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(Message started by: JohnWF on Feb 13th, 2005, 12:43pm)

Title: Melatonin and Vitamin Question
Post by JohnWF on Feb 13th, 2005, 12:43pm

I used Melatonin with some success to help end my cycle last Fall.

I'm wondering, does anyone use say one 3 mg. pill (as maintenance), while you're out of cycle to keep a new cycle from starting.  If so, how succesfully?

Also, would anyone recommend specifically what B Vitamins should a person take.  I've read about the B Complex, but some talk about B12 and others B2.  Maybe, I should take some of everything???

I'm just thinking ahead-- trying to keep the "beast at bay."

Thanks for any support you can offer.



Title: Re: Melatonin and Vitamin Question
Post by Frank_W on Feb 13th, 2005, 1:47pm
I don't know... I take a multi-vitamin anyway, just for general maintenance.

Title: Re: Melatonin and Vitamin Question
Post by Bob_Johnson on Feb 13th, 2005, 1:47pm
Several years ago I found one reference to vitamin B-2, 400mg as possibly effective for cluster.

Have seen nothing since and a quick check on PubMed a moment ago produced zip.

Have seen nothing about using melatonin constantly to prevent but I recently posted a medical report wherein headache docs said that there was some evidence that the effectiveness of some preventives was reduced over time. It's an open question at this point.

Personally, I'd be inclined to not use preventives once a cycle was over--but can't offer any firm evidence to support this notion.

Title: Re: Melatonin and Vitamin Question
Post by Giovanni on Feb 13th, 2005, 5:00pm
I would only take the melatonin at the very first signs of cluster activity--not when in remission.  I take vitamin B-Complex 50mg X 3 a day plus a regular multi vitamin every day.

I used to have a whole regiment of suppliments, vitamins, etc., but avoid most of them now because of the "alternative" therapy (which have worked wonders with me).

Floridian has discovered Kudzu recently which has shown promise with some people.  You might want to investivate the Kudzu links for future use.

Good luck on your magic bullet!! ;;D


Title: Re: Melatonin and Vitamin Question
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Feb 13th, 2005, 8:48pm
As the only woman respondant so far ... Melatonin has very successfully helped me during cycle (9mg/night).  It also helps me at 3mg/night when not in cycle - for menopausal insomnia.

I've taken it for about 4 years now - low dose most of the time - high dose during cycle - with no bad effects or lessening of effectiveness.  

But that's just me.  


Title: Re: Melatonin and Vitamin Question
Post by floridian on Feb 14th, 2005, 8:49am
I take a multi-B supplement --- I split the "50 mg" multi and take half each day.  

Here are some articles that just scratch the surface - the various B vitamins can improve serotonin, 5-HTP and melatonin levels, prevent migraine (?maybe clusters?), lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, etc etc.

Pyridoxine, regardless of serotonin levels, increases production of 5-hydroxytryptophan in rat brain.
Arch Med Res. 2004 Jul-Aug;35(4):271-4.
PMID: 15325498 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Percept Mot Skills. 2002 Feb;94(1):135-40.
Effects of pyridoxine on dreaming: a preliminary study.    Ebben M, Lequerica A, Spielman A.  (increases cortical arousal / dreams in REM sleep).

J Nutr. 2002 Sep;132(9):2781-4.   Folate deficiency alters (lowers) melatonin secretion in rats.   Fournier I, Ploye F, Cottet-Emard JM, Brun J, Claustrat B.

Nutr J. 2005 Jan 26;4(1):3.  The treatment of migraines and tension-type headaches with intravenous and oral niacin (nicotinic acid): systematic review of the literature.
Prousky J, Seely D.

Mayo Clin Proc. 2003 Jun;78(6):770-1.      Sustained-release niacin for prevention of migraine headache.  Velling DA, Dodick DW, Muir JJ.

I'm not a fan of sustained release niacin - it is associated with more problems (elevated liver enzymes) than regular niacin, and the high doses used for cholesterol control (500 - 2000 mg/ day) are risky.  But 25 to 50 mg a day are safe for most people - a brief skin 'flush' with tingling and itching is the most common side effect. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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