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(Message started by: PerryA on Dec 9th, 2004, 12:46pm)

Title: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by PerryA on Dec 9th, 2004, 12:46pm
I am new to this site.  Have been plagued with CH for about 4 years, chronic, excruciating, located on the left side.  I am also prone to kidney stone attacks.  My question is,

Has anyone else noticed a de-sensitization to other forms of pain as a result of the extreme pain experienced from CH?

During my last 2 trips to the ER for kidney stones, I noticed that the pain was not as severe as the previous 11 stones.  In fact, a couple of weeks ago, the admissions clerk doubted that it was stones because of my calm nature.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by nani on Dec 9th, 2004, 12:50pm
Welcome Perry and sorry you're here. I think people who experience chronic and/or intense pain start becoming stronger in response to it. We have to be able to deal with it so our bodies and minds help us do that. Is that a silver lining in this CH cloud? Hmmm. Pain free wishes to you from another chronic...

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by floridian on Dec 9th, 2004, 1:13pm
Yes, I think clusterheads learn a few Jedi mind tricks. Maybe not enough to turn the pain off, but to compartmentalize it somewhat.  Or maybe the extreme pain just burns out some of the neurons.  

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by unsolved1 on Dec 9th, 2004, 1:20pm
I've had kidney stones twice. My first time in I needed surgery. Before the surgery, my neuro stopped by my hospital room and said ... "I just had to ask; which is worse, clusterheadaches or kidney stones?". I assured him that clusters were worse.

Morphine stopped my pain when I had kidney stones. It won't do jack for a cluster attack.

I'd rather have stones everyday


Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by marlin on Dec 9th, 2004, 5:04pm
That's interesting to know.  

Never had a kidney stone but had several broken bones, one had to be re-broken at the hospital before setting it properly, have 5 crushed disks in my neck.... lots of shit.  Severed ulnar nerve sure wasn't any fun.  That's where your hit your funny bone.  I hit it with a window.  The window broke and severed the nerve.  So I had the ultimate "funny bone hit".  Only this one has never truly gone away.  I'm numb forever in the bottom of my right hand, pinky and 1/2 of the next finger part of my palm and forearm.  Once I accidentally rested my pinky on my BBQ.  Smelled the burning flesh and moved my hand but never felt the burning sensation.  Wierd.

So far the CHs have easily been the worst

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by marlin on Dec 9th, 2004, 5:41pm
Ladies, What's worse on the pain scale - delivering a bay or a full blown CH?

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by cschick on Dec 9th, 2004, 6:17pm
gotta agree on the kidney stone thing!  I have one right now and it is NOTHING!  I have been assured it is a large one from cat scan but it hasn't been that bad.  painful but NOTHING compared to a cluster.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by nani on Dec 9th, 2004, 8:05pm
Most mothers with CH will say they would deliver another baby in a heartbeat rather than another CH.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by cschick on Dec 9th, 2004, 9:19pm
I would have a baby any day of the week over a cluster.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by don on Dec 9th, 2004, 9:47pm

Has anyone else noticed a de-sensitization to other forms of pain

Not really. Recently my appendix exploded. Needed emergency surgery. The whole ordeal hurt like hell. Just was diagnosed with sciatica. That hurts like hell to.

The pain is just as real. The differance I think is that as a CH sufferer I am better able to psychologically tolerate it. Pain is not new to us.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by thomas on Dec 9th, 2004, 9:49pm

on 12/09/04 at 12:46:20, PerryA wrote:
Has anyone else noticed a de-sensitization to other forms of pain as a result of the extreme pain experienced from CH?

You mean there is other pain besides ch?  Wow I never knew.........  :-/

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by Sean_C on Dec 9th, 2004, 9:57pm

on 12/09/04 at 12:46:20, PerryA wrote:
Has anyone else noticed a de-sensitization to other forms of pain as a result of the extreme pain experienced from CH?

I think we've learned how to control pain because of the condition we have maybe. But I still feel it ;;D


Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by PerryA on Dec 9th, 2004, 10:24pm
[We have to be able to deal with it so our bodies and minds help us do that. Is that a silver lining in this CH cloud? Hmmm.]

Thank you for your warm welcome.

It does make sense, the body and mind will help us cope with certain types of distress.

But, a silver lining-UNDECIDED!

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by marlin on Dec 9th, 2004, 11:54pm

on 12/09/04 at 21:47:42, don wrote:
Recently my appendix exploded. Needed emergency surgery. The whole ordeal hurt like hell.

