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(Message started by: Ghost on Jan 17th, 2006, 10:37am)

Title: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Ghost on Jan 17th, 2006, 10:37am
>:( >:( :'( :'( :'(

Since Midnight 4 hits all 8-10's just started number 5 I freakn surrender already!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by pattik on Jan 17th, 2006, 10:44am in there, Goatie. [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by zwibbs/Scott on Jan 17th, 2006, 11:16am
Hang Tough !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by DennyM on Jan 17th, 2006, 11:17am
Don't you dare surrender!! I don't  think I've had the pleasure of communicating with you via this board before, Ghost - I'm Den - AussieBrian's  slave - I mean supporter!

It's 1.45am here at the moment. I just read your post and my heart goes out to you. Hope you're not trying to do this med-free (or O2-free - whatever works for you).

If only we could find some rhyme or reason in this wretched CH! Sometimes I wish I could look at a photo of a hypathalamus - no! two of them (hypathalami???) - a cluster one and a non-cluster one just to see the difference and maybe begin to understand WHY!

Is this the peak of your cycle? If so - the light at the end of the tunnell might seem tiny and a long way off right now - but it's there, Ghost, and there are a lot of us here just willing you in that direction. Please, please try, in your PF moments, in spite of how drained you feel, to focus on that little light and imagine it getting bigger and closer.

If I could do more than just pray for you I would. Hang in there, my friend (was going to say "mate" but I think that means something not so nice in American???), and remember there are many of us out here on your side, and as a CHr, you're very precious to us!!

Prayers, Hugs and Positive vibes


Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Ghost on Jan 17th, 2006, 11:34am
Both med and o2 free got limited o2 and only at home. Cant bring to work, I just dont know what to do right now I feel like I am drowning, there are other things going on too which brings my poor me pity level way high. Sorry guys but I have to realease or I will freakn explode. BP when I left the house this morning was 187/102 I swear I am about to explode.

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by mcf69 on Jan 17th, 2006, 11:56am
Hang in there Ghost man, just remember it'll get better.....

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Mark C on Jan 17th, 2006, 12:21pm

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Ghost on Jan 17th, 2006, 12:26pm
I sure hope so, But right now this hit is lasting longer than the others. also feels like I am getting cramps lower left ribs. Dang eye, ear, temple and cheek on fire. turned chronic in oct and this is the worst day so far in over a year. usually get 5-low 8's but today is not a good one. I just need some relief but trex not an option high bp and o2 neither its at home. I swear I am loosing what little mind I have left.

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by minnie on Jan 17th, 2006, 12:32pm
 Oh ghost Hon I'm so sorry your getting hit hard.
Try to take it one hit at a time "this will end,this will end"
This is the place to vent from those that are battling right beside you and those of us that love and support those battling the beast.Big hug and vibes headed your way.We really need to create a real clusterville so we can really be there for each other in person.

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by JenniferD on Jan 17th, 2006, 12:43pm
Ghost, you lifted me in spirit when I needed it most, now I offer you the same. You know this is tough, but you are tougher.  That pain is strong, but you are stronger. Focus on the end, cuz it WILL come with sweet relief.
Sending vibes, prayers, thoughts and peace.

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Ghost on Jan 17th, 2006, 12:50pm
Good news this round ramping down fast.  :)
Trying to chill before next hit but need to dunk head in ice water first. Got to put out the embers. Thanks guys needed a kick there. I almost forgot how much fun a 10 was, now I remember. Darn near blacked out from the pain, way to freakn intense. this may sound strange but you can actually build up a comfort level with constant 6, and 7's and then when you get blind sided by a nasty 10 its not a fun time.

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by boonie on Jan 17th, 2006, 12:53pm
Hang in there ghost I have been in cycle since Sept
and believe me it is getting old. but seems to be tapering down some You take care and never ever give up that's what I tell myself every freaking day


Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by sandie99 on Jan 17th, 2006, 2:02pm
I'm so sorry that the beast is giving you hard time right now. :'( You're in my prayers.  [smiley=hug.gif][smiley=hug.gif][smiley=hug.gif][smiley=hug.gif][smiley=hug.gif]

Wishing you PF days asap,

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by LeLimey on Jan 17th, 2006, 2:03pm
Goat ((HUG)) hang in there, can you maybe keep o2 in the car?

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Donna_D. on Jan 17th, 2006, 2:13pm
Why no 02 at work?  Hope it's not against company policy....

Take it with you, Mike.

You need it, you should have it, they cannot deny you.


Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Ghost on Jan 17th, 2006, 2:28pm
Building Management requires MSDS forms and instructions on all hazardous materials ie..flamable and also has to be medically perscribed, labled, and issued. Also need a designated area to use it. Bottle to big for car. If I get all that together then they might consider its usage. God I love a good beurocracy. I know i sp like carp.  ;;D
since I have welding bottle I cant use it, prescription company wont issue it for CH so im kinda SOL. >:(

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Donna_D. on Jan 17th, 2006, 2:36pm

Why won't RX company pay for 02 for clusters...we need to talk!


Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Turts on Jan 17th, 2006, 3:37pm
This post will probably be after HA 5 has been well and truly survived, sending vibes and preventative thoughts for future visits. We will all get through this together.


Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by kcopelin on Jan 17th, 2006, 3:42pm
glad it ramped down fast-that really sucks and I know how it feels to become "comfortable" with 7s and 8s.  Donna is right on here, dude your insurance company either sucks or their missing some information!  And your employer has to accomodate your disability-maybe-depending on where you live.  I went through a 6 month battle to get the VA to give me O2-I know what it's like-Linda saved my butt by lending me one of her tanks and regulator-any other CHs in your area? I have an extra mask if you need that...

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by zwibbs/Scott on Jan 17th, 2006, 4:42pm
Be strong Ghostmeister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Sandy_C on Jan 17th, 2006, 4:57pm
Hang on Goatee!  Be strong - know that everyone here is pulling for you.

Why? you ask??



Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Ree on Jan 17th, 2006, 7:10pm

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Charlie on Jan 18th, 2006, 12:23am
Sorry to hear Ghost. ON WMDS.png
It really pisses me off that anyone has to deal with this horror.

It's time you got a effen break.


Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Mr. Happy on Jan 18th, 2006, 12:45am

on 01/17/06 at 14:28:44, Ghost wrote:
prescription company wont issue it for CH so im kinda SOL. >:(

No you're not. You can buy your own stuff, or pay to rent it, as long as there's a script written, and still get it in the building.
Pay up or shut up. This is America. You can have anything you want.

As long as you can afford it.

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Ghost on Jan 18th, 2006, 9:59am
Well happy in there lies the problem no money no honey. Or in my case no cash no gas. But that is something I have to fix. Just need time and will be fine. Till then I will make it through and things will work out, work hard and things will be fine.

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by burnt-toast on Jan 18th, 2006, 10:03am
Hang tough - even CH will pass (someday).  Surviving the worst this nightmare can deliver is part of the reward.


Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Ghost on Jan 18th, 2006, 10:15am
I'm with y tom thanks and to everyone else thanks for the support.

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by nani on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:26pm
Aw, honey...I'm sorry.  :'(  I'm sending everything I've got.
Now...get your butt back to the dr and deal with your BP. You need something to control it. I think you can get welders O2 in a 3 ft tank, won't that fit in your trunk?
hugs, mom  :-*

Title: Re: Enough already!!!!!!!!
Post by Kevin_M on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:56pm
Any verap tried or preventative?

With a script, verap is inexpensive and lowers bp. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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