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(Message started by: rubberplant on Oct 5th, 2004, 6:56am)

Title: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess )
Post by rubberplant on Oct 5th, 2004, 6:56am
Hi all,

just wondering how many of us episodics are currently PF and who of us is suffering.

I'm late by a couple of weeks but PF

PFDAN to all,


P.S. I understand if you don't want to jinx it by answering!

P.P.S my site is finally up but in the beginning stages of being built! Have a look if you fancy!

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Redd715 on Oct 5th, 2004, 7:35am
Couple weeks late?  Sure you aren't pregnant?   [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Sorry couldn't resist that one.  Have to make the most of the PF time dude, even if it's just cracking a sick joke.

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by rubberplant on Oct 5th, 2004, 7:48am
LMAO [smiley=laugh.gif] ;;D [smiley=laugh.gif]

I may have to go wee on a stick to find out.

We could be in for a Cluster head first.

I'll post pictures of my pregnancy!


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Judo_Tom on Oct 5th, 2004, 8:01am
im in a cycle now.  getting about 1-2 bad attacks a day.

and still no meds :(

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Oct 5th, 2004, 8:44am
Not yet but I'm starting to get small shadows almost daily.

This may be getting triggered by the people who are installing a new roof here at work. The hot tar and other junk are pretty strong in here.

It's almost that time of year though. I don't have my cycles timed that good yet so I don't know if I'm late (pregnant?) or right on time.


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by EmpressJMB on Oct 5th, 2004, 8:50am
I'm in cycle, somewhat controled by meds, still having heavy shadows though. J.

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Tom K on Oct 5th, 2004, 11:14am
Was in cycle, 6 months late or early, depends on how you look at it, I'm usually spring.  Did a pred taper, on verap now and had trigger point injections.  Been PFDAN for 5 or 6 days now.  Don't know which worked but still taking melatonin at night cuz I don't want to change any habits.  Did nap on Sunday and woke up with a K2 shadow for about 1/2 hour.  Didn't Trex and it went away by itself.


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by hoosierdaddy on Oct 5th, 2004, 11:23am
I'm having 2 a day and shadows throughout the day. Just finishing a Prednisone Taper and taking Verapamil Seems to help, I've not had one over K7 since I started the meds.

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Valerie on Oct 5th, 2004, 11:31am
I've been in this cycle for a month - I hoping it will end soon but I'm not seeing any signs of that.


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by RPS on Oct 5th, 2004, 11:47am
3 1/2 cycle just ended.  40 HA's during that time.  Was taking 240 mg of Verapamil daily.  Got some side effects from it like shortness of breath and light headedness.  Also was using Imitrex injections and Nasal Spray as an abortive.  Not sure if the Verapamil broke the cycle or it just ended on its own.  Hoping for PFD for all...

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by vig on Oct 5th, 2004, 11:47am
Cool Pix James...
Currently in high season.

Title: present
Post by rumplestiltskin on Oct 9th, 2004, 3:35am
I fuckin am...another dirty rat shit bastard goddam motherfuckin hell spawned cycle.

Got a long holiday that I figger I owed to them little umbrellas...and now this cycle could not be any wierder...all the shit Clusters never did before...they are doin now....

You want wierd? Try this. Third one today switched from my usual leftside was comin hard on the right...then my whole fucking face went to pain...BOTH SIDES AT heard me...then it went left side and kicked my ass there till it faded. Put that in yer twilight zone cluster fuck diary.

Good Grief

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by cschick on Oct 9th, 2004, 8:42am
I am in cycle (unfortunately in more ways than 1  :-[)  I am getting them more often this round than last year, but they haven't been as intense - knocking on wood, knocking on wood - as last year so far.  The worst thing I have notices with this cycle is the ear pain.  God help me I can't take it.  I would rather rip my own arm off and beat myself about the head and neck than to go thru the mfer's again.  So is life, I guess.  I am so incredibly happy I found this site so I can at least find out what is working for others.  I didn't have this last year and went the whole cycle (6 weeks) with NO meds.  I don't know how I made it.  Hang in there - send me a message if you need to rant and rave it out!


