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(Message started by: Melissa on Dec 14th, 2005, 10:46am)

Title: Wednesday pics
Post by Melissa on Dec 14th, 2005, 10:46am
Here's the daddy cardinal...and daughter's bus in the backround coming to pick her up.  (sorry so dark, was at 7:10am)

Lot's of schools cancelled this morning because we are supposed to get 5" to 8" of snow in the next 24hrs.  This is the beginning...

I'll post a pic if the stuff gets really heavy.  (p.s., like my shoddy snowman head i drew in there? ;;D)  I'll be inside all day, at my puter off and on (hard to stay on all the time with a 2 yr old around).  Hope everyone has a good day!


Title: Re: Wedesday pics
Post by Rock_Lobster on Dec 14th, 2005, 11:24am
Cool bird pic.

Our deck is going up this week.  As soon as it is up I will be buying/mounting our bird and squirrel feeders.

Ever buy any suet?  I see it all the time, but just buy bird seed & sunflower seeds.  Should I be picking up suet?

Title: Re: Wedesday pics
Post by Melissa on Dec 14th, 2005, 11:35am

on 12/14/05 at 11:24:49, Rock_Lobster wrote:
Ever buy any suet?  I see it all the time, but just buy bird seed & sunflower seeds.  Should I be picking up suet?

Yup, suet is a good idea in winter.  It has fat in it that they need, plus they love it.  That reminds me, I gotta pick some up!

Title: Re: Wednesday pics
Post by Melissa on Dec 14th, 2005, 5:02pm
Here's an updated pic.  As you can tell I've stolen some firewood ( ;;D) and the snow is higher.  Supposed to continue like this for another, oh I dunno, 12 hrs??  Actually, it's supposed to snow every day through Saturday.  Right now hubby's brother is bringing over the battery charger so he can fire up the payloader....

Title: Re: Wednesday pics
Post by BobG on Dec 14th, 2005, 5:38pm
That white that what is called snow? Looks cold.

I think I saw some of it once when I was a little kid.  ;;D

Title: Re: Wednesday pics
Post by Kevin_M on Dec 14th, 2005, 8:13pm

on 12/14/05 at 10:46:06, Melissa wrote:
I'll be inside all day,

It's headed this way tonight Mel, same 5-8 inches.  After struggling home from work tomorrow, I think staying in sounds good from the looks of your pictures.  Anywhere East of here, you're on your own. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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