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(Message started by: joesf on Mar 26th, 2004, 9:18pm)

Title: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 26th, 2004, 9:18pm
I just got another one about 6 pm this evening. It was lurking all dayand finally decided to come on, I could feel it getting warm behind my ear and then the pain started in. I jumoed for the oxygen and it killed it pretty quick. With the two this morning thats number 3 for today.
I hope I am past the peak of Wednesday night. Oxygen coulnt kill those guys but the combo of the hot shower, oxygen and hot compresses made it bearable.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Superpain on Mar 27th, 2004, 12:34am
O2 is some gooood shit...
I've been pf for almost 12 hrs!
I can't believe it.
Yes, I am knocking on wood.
But it is about that time again... :(
The shadows approach.
The tank is ready.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Luke63 on Mar 27th, 2004, 8:46am
Hey Chris...12 hours?  Thats gonna be a record for you huh...Great to hear it..I'll knock on some wood fro ya too...Luke

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 27th, 2004, 11:43am
I got two more last night. First one took an hour of O2 to zap and the second which woke me up later took only ten minutes. Hopefully i am past the worst. The last one was what I call the side burn headache with the pain coming mostly from in front of the ear with that area feeling hot and sensitive. Also the same thing with the sinus cracking. Todays just a dull ache. I hope I am past the worst now. The worst ones rendered the O2 useless the other night, but who knows they could have been even worse. Yeah thinking about it, in the past w/o O2, they were real real real baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Also rubbing the affected area helps me get through it.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by K. on Mar 27th, 2004, 2:43pm
Hey joesf,

You have that sinus cracking? Is it sort of a popping sound as the pain is getting your sinuses are trying to adjust? I've been away from the board for awhile so I don't know if you elaborated on this earlier but I get that popping too...weird huh? Sending PF vibes your way!


Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Superpain on Mar 27th, 2004, 3:48pm

on 03/27/04 at 08:46:14, Luke63 wrote:
Hey Chris...12 hours?  Thats gonna be a record for you huh...Great to hear it..I'll knock on some wood fro ya too...Luke

Yeah! It was great. Until I went to bed of course.... I've been getting hammered ever since. Had about 6 last night, 1 about noon, and I just tried to take a nap, just got to sleep and *knock knock*, time to hit the O2 again!

Thank God I found a welding supply that is open till noon on sat. So I was able to fill my tank this morning, so I won't run out for tommorrow night. :)

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by FZfan on Mar 27th, 2004, 7:43pm
joesf, if you breath the o2 at high flow rate with a non-rebreather mask for an hour, most likely the o2 didn't abort it. It just went away naturally.

If the h/a doesn't abort in 20 minutes, turn your o2 off and fight it out. There are some h/a's o2 will not abort for god knows what reason, but it happens. At a high flow rate, anything beyond 20 minutes is probably a waste of gas.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 27th, 2004, 8:33pm
:-Xzapped one about an hour ago. Now I got one, on O2 and man thiss scks

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 28th, 2004, 10:50am
So it went like this last nite,
5 45 to 6 30 CH. 20 min O2, no help, I rubbed side of head for relief, had to jump in shower. Finally let go after i came out of hot shower.
715 to 725 Another attack , zapped w O2 and rubbbing side  of head. Pretty good only 10 minutes.
830 to 1230 O2, rubbinghead shower, no use. Lied on bed and took it. It wasnt the worst I have ever felt thank god , but among the worst for this episode. At the onset of this one one drop of a thin clear fluid dripped out my right nostril. Right eye watery. I had the cracking sensation a few times, but no pain relief. Pain was in waves high low high low. A lot on the side of head, sometimes eye, sometimes teeth and jaw, but mostly side head, and below and around eye and upper bridge of nose all on right side.
This morning, had a real small one, brief, now just shadows.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Superpain on Mar 28th, 2004, 1:19pm
I've gotten my fucking ass kicked every forty five minutes, just like clockwork, since 10pm last night. The last one is still slightly lingering. I had to quit using O2 because I'm down to 400psi; I used 1600psi last night, and I would like to have some left for tonight's fights.
I think this morning I am going to drill a hole in the side of my face, right above where the jaw connects, then install a port for the O2 tubing. So I can be a sort of "automated airhead", if you will... I'll check back later and let you all know how it went.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 28th, 2004, 5:07pm
massaging the side of the face and head no help?it sometimes helpS me...but then nothing works when they get bad
hot shower on the side of the head... maybe give ya a little relief.
I gave up on docs a long time ago.
I got a shadow now so soon maybe ill be with ya....lets hope we are both PF.
Anyway last night i pretended the pain was benefical, so i could cope with it.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Superpain on Mar 28th, 2004, 5:19pm
I always massage and use accupressure.
Gave up on docs years ago too, but I'm gonna try again next week.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 28th, 2004, 5:29pm
On the O2 now...and awwwwwaaaay weeeee go!

