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(Message started by: nani on Dec 27th, 2004, 6:41pm)

Title: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nani on Dec 27th, 2004, 6:41pm
IMHO- right now I'd have to say shingles. Have had 'em...I've got 'em again....OWWWWWW!  :-/

My hubby keeps mentioning that he's heard of people having to walk around naked because the clothes hurt so bad. I believe him, but I think he's just trying to get me nekkid.  ;;D

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Ree on Dec 27th, 2004, 6:56pm
My son Scott had them a few months ago in Iraq... they put him on that Valtrex medicine and let him have a week off from flying~~~imagine that......... he said he was screaming and wreathing in pain.......... wow...

feel better nani... love ree

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by LeLimey on Dec 27th, 2004, 7:26pm
Hope you feel better soon Nani

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Bethany1 on Dec 27th, 2004, 7:29pm
Wow Nani, that really sucks--- Hope you feel better soon.... oatmeal bath help maybe?

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Ruth on Dec 27th, 2004, 7:49pm
I no what they are like and it sucks. All the nerve endings inflamed and all that, I feel really bad for you and I hope you don't have to run around naked!


Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Dec 27th, 2004, 8:04pm
Poor Nani - You absolutely don't deserve this!!!!

My husband and daughter have both had them and responded well to the med mentioned above.  Unfortunately, they also needed major narcs for a few days, which, as all we clusterheads know, isn't always good for our heads.

Hope you're better soon, my friend.  Sending hugs your way!


Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nani on Dec 27th, 2004, 8:18pm
Thank you all so much.  [smiley=hug.gif]

I think I'm going to skip the meds...(the rebounds from indomethacin nearly did me in).... and tough it out.

I think what I need is an industrial size stress extractor...or a gun.  ;;D

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by eddie on Dec 27th, 2004, 8:27pm
hope you feel better!!!

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Ree on Dec 27th, 2004, 9:28pm
yes Nani you need major percocette or something also... ree

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 27th, 2004, 9:32pm
Valtrex?  What is it and what are the side effects (or a site where I can read up on it). My ex had them several years ago and is still in pain. He takes 900mg of Neurotin a day and I'd love for him to get off that stuff.

We've even tried capsasin on the skin (doctor's idea) but it didn't help much. He's in constant pain along with everything else that's wrong with him.

Thanks for any help....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by cootie on Dec 27th, 2004, 9:40pm
Several years back I developed them on my forehead !!!! At first doc thought it was some sort of hives or forehead swelled up like Frankenstien and developed a huge scab......thus the 'someone hit me with a hatchet scar' I now am stuck with. It's actually herpes virus.....if you've had chicken pox ya never really kill it....virus lies dormant in nerve trunks. May never arise.....but immune system has alot to do with it.....stress knocks it down a few levels and the shit can make it's move. Scab is from the deep nerve root on the bone to the surface.....that is a serious scab !!! Serious pain as if someone 'threw a hatchet' at ya and it stuck and left ta heal that way. Perc's are what they usually prescribe. Some people have had serious nerve damage with them on there face tho like I had with paralysis (spellin....duh) which I didn't have luckily.....some I've heard of ended up lookin like a stroke victum. Thing is they take a long ass time to heal cuz of how deep the scabs are. I had a pretty big area was so bad it grossed me out. Where's yours at.....good luck to ya. Scar face Pam

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nani on Dec 27th, 2004, 10:50pm
Where's yours at

I've had them on my back before. You know where the spread around to under your arm. This time it's on my neck and shoulder. They're not even broken out yet, just dry bumps and they already hurt like hell. Of course it's where collars rub against it. Tomorrow's gonna be a real hoot.   :-/

He takes 900mg of Neurotin a day and I'd love for him to get off that stuff

Barb...does your he take Neurontin for shingles or CH? I'm on it for CH, would be great if it treated shingles, too. I really don't want to do any painkillers if I can help it.

