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(Message started by: kamccran on Apr 9th, 2004, 8:33am)

Title: Try again..
Post by kamccran on Apr 9th, 2004, 8:33am
Ok I just typed out this looong message but forgot to put a subject in it, and when it told me that, I lost the whole thing. Gah. Might be a good thing seeing as I have this ability to ramble. :)

Anyways, long time no post! School work has kept me waaay too busy, however I have thought many a time about this board!

It's currently 6:20am here in Guatemala and I have been awake for hmmm about 18 hours. Ok so that doesn't sound bad at all. (It's Spring Break, I'm allowed to sleep in!) but when I say that I got *no* sleep last night.. that changes things a little - for me at least!
I felt the CH come on at around 9pm but because it was so small, I decided to ignore it. - It was just an annoying 'it feels like there's something in my eye that shouldn't be there' kind of feeling (like when an eyelash gets in your eye) and I thought it had kinda gone - it was coming and going - but then I began to feel really ill, which I blamed on eating too much junk food (ahem. fruit and healthy stuff...  ::) ). anyways.. long story short... I got no sleep.. I tried propping up pillow upon pillow upon pillow but it didn't matter - as soon as my eyes were closed, that's when the pain came flooding in. The CH wasn't all *that* bad... I mean, obviously it's pretty horrible, but ugh I'm just annoyed that I got no sleep! The last few times it's come around, it's been when I so desperately just wanted to go to sleep, in my nice cosy bed! Like last time, I had been up working until about 2am ish on some homework that I left until the last minute (obviously) then half an hour later, CH comes along, lasts an hour an half, which gave me about 1.5 hrs of sleep before having to get up for school the next morning. Oh that was lovely.

Anyways... rambling again... gah...

Oh, I almost forgot to say - I went to see my doctor about a month or so ago, he ended up saying that I suffer from 'vascular headaches'... (Really??) and prescribed me Imigran/Sumatriptan tablets (2 tiny little pills for Q150 - just over £10!) which I'm not sure if they even work.. but then I don't know - the CH's might've been ever worse had I not taken them..  and Riboflavin. Yep, I have to take 400mg of Riboflavin a day.. Anyone heard of that?...

Anyways, I hope you are all as well as you can be!


Title: Re: Try again..
Post by Luke63 on Apr 9th, 2004, 9:39am
Have you ever heard of Melatonin? Its purchased in stores in the States over the counter..has started to help me.

Title: Re: Try again..
Post by Hai on Apr 9th, 2004, 10:49am
I am not quite sure, but my doctor since 93' has been giving me pills called Doxepin which you take at night and they knock you the F*ck out. The theory is that while your being treated with the preventatives, hopefully you will sleep through the pain, and break the cycle. Correct me if I am wrong but I am guessing this is the same reason Melatonin is  working so well for people also. If I am wrong please correct me.


Title: Re: Try again..
Post by joesf on Apr 9th, 2004, 11:25am
If you can get an Oxygen bottle it will probably help you.
It helped me some. I dont take meds but i do use a combination of hot showers, hot compress, and finally ice packs to relieve pain.
Where are you in Guatemala? I visited there years ago.
Went from Lake Atitlan down the rio de la passion and flores, tikal.
Good luck.

Title: Re: Try again..
Post by thomas on Apr 9th, 2004, 11:58am

on 04/09/04 at 10:49:22, Hai wrote:
I am not quite sure, but my doctor since 93' has been giving me pills called Doxepin which you take at night and they knock you the F*ck out. The theory is that while your being treated with the preventatives, hopefully you will sleep through the pain, and break the cycle. Correct me if I am wrong but I am guessing this is the same reason Melatonin is  working so well for people also. If I am wrong please correct me.


No, the melatonin works, for some of us, because a lot of ch sufferers have low levels of it to begin with, it works, not as a sleeping aid to sleep through the night time hits, but actually eliminates the night-time hits.

Title: Re: Try again..
Post by kamccran on Apr 9th, 2004, 3:27pm
Ahhh. Finally! it's 1:30 and I just woke up from a 2 hour sleep! Wasn't too good at the beginning - I was trying so hard not to fall asleep, but I must of drifted off without realising, which was nice. :)

Thanks for the replies - I shall look into what you all said!

Luke - I have heard of Melatonin, but I'm not sure why.. can't help but think it was mentioned in my Psychology class? Hmm...

Joe - I live in Guatemala City at the moment. I've not actually been to any of the places that you mentioned, though I have heard of them obviously. My parents have been to Atitlan and Tikal, and they really like it both places.
My friend's aunt has a house at Atitlan so we're planning on going there for a weekend or something, just to chill. :)
What did you think of it over here? I really like it - am glad I decided to move here rather than going to Boarding School. It's a whole different culture, obviously, which is at times very scary, but when it's not, it can be really cool. :)

Title: Re: Try again..
Post by Hai on Apr 9th, 2004, 6:11pm
Thanks for the clarification Thomas. Maybe I will take a dab at the meletonin then. Will prob have to drop the Doxepin during the trials. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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