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(Message started by: Giuliano on Apr 15th, 2004, 1:20pm)

Title: imitrex injections
Post by Giuliano on Apr 15th, 2004, 1:20pm
Hi guys,

I had the first experience with Imitrex injection a week ago and It was scary ..I mean it was a great success stuggling and Killing the pain which lasted in 5 minutes .

But I fell down on the floor ,became pale,and sweated cold, legs dropped down blood pressure is O.k,normally just during the bashing It grows a lot with no control.

Is It normal?Can anyone tale me about his /her experience.?


Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Redd715 on Apr 15th, 2004, 1:35pm
about 12 years ago....I was in the throws of an attack that I now know was a random cluster...not a migraine...but my hubby rushed me to the doc office where I was rocking in my chair till teh nurse finnaly brought me back.  The doc hit me with an Imi shot.   I thought I was having a heart attack.  My chest got real tight, like a steel band aound my chest getting tighter and tighter...I was scared I was going to die.  If not from the boiling pain in my head then from not being able to breathe.  Then...almost as if The Great Power Itself was doing was like all the pain and discomfort was stripped from me like a blanket being drawn off my body.  The steel band was gone, and the boiling brain stopped boiling, all at once.  I was exhausted, but I was free.  Hubby and I went to pick up the kids from the babysitter, and Deb asked how I was doing.  He laughed and said "oh she's just a whimp...she's fine now."  I back handed him in the gut.  Can you believe he had the gawl 7 years later to accuse me of abusing him when I did that?  

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by forgetfulnot on Apr 15th, 2004, 2:46pm

Is It normal?

No, you may be one of the few that can't take Imitrex safely. See your Doctor before taking any more shots, very rare but people have died from taking Imitrex.

Good luck, Lee.

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Dover on Apr 15th, 2004, 10:32pm
The first shot stunned me a bit, but luckily, I kinda screwed it up and think I only got a half do for pulling th eneedle out too soon.  Not big on shots and it weireded me out.

Anyway, I agree Forgetfulnot, you need to talk to the doc before doing another.  If you have tabs, you may have a higher tollerance for that even though they take longer and are not for CH.  My GP prescribed them thinking I had migraines.  I started chewing them to get it in the system faster.  Wasn't bad compared to a CH.  Seemed to work.  But still, I wouldn't touch the imitrex until you talk to your doc.  Good luck.  

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by purpleydog on Apr 15th, 2004, 10:43pm
Tell your doctor of your re-action. When I take a shot of Imitrex, my head tingles a little. When Imitrex was in the clinical trial phase, someone died and it was stopped. It can affect your heart even if you don't have a previous heart condition.
The worst reaction  I had was my arm turning black & blue when I hit a muscle.

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 15th, 2004, 10:48pm
That is too bad for you guys/gals who have a bad reaction to Imitrex injections. It certainly is documented, expecially in people with pre-existing heart conditions to be careful with Imitrex.

For me, it is like a sexual escapade.


Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Rock_Lobster on Apr 15th, 2004, 11:19pm
I am with Scott.  If I am not being slammed, from the time the needle goes in until it hits it is a good time in my life.

Standing in front of the mirror focused on my pupil...
or sitting on a lounge chair in a dark quite room...
1 minute...
2 minutes... maybe 3 minutes...
feel a slight tingle in my cheek...
there goes the pupil, temple, jaw, cheek, scalp... all in 10-15 seconds.  

Makes the entire 'the needle tears a hole' thing worth it in some sick manner.

Rock... been up to long

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Yale on Apr 16th, 2004, 2:14am
I had those shots in my "arsenal" but did not use them in fighting the pain. The reason was that I thought these are a "mass destruction weapon"....
Until one day, when pain was very strong... I used it and will NEVER ever use it again...
Not only it did not stop the pain.... but I also felt that I am going to die from heart attack, I asked my wife to take me to ER, but in the middle of the way, I asked her to drop me, I fell on the road, shouting and crying like a baby. It was the first time in my life I felt like I am going to die, with CH AND heart attack....
After about an hour of this thing I went back to the car and ask her to take me home.
Imitrex is not good for every one, not in stopping the pain and not in making your heart healthier.
I am testing a new drug now and it looks very good, once I will have a complete opinion on it I will put it in the drugs message board.

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Giuliano on Apr 16th, 2004, 7:21am

Dear friends,

Thanks to You all for these replies.This is why The board would have to be read to anyone ,anywhere ,deeply .
For sure I will not touch Imitrex injection ,anymore unless @ ER..
Yes I felt like to die..just for 2-3 minutes .I had already  a bad experince in the past with poping up the pills or tab..but vomit ...were normal side effects.


