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(Message started by: chockey on Aug 4th, 2005, 9:25pm)

Title: Craniopathy?
Post by chockey on Aug 4th, 2005, 9:25pm
My boss went to her chiropractor today and was telling him about the headaches I've been having and the possibility of them being CH. He was familiar with CH and told her to tell me that he can help me. It seems that he is unlike normal chiropractors in that he does not do the normal general adjustments of twisting your back or neck. He is very specific with his adjustments and seems to specialize in a thing called Craniopathy where he actually adjusts 1 or more of the 8 cranial bones in the cranium and this supposedly has a great impact on migraine and headache sufferers. After looking at his website it seems that a lot of people have had good results from this type of chiropractic therapy. Has anyone had any similar experiences with different forms of chiropractic care? I'm probably going to go and have him check me out as I figure it can't hurt.

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by mcf69 on Aug 4th, 2005, 11:12pm
Chris, be carefull of claims by chiropractors, CH has nothing to do with the positioning of any cranial bones, but rather with your hypothalmus which can't be "adjusted".  My story of Chiropractors and CH:
My chiropractor told me one time "I see people with cluster headaches all the time, I can fix that", right away I knew we weren't talking about the same kind of headaches.  He explained to me that by adjusting my neck and "adjusting the plates of your cranium" he could cure me of clusters!!!!  Of course he explained that "they will get worse before they get better" and that I would probably have one later in the day (sound a little fishy yet?).  I just kind of sat there and looked at him with a dumb look, and said, I don't think so, but give it a try.  I am normally very leary about chiropractors snapping my neck aroud and let him do what he thought needed to be done.  I didn't have an attack later that day, but sure did that night (and many nights after)  I let him do it for a couple days before I finally put a stop to him yanking my head around.  In short the moral of the story is I had no luck with it, most others haven't, and I'd be very carefull letting someone snap my neck and "adjust cranial bones" that aren't supposed to move in the first place.  Be carefull, many chiropractors will keep you coming back for visit after visit to get paid, while not doing you a bit of good.  Just my two cents.....

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by nani on Aug 4th, 2005, 11:16pm
Chris, Save your money and use it for a dr appointment. I can't recall ever hearing that any kind of chiropractic treatment ever helped anyone with CH.
I don't know, moving the bones around in my cranium during a time of a lot of CH activity...that sounds like it could hurt. Just my  [smiley=twocents.gif]
pain free wishes, nani

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by BobG on Aug 4th, 2005, 11:24pm

he actually adjusts 1 or more of the 8 cranial bones in the cranium

Huh? Does he have an explaination on how he can "adjust" cranial bones?
Ditto what nani said.

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by brainfreeze on Aug 4th, 2005, 11:27pm
Been there, done that.  No help here either. Gave it a good try though. :)

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by kimmeesue on Aug 5th, 2005, 12:34am
My eldest son is a nurse and in chiropractic school.  He has sufferrred with me for most of his life and would like nothing better than to find a cure.  He has sought assistance from all of his instructors as well as visiting lecturers and not a single one suggested that chiropractic could help in any way with clusters.
Don't we all wish it could be something so easy????

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by jcmquix on Aug 5th, 2005, 8:14am
I just wanted to add to what all these great people have had to say.

Back when I was younger and I did not know it was CH that I had, I tried the CHIRO route.... It did not do anything for the CH and I remember that I went for almost 3 months at one point. I think that it even made them worse after I had an adjustment...

I do not think its good to have someone poping the bones in your neck like chicken bones...

Just my 2 cents.... follow the advise given on this site and the people here, check the links to the left.

Do yourself a favor and see a Nero Dr, they do not have all the answers, but will start you in the right direction..

Wishing you Pain Free Days.....

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by seasonalboomer on Aug 5th, 2005, 8:28am
I think Craniopathy is the greek translation for "whatkindofinsurancedoyouhavathoma"........

Many chiropractors in their search for a sound revenue stream have stepped over the line from an ethical standpoint and made claims that are fantastic. Save your money, use it on something that is listed as effective on the treatments/meds page on this site.


Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by Ueli on Aug 5th, 2005, 8:37am
The old scam of "Craniosacral Therapy" :(.
Read about it at

In an adult the cranial bones are interlocked with tooth-like seams and fused to one rigid shell. I takes something more than the hands of a chiropractor, something like a baseball bat, to re-adjust their position.


Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by vig on Aug 5th, 2005, 8:55am
sounds like the man had a craniectomy....

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by jcmquix on Aug 5th, 2005, 10:47am

on 08/05/05 at 08:37:53, Ueli wrote:
The old scam of "Craniosacral Therapy" :(.
Read about it at

In an adult the cranial bones are interlocked with tooth-like seams and fused to one rigid shell. I takes something more than the hands of a chiropractor, something like a baseball bat, to re-adjust their position.


I bet He had something like this in mind for your Adjustment  :-/

I'd so go by this advice given here...

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by Karla on Aug 5th, 2005, 11:15am
I tried it and it did notihng for my ch or migraines.

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by AussieBrian on Aug 5th, 2005, 7:12pm
I've been using craniopathy for years but know it by it's more medico/scientific name - "banging-my-head-against-a-brick-wall-until-the-bleeding-becomes-so-severe-I-can't-see-anymore".

Results have varied over time but it's still cheaper done at home than by a Chiro and you don't need an appointment.

Title: Re: Craniopathy?
Post by clarence on Aug 6th, 2005, 9:23am
BCH (before cluster headaches), I saw a Chiropractor for headaches (that were definately not CH).  He was the dad of a friend of mine.  I couldn't afford to pay, so he charged me $1 for each visit.  He was a fantastic man, and a great chiropractor, and genuinely concerned with my pain.  He did help those headaches (I had been in a car accident, screwed up my back and neck, and had headaches as a result.  I stress that this was not CH.  Matter of fact, when I got the settlement from the insurance, the portion he would have collected he told me to keep to pay for tuition.  He was a genuine and caring man.).

I then moved to a new state where I went to a Chiro.  This guy was a crook.  I told him my insurance would cover 20 visits.  Thats all I could afford.  Well, I am not saying that in those last few visits that he actively DID something that caused me an increase in headaches...but I would bet money that he DIDN'T do things that he had previously done in order to keep me coming back.  I never went back.

Conclusion: I would go to a chiro if I thought it would help my CH (hell, I'd cut off my left nut if I thought it would help).  BUt if I went to a Chiro, I would want to go to one I knew was trustworthy, like my friend's dad.


Title: crackpotathopathy
Post by daniel_tn on Aug 7th, 2005, 12:13am
i agree with all the posters here so far. your "dr" is a quack. shifting your cranial bones can't possibly do anything positive for you. G-d fused them together for a good reason, and they ought to be kept that way, fused.
for me, nobody messes with my fused cranial bones, my spine or my neck.
my wife is a former nurse and i'm a former emt, and between us, we've never one time unfused anybody's cranial bones.  :-X :P

chiropractic is more an art of marketing than medicine.

it seems that over the years, these folks seem to think that they are now experts at "alternative" medicine rather than just practitioners whose role is to aleviate back pain. it's by no means a cure all.

my wife tells the story of having met a chiropractor who claimed that he could cure the profound mental retardation of one of her patients. the patient's mom, hoping for any cure at all, bought into this absurdity. she spent hundreds on vitamins and herbs through this person. needless to say her son's retardation remains, her money does not.

best of luck, and hoping for lots of no pain days.
daniel  ::) [smiley=cowboy.gif]  
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