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(Message started by: becky8 on Oct 12th, 2004, 3:21pm)

Title: When to or when to wait?
Post by becky8 on Oct 12th, 2004, 3:21pm
One month is all I got to hang in there til I see a real headache Neuro, I got my GP to give me up to 360mg Verapamil starting tonight, and I can't believe my insurance let me have more Imitrex(thought I was at my limit) My question is and I know you guys will say its up to me. When all day you're at about a 5kip (and I can handle it barely) but when I get my daughter at school and she start talking about her day, I love her so much but I just want to scream STOP TALKING. And I hate it, cause we very very close and it gets old telling her Mom hurts right now, so alot of time I try to bare (not fun for me) So in your opinion, and I'd love to hear when do you bring out the Imitrex, I know certain if I do wait to long I am in trouble. But I am getting better (I think) at telling when its to long. Love to hear guys!!! What would you do, I am chronic so it gets old trying to bare!!!

Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by thomas on Oct 12th, 2004, 3:29pm
I don't ever break out the imitrex, but I usually take my zomig after I'm sure that it's gonna be a long and bad one.  Ususally kip 5 and up.  

Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by Ronny on Oct 12th, 2004, 3:45pm

When you're at kip 5, does imitrex kill it?
If yes, i wouldnt hesitate?


Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by Tom K on Oct 12th, 2004, 3:48pm
I don't wait to find out how bad it's going to be, usually don't have time to wait.  I am pretty quick on the trigger and try to get them aborted before they get to a K3 or K4.


Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by becky8 on Oct 12th, 2004, 5:07pm
kip5 don't sound like much but it wears on you after all day, and sometimes I just  get scared I'll get hit bad and not be at home and I hate that. Question again, I just picked  up my Imitrex ( I use the spray) and the box says its only 5mg per spray and my other box I just finished was 20mg per spray. Well the 5mg work as well as the 20mg if I don't let it get too bad? Well, it maybe be better cause I hear about rebound headahces with high doses. I never even knew it came in 5mg dose. Again, Your knowedge would help..

Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by Gator on Oct 12th, 2004, 7:15pm
If I am away from the O2 tanks, I will ride it long enough to make sure it is going to go full blown and then whip out the trex.  If I have my O2 available, I will mask up for 15 - 20 minutes to see if I can kill the attack and save the trex.  At any point during the O2, if I get the feeling (you can usually tell) oxygen won't kill it or it is ramping up too fast I'll hit the trex.


Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by don on Oct 12th, 2004, 7:20pm
All mine are bad so i dont hesitate with the imitrex but I only use about 2 mg of the shot.

Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by BlueMeanie on Oct 12th, 2004, 9:02pm
Being Episodic, it's kinda hard to answer your question because most ALL my hits will ramp to KIP8 or higher without Trex.

I usually will have Trex in hand at KIP5 as soon as I can't sit still it's time to jab.

Hope everything works out with the Neuro. PF Vibes to you.

Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by Tom K on Oct 13th, 2004, 8:43am

on 10/12/04 at 19:15:01, Gator wrote:
If I am away from the O2 tanks...

I had that problem with lack of O2 at the begining of this cycle.  Called my O2 supplier and got the portable E tanks(I think that is the size) and now have one in the Jeep at all times.  Trex and O2, don't leave home without it.  For those who get O2 through their insurance and a supplier, give your supplier a call.  Tell them you want something to take to work, they will hook you up and take care of the insurance paperwork for you.  They did for me, anyhow.  My supplier is Apria, I think they handle a majority of O2 for the USA.


Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by netniet on Oct 13th, 2004, 1:35pm

I never hesitate to take imitrex, but Im dutch so insurence en getting imitrex in no problem for me.


Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Oct 13th, 2004, 8:34pm
I guess I'm like BlueMeanie.

Being episodic, at peak I have 2-3 a day - all ramp up high on the scale and all require Trex.  When I'm at the stage where the shadows are really getting to me, but nothing's over a kip 4-5, I can often knock it down with a really strong coffee or espresso.

Only you can judge.  When the side effects of the Trex are more uncomfortable than the actual HA, you probably didn't need it yet.

Many Hugs - those moments with our chilcren are soooo important!


Title: Re: When to or when to wait?
Post by thebbz on Oct 13th, 2004, 9:27pm
I'll go with Kris on this one ,when the HA hurts worse than the injection..Kip1...LOL . Using nasal spray and oral them at the first signs of attack or they wont work. But that's just me.. In my opinion if your chronic and the pain is debilatating to the point of undue frustration with the children then O2,trex or whatever works. Kids are innocent and so cool. Hang in there and dont beat yourself up ;)
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