You're lucky.  The security gate guard where I work, a hardnosed stubborn super healthy older guy, had his appendix rupture.  He hated doctors so he waited too long to go in and get examined.  Once he finally went in it was too late.  He died a couple of days later because of complications with the infection and poisoning.

Being tough is OK.  Being dumb isn't.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by survivor13 on Dec 10th, 2004, 4:53pm
me too! nuthin' else seems to bother me anymore, only the clusters!

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by PerryA on Dec 10th, 2004, 7:09pm
Posted by: floridian
Posted on: Dec 9th, 2004, 12:13pm

Yes, I think clusterheads learn a few Jedi mind tricks. Maybe not enough to turn the pain off, but to compartmentalize it somewhat.  Or maybe the extreme pain just burns out some of the neurons.

Thank you for your thoughts.  Like Nani said, makes sense.  

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by PerryA on Dec 10th, 2004, 7:26pm
Posted by: unsolved1
Posted on: Dec 9th, 2004, 12:20pm
I'd rather have stones everyday

Thank you for your comments.
I agree with you 100%!  That is my concern.
If we become so accustomed to extreme pain that we do not notice-or pay any mind to-other pains resulting from injuries (forklift rolling over my foot, hand sliced open with a chainsaw, etc.) or medical conditions (kidney stones, heart conditions, hernia, etc.) then there is the possibility these injuries and/or conditions can worsen, becoming life threatening.  

I know this sounds ridiculous,  like the ranting and raving of "another ugly, old, man..."  

So please excuse this newbie.
"just coping and hoping"

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by don on Dec 10th, 2004, 10:07pm

If we become so accustomed to extreme pain that we do not notice-or pay any mind to-other pains

I dont think so. Smack me in the kneecap with a ball peen hammer, I'm going to the ER.

I double over with cramps and pain, I'm going to the ER.

I got blood oozing from my eyeballs, ER.

I get a CH, I'm kicking my whiney "I get migraines to" neighbor in the nuts and he's going to the ER.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by PerryA on Dec 10th, 2004, 10:26pm
Posted by: don
Posted on: Today at 9:07pm
I dont think so. Smack me in the kneecap with a ball peen hammer, I'm going to the ER.

I am beginning to realize that this is really nothing to be concerned about.  
I DO feel other pains-such as those listed in my last post.  As several wonderful people have pointed out,
our tolerance may increase, not our sensitivity.
Thank all of you for helping me with this question.

...just coping and hoping...

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by don on Dec 10th, 2004, 10:31pm

our tolerance may increase, not our sensitivity

Yup. Thats it. But my whiney "I get bad headaches to" neighbor is still getting a kick in the nuts.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by PerryA on Dec 10th, 2004, 10:45pm
Yup. Thats it. But my whiney "I get bad headaches to" neighbor is still getting a kick in the nuts.

That neighbor of yours sounds like a real P.I.T.A.

they all do!

...just coping and hoping...

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by vig on Dec 10th, 2004, 10:50pm
There's a scene at the beginning of Lawrence of Arabia where Lawrence holds a burning match until it goes out.

[Lawrence has just extinguished a match between his thumb and forefinger. William Potter surreptitiously attempts the same]
William Potter: Ooh! It damn well 'urts!
T.E. Lawrence: Certainly it hurts.
Officer: What's the trick then?
T.E. Lawrence: The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.

We here learn the trick... not minding that it hurts.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by BobG on Dec 11th, 2004, 12:23pm

on 12/10/04 at 22:07:47, don wrote:
I get a CH, I'm kicking my whiney "I get migraines to" neighbor in the nuts and he's going to the ER.

LMAO. Good one don.

I don't think the pain of a cluster attack can be compared to the pain caused by a ballpeen hammer to the knee or kidney stones or broken bones or burns or any other. Cluster pain is one-of-a-kind pain, unique to itself. There just isn't any other pain like it.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by Bandette74 on Dec 11th, 2004, 2:37pm
i just sprained my back, and i've been finishing college finals, so i haven't been able to rest it. a ch comes on, all i feel is the ch. the ch goes away for a few hours, i can feel my back again. but yeah, i probably tolerate the pain better than most would because of having to tolerate the severe pain of ch.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by TonyG1 on Feb 2nd, 2005, 9:14pm
I had to have an emergency appendectomy a couple of years back and the ER staff were amazed  that I dealt with the pain for three days before deciding to go to the ER .....

