuckin' CH!   ;;D

Title: Re: Topomax
Post by CJohnson on Mar 23rd, 2004, 8:27am
Worked great for me. Didn't make me stupid. Stopped my headaches. Never went over 75mg/day at bedtime.


Title: Re: Topomax
Post by toader on Mar 23rd, 2004, 10:51am
best served with key lime pie

Title: Re: Topomax
Post by Edski_1 on Mar 23rd, 2004, 12:12pm
And Toader would recoomend reading a lot of Garfield. :P

Has helped me greatly as far as pain...but I really don;t like what I suspect it's done to my personality.  I really can't put my finger on it...but I'm not the "real me"...  :-/

The stupidity side effects seemed to abate after a couple of weeks.  The only other major side effect is a noted change in taste...carbonated beverages taste a lot different.

Title: Re: Topomax
Post by Liz04 on Mar 25th, 2004, 2:43am
Um yeah..I'm now at 125mg and my taste buds are now compared to a diet coke verses a regular.

My feet tingle..but doc says that is normal..

Lastly, at work i just sit at my desk starring at my computer for fifteen minutes and can't figure out what i'm suppose to do next. it's only been 9, i'm HOPING it will get better.

thanks for the advice...

oh, and the pain is getting better with it, so i guess i can be a little dopey as long as my boss doesn't know...although he is a doctor and does oh well

Title: Re: Topomax
Post by 357Mag on Mar 25th, 2004, 2:55am

I have been doing 100 x2 since mid Jan. Stopped the HA’s dead first night I went from 25 to 100.

Same as you though, I can sit here and try to figure out what it is I am supposed to do and it just won’t come to me. I am lucky though, for I am the boss and work at home….haven’t gotten stupid enuff to fire myself yet….LOL.

Do find it difficult at times to carry on conversations with clients….especially when they refer to something we talked about a few days back. Typing is a bit more difficult as well.

Hoping some of this subsides as I taper down to a maintenance level of 50mg x2. Cycle ‘should’ be over by now so this week is 75 and next week will be 50 x2.

Hope it works for you HA’s as well as it did for mine.


Title: Re: Topomax
Post by Liz04 on Mar 25th, 2004, 3:14am

I hear ya, I was sitting hear with a flashing cursor for what felt like forever .....hehe...will you be on the lower dose forever or is that it..until the next cycle begins? Or is that only if you are chronic?

Right full day without any head pain at all? Yeah..

Title: Re: Topomax
Post by t_h_b on Mar 25th, 2004, 7:08am
Never took it.  Sounds like a carnival ride to me--The TopoMax.  No one under 4' 9" allowed. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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