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Ruth on Oct 9th, 2004, 10:36am
In cycle going on two months.

Title: Waiting, dreading, waiting
Post by yikes_another_one on Oct 9th, 2004, 12:20pm
I had an attack too early  (in August)
and am now waiting to see if the shadows
will develop into an attack, or just postpone the normal
October battles.

over thelast 6 years, only the October hit has
been right on schedule...never late....
but as soon as you type "never"...
it slips out of pattern....sooooooo

maybe i get lucky and be pf for 6 years.....????

hey, it could happen....
and I am a great day-dreamer.....

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by E-Double on Oct 9th, 2004, 12:27pm
Still in... Week 20.

Anyone need dance lessons ;)

They're a lot less frequent though so that is a +

Happy times ahead :D


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by kimh on Oct 10th, 2004, 3:14pm
I'm in tailwinds of late June cycle.  Ramped to god-awful during July and August and has been dwindling ....weak but still posing inteference....

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Kevin_M on Oct 10th, 2004, 10:23pm
Emerged from an Oct - June episode, just stopped shadowing.  

wish I could do a cartwheel.

Kevin M

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by thudpucker on Oct 11th, 2004, 2:18pm
This cycle kicked off on Sept. 19 with a nighttime trio that included one K8 pushing K9 and knocked me on my butt for about 18 hours and then settled into the usual routine of 3 per night at 90-minute intervals with a day off every now and then.

That experience prompted me to come back here after a two-year absence.  Checking back in with the clusterheads was definitely a Good Thing, because I got the message about melatonin.

I started taking melatonin four nights ago and have been PF since--but I still feel like I'm waiting for another shoe to drop.


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by rubberplant on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:12am
I have obviously managed to jinx myself. Should've kept my fucking trap shut  :-X

Started shadowing yesterday, haven't yet been hit but I can feel it sitting there.

Did a pre-emptive strike at the doctors yesterday, getting my imitrex injector thing today so if and when it happens...

not a happy bunny today.

I understand if you read this thread and didn't answer it if you were clear, will endeavour to not be so daft talking about being PF again! bollocks!


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by BobG on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:19am
Does having daily shadows and  one kip 4 about every 4 days for the last 3 weeks count as being in a cluster? If yes, then I'm in cycle.

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Valerie on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:23am
Sorry James, I hope it's not starting  :(


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by rubberplant on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:44am
me too...


just not looking forward to doing the first shot of Imitrex. I'm not scared of needles, have pulled a needle out of my own arm when I used to have blood tests because of the carbemezepine for my epilepsy. The nurse collapsed my vein and I told her, she couldn't understand why no blood was coming out!!!

It's different when your doing it to yourself though. Do you know what I mean?


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Valerie on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:55am
I haven't used the Trex injections - I had the trex NS - it worked some of the time.  This cycle I was given Zomig fast release tablets.  They are working great for me, it knocks the headache out completely in about 5 min.  Some people haven't had luck with it though.

I think when the ha hits hard (which I hope it doesn't) sticking yourself with a needle will be minor in comparison.  Do you have someone that can do it for you?


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by becky8 on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:57am
I'm in cycle.... 18 months now!!!! Life is so Fun!!!

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by ArCane on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:25pm
Its been 9 days since Ive had a major headache and 4 days since my last shadow.  Last time I posted I was pain free I got one that same day.  Hopefully I dont jinx myself again.  I swear the beast can hear you talk about him and he doesnt like it.  I plan on taking a drink of alcohol this weekend.  Ill know if the cycle is gone for sure then.  Its been one hell of a 3 month battle.  I hope its over.

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by whitestone on Oct 12th, 2004, 3:53pm
i didn't reply to this because i seriously was optimistic about getting out of a cycle....

AAAAAAAAAAAAA...sitting at my meds...trying not to look like I'm crying...slamming mt. dew's, tylenol, and anything that just "might for the love of God" work...

going on 5 weeks.