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 28th, 2004, 6:14am
He takes it for the aftermath of shingles. He doesnt have CH.

It didn't help mine at all and I had some reactions to it.

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by don on Dec 28th, 2004, 7:27am

What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?


Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Svenn on Dec 28th, 2004, 7:36am
stubborn womens   gives me a headache    ;;D ;;D ;;D ;;D

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Redd715 on Dec 28th, 2004, 7:40am
Valtrex is an anti viral med also used for the treatment of genital herpes.

Shingles is the chicken pox virus which is also a herpes virus.  Few side effects when you compare to some of the meds we take for our heads.

I had shingles all down my arms and hands and fingers. I was given the valtrex and Vioxx for the inflamation of the joints.  I could barely move my arms at all they hurt so bad.

just my 2 cents

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Langa on Dec 28th, 2004, 8:24am
Sorry about the shingles Nani!  :(

I never had them, but my sister has...they seem VERY painful.  I believe Valtrex was what they prescribed to her too.

Feel better soon!


Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by PittsburghJoe on Dec 28th, 2004, 11:21am
I had them on my face too. I have scars like a small map of the Phillippines on my forehead. I had to see an ophthamologist because it caused a tiny lesion on my eyeball. But that was a few years ago, and luckily my eye was spared.

Hurts like hell too. Sorry to hear about it nani.

I was given Valtrex, Percocet and Prednisone for them.


Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by taraann on Dec 29th, 2004, 6:55am
Oh Nani, I'm so sorry to hear you are in such pain with shingles.  Tons of get better FAAAASSSTTTT vibes to ya hun.  Sam's Aunt just went through Shingles and I heard it was horrible.  

Hubbies always seem to take the worst situation and want to turn it into something sexual, LMAO.  Sam's fav "joke", I hear sex cures a headache?   ::)

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nancyc on Dec 29th, 2004, 12:15pm
Praying for you ,sis...i have never had shingles, thank God....but, I am still going thru hell with this back, butt and leg pain..I would say that is the second worse pain to me...i told my neuro yesterday that i though chs were bad...atleast with my chs, I would get a break...with this crap, I am in constant pain...twenty four hours a day...I am suppose to get botox in the back tomorrow...has anyone tried this for the muscle spasms?
Praying for all of you out there..Happy New Year..and Sis, pray you feel better soon....Ps I thought valtrex was ;used for shingles too...smiles, nancyc

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nani on Dec 29th, 2004, 12:22pm
Hi sis...I just PM'd you to check on your back! Yep- sciatica hurts like a mutha, too. The botox actually makes sense. When I had PT for a back injury once, they used electric shock to shock the muscle over and over until it just gave up and FINALLY relaxed. I still recommend Hypericum ( a homeopathic remedy) for nerve issues. Can't hurt...

My shingles are killin' me...but overall they are not as bad as I've had 'em in the past. I'm walking around like Quasimodo, trying to keep the clothes off of them. It's actually pretty comical in a pathetic sort of way. Not using any pain meds...yet. Haven't seen a doc for Valtrex, cuz my insurance doesn't kick in until Sat. :(  I'm hanging in there though...Love to ya, nani

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by vig on Dec 29th, 2004, 12:44pm
I had 'em, er... it... about ten years ago.
I didn't know you could ever get them again!
I thought I was home free.

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nani on Dec 29th, 2004, 12:48pm

I didn't know you could ever get them again!

Sorry to break this to ya, Paul...this is my 4th time.

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by vig on Dec 29th, 2004, 12:50pm
holy CRAP... oops sorry, potty mouth
sorry to hear that Nani, take care and get better soon.
and quit walking around naked.