I think it makes the average CH pain threshold higher than that of average folks ... kind of a strength in a bizarre sort of way.. but a weakness on the otherhand ... <sigh >

Be Well !

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by BarbaraD on Feb 3rd, 2005, 5:54am
In ER they asked me what my pain level was (for something other than CH). I told them I was "uncomfortable" enough to be there, but it was hard to judge pain other than CH.

I think we develop a higher pain tolerance after a few years of battling CH. Before CH, a hangnail would send me to bed with a pain pill -- After CH - I went thru a cracked bone in my shoulder (and a few other things) without a pain pill. It hurt like hell, but it didn't bother me as it once would have.

And as far as having a baby -- no comparison to CH. I'll take having triplets without gas any day over CH. At least you have something to show for THAT!

Hugs BD

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by Frank_W on Feb 3rd, 2005, 8:56am
I've always had a high pain threshold. With CH, this has only grown.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by pattik on Feb 3rd, 2005, 10:00am
This really is an apples to oranges kind of question, but after 21 hours of natural childbirth (drug-free not by choice--a long story), clusters win on the pain scale by a mile.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by rickyshot on Feb 3rd, 2005, 10:12am
I have had a drug free labor and birth with my first lasting two day, and two caesareans after, I have had a bad abcess tooth, broken bones, and root canal. NOTHING compare to CH. And the thing about CH is even when you don't have the full blown pain, you are still feeling lousy from the shadows or after effect which can last for weeks. Shit you go to sleep and pain wakes you up and stays there. On and on.......The meds pisses me off too. They are just for pain but don't address the event going on in our heads. Doctorss have just started to acknowledge what migraine and ch suffers knew all along. It is NOT just a vascular headache, or stress headache I wish they would do away with all the crappy old literature. It is truly and event that causes a lot more things than pain (as if the pain was not bad enough). Y'all know......I am so glad to have found these boards. People who REALLY understand..... :)

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by juvy on Feb 6th, 2005, 6:26am

yes i believe being exposed to such an exteme form of pain increase your pain tolerance....has to or most of us would go nuts.

wishing you PFDAN,

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by Melissa on Feb 6th, 2005, 8:28am
Let's just say that when I went in with contractions with my last child, they had to strap on a fetal monitor because they couldn't even tell I was in labor. ::)

Yes, it definately heightens your pain threshold.


Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by EmpressJMB on Feb 6th, 2005, 7:21pm
I definitely have a higher pain threshhold due to CH and I would rather give birth than have a CH.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by sandie99 on Feb 7th, 2005, 11:40am
Welcome to the ch family and site, Perry. Sorry that you have CH... :(

What comes to your question, I've been lucky in that sense that the pains I have are solely inside my head, CHs and regular HAs. So I have no idea if CH has had some kind of impact on other pains. I do hope so, though. Some good things should come out of it! ;;D

Anyways, best wishes to you & loads of PFdays,

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by Frank_W on Feb 7th, 2005, 2:22pm
I've been in numerous carwrecks, broke my neck a couple of summers ago, broke numerous ribs doing various things, slammed my face and slid on it after a horrible bike wreck, and I've been stabbed a few times. None of that stuff is ANYTHING compared to CH.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by Tiannia on Feb 9th, 2005, 4:09pm
I think that each person deals with it differetly. Kind of like the definition of a shadow.  It all depends on how hard a person gets hit, how often and such.  But I believe that we do react differently to pain because of CH.  Whether the pain is not as bad because we get hit. For me, I'd have to say yes.  But there are lots of things that could happen and I could see that the pain would be intense.  Would I freek about it, probably not. I think that is what docs have a hard time with.  It seems that no matter how bad pain can be because we are so used to being in pain (whatever the level) we are calmer about it.

Title: Re: De-sensitization to other types of pain?
Post by Lucia on Feb 10th, 2005, 6:36am
Well, I've had appendicitis (as a child) and had two babies and suffer from migraines as well as clusters.  And while the pain is different for all, the pain from a cluster has to be the worst.  For the appendicitis they just took it out and the babies came out on their own!  And Imitrex just knocks my migraines dead in their tracks.  But clusters, wow.  Mine come duriing sleep and before I had oxygen or Imitrex for them was the scariest and most painful time of my life.  Even now with help close at hand when I wake up for the first few minutes I almost can't breathe in the fear that nothing will help and I will be stuck for the next 90 minutes!  However, I can't say that I am more immune to other pain; I just am able to put it into perspective. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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