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by JDH on Oct 12th, 2004, 4:17pm
20 glorious months PF and counting.
Wishing you all could join me.


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by thomas on Oct 12th, 2004, 5:25pm

on 10/12/04 at 15:53:13, whitestone wrote:
i didn't reply to this because i seriously was optimistic about getting out of a cycle....

AAAAAAAAAAAAA...sitting at my meds...trying not to look like I'm crying...slamming mt. dew's, tylenol, and anything that just "might for the love of God" work...

going on 5 weeks.

Cut the tylenol, dude, that will just make things worse!

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by LeLimey on Oct 12th, 2004, 6:03pm
Just curious.. how does tylenol make it worse and would that work for any painkillers? These sort if tips are very useful!

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by JDH on Oct 13th, 2004, 8:32am

on 10/12/04 at 18:03:28, LeLimey wrote:
Just curious.. how does tylenol make it worse and would that work for any painkillers? These sort if tips are very useful!

I think what Thomas is talking about is that pain killers can cause rebound headaches.


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by whitestone on Oct 13th, 2004, 8:35am
i've never associated tylenol w/ rebounds or w/ making things worse...hmmmm...thanks for the tip.

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Bethany1 on Oct 13th, 2004, 6:30pm
I started the middle of September. I get them at night same time every night 10pm. Then woken up at 5am with another. I stocked up on the imitrex over the summer but just about out now. The insurance wont cover until october 27. Which totally sucks.  >:(

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by rubberplant on Oct 14th, 2004, 12:07pm

on 10/13/04 at 08:35:45, whitestone wrote:
i've never associated tylenol w/ rebounds or w/ making things worse...hmmmm...thanks for the tip.

Unfortunately most painkillers will cause headaches after a while. Read the side effects of headache tablets, "may cause headaches" !?!

Last Season, ( July / August (when baby rubberplant was being born and Mrs. Rubberplant was going through excruciating agony )) I was taking Migraleve, because they hadn't diagnosed me as a CH. I had headaches on the shadows. If you see what I mean.

In between the spike of the cluster I suffered HA's from tooooo many pain killers. Drink Water.

Drink more water,

Then drink a bit more.

I seem to be just lightly shadowing at the moment, nothing ominous, just a grey cloud.

Seriously hoping all of you in Open Cluster Season were out here.

Here's hoping!

PFDAN to all

Best Wishes


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by godsjoy777 on Oct 15th, 2004, 6:33pm
I believe the cycle started slowly.....a couple 2 nights in a row.....then every other night.....then shadowing...and getting stronger and needing oxygen and my meds.....I am hopeing and praying that my zonegran is somehow keeping them lower key this time......but you never know until the end of a cycle if something has really worked all that'm about into my 3rd or 4th week I hold on tight.....Praying for an easier ride this time.... :o
Love you guys,

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Cerberus on Oct 16th, 2004, 12:05am
Episodic...Currently PF but should be in Cycle any day now if the past is any indication of regularity.


Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by Biker on Oct 16th, 2004, 9:08am
Started Late May, or early June.  Been gettin hit max of 3 times a day, least of once every 2 weeks.  Verapamil seems to keep them at bay, but I am beginning to suspect the verap keeps them comming back.  Have lots of shadows all the time,  especially when I get hot at work.   I guess Im in cycle, then again, I may have become cronic.  

Title: Re: Who's currently in cycle ( episodics, I guess
Post by E-Double on Oct 16th, 2004, 9:28am

on 10/16/04 at 09:08:57, Biker wrote:
Started Late May, or early June.  Been gettin hit max of 3 times a day, least of once every 2 weeks.  Verapamil seems to keep them at bay, but I am beginning to suspect the verap keeps them comming back.  Have lots of shadows all the time,  especially when I get hot at work.   I guess Im in cycle, then again, I may have become cronic.  

Same as me champ... mid to end of may, however we're not even half way to being chronic. Here's wishing you relief. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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