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 29th, 2004, 10:48am
I got a series of headaches last night. Thats after getting two in the afternoon. Sinsuses ran more clear stuff on HA side before the onset of the first HA last night and was just enough to grab a tissue. Last night after I got two when I had gone to bed, I gave up on the O2.  Interestingly enough, the HAs never lasted too long, maybe 15 -20 minutes. It could have been  a bit longer but the intense pain part wasn't too bad. On the second HA i got, when I was using the O2 i got a throbbing spasim over and behind my right ear, three then to bursts. It wasnt painfull and felt like a muslcle that spasms. After that there was a slight sharp increase in pain and then HA slowly faded.
The frequency of the HAs got last night were about every hour or so. If I fell asleep it woke me up, everytime from a dream. I have been dreaming in every case a HA  has woke me up this episode.
I had to take a chance and not use the O2 and see what would happen. If the cycle is on the way out now Iwill know.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Luke63 on Mar 29th, 2004, 11:16am
Got 2 m'fer's last nite at 12:15 and one at 1;30....both times hit the tank  and within minutes gone!!! should have seen me this mornin...was I ever cute....all nestled next to my e-tank..i really wished someone would have taken a pic. And all I needed then was to put something like a clown head on the least I would have felt like I was sleeping with someone instead of alone........ ;;D    Luke

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 29th, 2004, 11:24am
If we aren't going to sleep we ought to have an all night HA club....
Hope ya feel better Luke..

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Luke63 on Mar 29th, 2004, 2:26pm
Thanks joe......Im always up for a party...lemme know when....I travel also....when's the party?...luke

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 29th, 2004, 3:20pm
Any better luke? Im gettin some pre HA soreness, but so far been PF all day.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Luke63 on Mar 29th, 2004, 5:32pm
hey joe...95% of the time I get hit at nite...about an hour into sleep...usually last the typical hour to hour and a half.Cycle starts mid Feb til about the end of March..maybe a week or to into April at the most. When Im about 3/4's of the way throught the cycle..I get bad shadows all day...but less severe head at nite. Thats credited to the O2 i think tho. Other than that....I've also noticed for the first time the pain in the Jaw and Teeth...hate that shit!!!  But I'm doing ok joe...Vibes to you man...and keep close to that O2!!!     Luke

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 29th, 2004, 7:25pm
I was first getting them at 2 30 in the afteroon going into the cycle for about three attack days.  Then they started shifing till I was getting them at around 6 pm and again at 8 pm and  then the nite cycle.  i been getting them more soon after going to sleep than later. Except last night when thet went on and off all night.  Then ite guys have the early morning ones associated with them.
I dont know, maybe its just coincidence how these patterns work. Actuall reading htis thing over, I cant figure out what the heck is going on, except  for several days in a row attack times are similar, but they can shift.
I hope this helps some genius figure out what these are.
Ok luke I hope you are A -OK All the Way!
Oh yeah, I am going to try to stay off the O2 and see if they are lighter on their own. I am hoping the cycle is winding down.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 30th, 2004, 9:06pm
Call the cluster cops...round up the usual suspects!!!

Around 7pm last nite my headache side nostril ran and  I had watery eyes. Soon the cluster feeling came. I went to my bedroom where the o2 is and decided to tough it out and see what happens. HA #1 lasted about 45 minutes. The rest of the night was falling asleep only to be woken to HAs. I had 6 more in all. None of them lasted mpre than 15 minutes w/o 02.
This afternnon I got one just before 4pm. I didnt use the o2 again but I had to jump in the shower for relief.  It lasted till now 6pm. The maximum intensity wasnt as bad as they used to be in my previous attack cycles, but still got bad.
I just wanted to know where I am in this attack cycle. I dont know if im still going in or on the way out.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 31st, 2004, 11:06am
only got one last nite. ..first time a slept in 3 nites

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Luke63 on Mar 31st, 2004, 11:19am
No rhyme or reason to em huh joe?  Got 4 last nite..screwed me good. first 2..aborted withO2...3rd one at about 3:30 am O2 didnt help...fell asleep with pain and the 4th one at 5am...I said "fuck this" and gave into the I'm at work and havin shadows....but we are survivors right???   Luke

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 31st, 2004, 11:29am
Luke does a hot shower give any relief for you?

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by Luke63 on Mar 31st, 2004, 11:37am
Im more into the cold with that....

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Mar 31st, 2004, 8:17pm
A New Observation...
I only had one HA last night. I slept good finally. Three PM is my physical therapy appointment for the rehabilitation of my right fractured knee. I had been HA free all day. When I got into the PT room, I felt shadows. By the time I was being worked on the pain was increasing. One sip of cold water causes the pain to go through the roof. Now it is full blown.
While stretching my leg, which can hurt too, but not like a cluster, I felt something pop in my foots arch and up into my leg and instantly the relief of the HA suddenly dissapearing.  I waS HA free that fast. I have never experienced a HA exit like this. Totally gone.
HA and leg being worked on are all on the right side.
I have a very slight shadow feeling now that I have been home about and hour and a half.

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by FZfan on Mar 31st, 2004, 10:00pm
Interesting observation. not sure what to make of it, but interesting nonetheless.

See if it can be repeated.

Maybe you found your cluster-off switch!

Title: Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Apr 1st, 2004, 11:16am

If really dont know what the odds are of me being at PT and getting another one while the PT guy is trying to straighten my leg. But it did happen. Not only was it gone it was totslly gone w/ none of the usual sore bruised feeling.
Maybe those yoga people have something?
I got two brief ones last nite and a small one this morning. Side of head tender now.
I take no meds by the way.

Title: I got one at 4:45PM Re: Zapped another one with O2
Post by joesf on Apr 2nd, 2004, 11:26am
I got one at 4:45PM yesterday. It lasted till almost 4AM. It kept coming and going like a wave with pain levels between zero briefly and 7 briefly 8 on a 1-10 scale. Sinus craked several times but no relif. No drainage. Finally dropped down to a steady 3 when I fell asleep. Thats when I finally took an Alleve. I took three showers during th episode, and rubbed my head. My wife tried to do what the PT did , but she aint him.
This was the "Hello Dolly" (longest running) of HAs for me ever. Mercifully pain level never got to max.  I did not use the O2. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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