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(Message started by: Guido on Oct 17th, 2004, 12:02pm)

Title: yet one more question
Post by Guido on Oct 17th, 2004, 12:02pm
The last couple nights I have altered my routine just a bit. I am still getting the hits from 9-10pm or so, and again around midnight.
Because of those kind of time I have elected to stay awake and abort with o2 and the second hit seems to take Imitrex ( nasal for now ) to kill the beast. The Melatonin @ 12 mg was not working. It was suggested I back off the amount and see if that works. I backed off to 6 mg. I feel It may be working now.
Should I be feeling more tired in the mornings because of the Melatonin?
I had a hit this morning and I never have a morning hit. Could it be because I selpt through the night?

Title: Re: yet one more question
Post by Tom K on Oct 17th, 2004, 4:45pm
First few nights on 9mg I felt pretty good, probably all giddy because of getting sleep!  After 2 weeks, it seemed that I was groggy until about 10 AM every day.  I get up at 5AM, so that makes 5 hours to really wake up.  Going to bed later, while seeming to be a good idea, never worked for me.  I was more wiped out the next day.  I just go to bed, wake up to abort, then go back to bed.  I use the injection, so I am up a total of 15mins.  Try to condition yourself to abort then crash right away.  It took me a few bad nights before I could go back to sleep right away, but I finally did it.  Probably because I was so wiped during the day from getting hit at work.


Title: Re: yet one more question
Post by don on Oct 17th, 2004, 5:17pm

Should I be feeling more tired in the mornings because of the Melatonin?

No. Melatonin does not induce sleep nor should it make you drowsy.

Title: Re: yet one more question
Post by karma on Oct 17th, 2004, 5:57pm
because melatonin effects the quality of your sleep it can make you feel real sluggish after a while. If I take it for a couple days in a row it gets real hard to get going in the morning. Usually last for 4-5 hrs. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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