Another question:Do not think I'm willing to suicide myself..Last night I did breathing of the spray..Imitrex or Imigran who does seem not work for mostly of us and otherswise even though slower it lated the attack as Ox 10lts x 10-15 minutes..This could be a vest once i have to trip around ..cannot drive me the tank anywhere.
Spray did not affect me ,no side effects.!!

Can You let me know your positive (unexpected) responce to the Spray treatment??

I look forward in getting tales and maybe to meet someone of you since Next ferbruary I 'm planning to attend a show in las Vegas..


Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by ZAIRA on Apr 16th, 2004, 8:10am

on 04/16/04 at 07:21:21, Giuliano wrote:

Can You let me know your positive (unexpected) responce to the Spray treatment??


Buongiorno,       ;;D
Nasal spray never worked for me… I always take the shots without any problems or side effect!

Nothing beats the injections! Nothing!  ;;D

Take care...... see ya! ;;D

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Hai on Apr 16th, 2004, 11:05am
Imitrex  usually made me feel like my heart was gonna come flying out my chest, however the pain was 2 much ..that I still took the injection.

Since I started doing the 1/3 self injection I don't get that feeling anymore and the pain goes away in the same amount of time as a normal shot would have done.

Take a look at Imitrex Tip on the left side of your screen, it seriously roxxx!


Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Tiannia on Apr 16th, 2004, 11:54am
talk to your doctor first, but I know that many doctors are not happy to hear that you take a shot pen apart - so that might be a bad thing to talk to him about.

I use the Imitrx Nasel Sprays.  They work better the earlier in the HA you use it. There are also some other tips that help to. Keeping them cold help to make it not taste so made. Also sray it up and do not sniff it into your throat. Rather spray it and pinch your nose closed so that the imitrex has a chance to saok into the nasel membrain and work faster then if you stiff it up and swallow it.

I dont get the heart pounding like I have gotten with the injections the few times that I went to the ER.  So there is a good chance that you wont feel that as well, but talk to your doctor. Stopping the HA is not worth your life.  

PF Wishes to you

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Giuliano on Apr 16th, 2004, 12:01pm
Hi  Hai,

Yes i already got this suggestion form Paul(Vig) and did read the tip ,on the Ouch Italy ...but does think I would need a nursey to handle it.
Or maybe,Zazzi can we push Glaxo to arrange a penkit just for Giuliano and few otherelse..2 mg or maybe 1 ???

It's really appreciated any support I got from U all about the vest I 'm badly looking for...


Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Redd715 on Apr 16th, 2004, 12:57pm
That heart attack feeling I got the first time I had the imi injection was the only time I had that reaction.  I'm guessing that it had more to do with the fact that I felt like I was dying anyway... mix that with feeling like a guinee pig...and I really hated needles to begin with anyway.  (I got over my fear of needles real fast after finding how fast the stuff killed the pain).  Yes talk to your doc first, and maybe try the next shot in his office where you can be monitered if you are concerned.  

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Giuliano on Apr 16th, 2004, 1:42pm
Hi Reed,

No fear of niddle you know once the beast screw your brain there 's no concern...Just I guess sumatriptan does work too much in my body and need drop the dose.
Yes,anyway ...Spray did kill  Devil last night...and I will go on ...before to give up ...


Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Superpain on Apr 16th, 2004, 8:49pm
Don't be afraid to do the shot splitting technique... I was scared at first too, but it's really quite easy and effective. I too had the "heart attack" feeling, even with 2-3mg, but it goes away after a while or you get used to it. It's not that bad anymore for me, and the result is well worth it.
The only hard part about splitting statdoses is getting the needle in the second and especially the third time...
Kinda like driving a 16 penny nail. :o

Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by UN_SOLVED on Apr 17th, 2004, 1:15am

on 04/16/04 at 02:14:49, Yale wrote:
I am testing a new drug now and it looks very good, once I will have a complete opinion on it I will put it in the drugs message board.

Just wondering what the 'new drug' is ?

Next time the pain is unbearable ... use 2 mg instead of a full dose.


Title: Re: imitrex injections
Post by Yale on Apr 18th, 2004, 5:16am

The drug name is Relert by Pfizer.

Please note that as far as I know, this drug is NOT tested in CH,  it was developed for Migrane and some doctors will not advice to use it in CH.
Yet, I found that when I use it in a specific way and order, I can pass the "period" with almost NO attackes, and those I am getting are Kip 3-4 max.
But as I said, I will put it in the drugs section as soon as I will evaluate Exectly how it worked on me, and how I can advice to try it.
Meanwhile if some one tried it and have an opinion, I wil be more than happy to hear.

Take care
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