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by broomhilda on Dec 29th, 2004, 1:29pm
Feel better soon vibes coming from Canada, my moter in law has them right now, looks awful and painful, ouchie :(

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Jonny on Dec 29th, 2004, 6:53pm

on 12/28/04 at 07:27:18, don wrote:

It only hurts you when I forget the KY....stop whining pu-ssy

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by don on Dec 29th, 2004, 6:56pm

It only hurts you when I forget the KY

Sounds like a country western song:

"It Only Hurts When I Forget Kentucky"

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nani on Dec 29th, 2004, 7:01pm
You two better not hijack my whiny "I'm in pain" thread, dammit! I don't see any good wishes from either of you, also. Feel sorry for me, for God's sake!!!

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Jonny on Dec 29th, 2004, 7:09pm
What!!! suppose to feel sorry cause you got herpes?......FUCK!, PBJoe had it on his face (Go figure ;;D )

Next time wear a rubber for christ sakes.....LOL

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by don on Dec 29th, 2004, 7:11pm

Next time go with vinal siding.

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by clarence on Dec 29th, 2004, 7:13pm
They diagnosed me with Shingles when I first came down with CH.  Pain on one side of my head, sensitive to the touch.  Unfortunately, I was missing one big indicator - I never broke out.  They said they hit it with the meds quick enough so that I didn't break out.  When I came back a month later for the same thing, they said it couldn't be Shingles, because it was very unlikely that I would get again so soon.  So they told me I had Lupus (???) - over the phone...on a Friday the nurse.   I FREAKED that weekend.

Anyway, I was glad I didn't have Shingles or Lupus.  But I do have CH.

All that is to say...Sorry Nani.  I hope you feel better.

As for the 2nd worst has to either be heartache, or the cramps I feel when I get...nevermind. :-X


Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Jonny on Dec 29th, 2004, 7:28pm
All kidding aside....sorry your going through this babe, hope it gets better soon!!

2nd pain to me is a square kick in the balls....equal to CH.....EASY!!!!

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nani on Dec 29th, 2004, 7:30pm

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by AlienSpaceBabe on Dec 29th, 2004, 7:33pm

on 12/29/04 at 19:13:37, clarence wrote:

As for the 2nd worst has to either be heartache, or ...... :-X

Having never had shingles.... I'll have to agree that heartache is the 2nd worst pain I've had...

Nani - sorry you're hurting right now... hope you get better quickly and that the medications give you relief until then....

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by unsolved1 on Dec 29th, 2004, 8:35pm
Never had shingles before, but let me tell ya...kidney stones kinna hurted a little !!    LOL

Sorry and hope you feel better soon!


Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by becky8 on Dec 29th, 2004, 9:32pm
Oh Nani,
I am so sorry for you. My Mom had them when I was already moved out and I went to see her and she wouldn't let me come in the house or really even see her. I always wondered about them, I heard they were very painful. My Mom also lost ALOT of weight when she was sick with them. I hope you're not in too much pain. [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif] Iam here for you!!

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by nani on Dec 29th, 2004, 9:34pm

My Mom also lost ALOT of weight when she was sick with them.

Now there's a side effect I can live with... ;)

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by justin on Jan 2nd, 2005, 12:34am
man, that sounds awful. i guess i should be thankful i haven't felt any pain as bad as a CH. although riding my bike into a car and using my head to brace my fall wasn't so much fun. but luckily i don't really remember much about it cause i was in shock :)

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by Mr. Happy on Jan 2nd, 2005, 12:48am

on 01/02/05 at 00:34:27, justin wrote:
i guess i should be thankful i haven't felt any pain as bad as a CH.

Don't let these suckers Scrooge ya. Everybody has their secondary/tertiary agony agendas....and they all suck. Some have cancer, spinal degeneration, lung/heart probs, and a multitude of other genetic failures. Some are just miserable by nature.

Even paper cuts piss me off,

Title: Re: What's the 2nd worst pain known to man?
Post by OneEyeBlind on Jan 2nd, 2005, 8:19am
Hope you are feeling better, Nani.  My sister had them and they are really painful !  Pain free, shingle free vibes to ya ! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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