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(Message started by: Reese on Oct 18th, 2004, 2:46pm)

Title: Got my MRI results...
Post by Reese on Oct 18th, 2004, 2:46pm
My brain is good,no tumors or anuerysms.Im releived.But,she said the MRI showed I have sinus disease or chronic sinusitis.I did have a head cold at the time of MRI.There is no question I have cluster headaches,but some of my headaches may be sinus related(the tolerable,yet still painfull ones).I have noticed my headaches have changed a little,such as longer lasting,oxygen cannot abort,just like a cluster headache but different in its own way.I may have been in remission from CH and did not even know it,what a waste of oxygen.Anyone have sinus problems that mimic CH?

Title: Re: Got my MRI results...
Post by Superpain on Oct 18th, 2004, 4:11pm
Not necessarily ones that mimic ch... But a bad sinus headache can be very painful and they are in close proximity of each other so I can see how you might mistake a sinus headache for a weak ch.

Title: Re: Got my MRI results...
Post by Reese on Oct 18th, 2004, 4:28pm
YES!!! Im hoping the headache "specialist" isnt going for a sinusitis diagnosis,I know what a cluster headache is.Its just that my headches of the last year are just different but very closely the same as my textbook cluster.My headaches never last more than an hour with 20-40 minutes the norm.Killer pain from temple,eyeball,inner ear,upper jaw,throat,back of neck/head,along with a completely blocked nostril,go kip7 to kip0 in about 30 seconds or less(better than male orgasm),I think.For me,always right side.Sinus maybe,CH definite.

Title: Re: Got my MRI results...
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Oct 18th, 2004, 4:31pm
I just posted recently asking about peoples opinions in this area.

I some times get very painful sinus head aches that have a lot of symptoms very similar to CH.

They cause extreme pain and discomfort in the corner of my eye closer to the nose, extreme nasal congestion (which I don't usually get with CH), pain in the jaw and teeth, droopy eye, etc...

Title: Re: Got my MRI results...
Post by cschick on Oct 18th, 2004, 10:38pm
Glad to hear everything negative - sorry to hear CH positive.  Welcome to Clusterville!

fellow Clusterhead-

Title: Re: Got my MRI results...
Post by karma on Oct 19th, 2004, 8:55am
I will sometimes get a lingering sinus infection that has similar symptoms of CH.  A visit to an ENT for a quick vacume and maybe some antibiotics will clear it up. The easiest way for me to tell what is going on is that CH starts around my eye and works down while sinus pain starts in my jaw, teeth and works up. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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