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(Message started by: swimchica623 on Dec 13th, 2006, 6:41pm)

Title: anyone free to talk?
Post by swimchica623 on Dec 13th, 2006, 6:41pm
I'm having a tough time right now and I could really just use someone to chat on AIM right now...if anyone is free. Supporter, sufferer, anyone. My screen name is swimchica623 just like right here.  I'd really, really, really appreciate it if anyone is free.

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by Maffumatt on Dec 13th, 2006, 6:47pm
Come here.

repost this link, someone will show up if you need to talk. Be well and I hope things work out..........

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by cynjeep89 on Dec 13th, 2006, 7:27pm

Check your mailbox and come to chat if you need to talk.  The link is posted in the message above this one.  I also sent my personal e-mail address if you want to contact me there.  We want to help you.


Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by Jonny on Dec 13th, 2006, 7:31pm
Not everyone has AIM.....get it?

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by swimchica623 on Dec 13th, 2006, 7:45pm
Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my post.  I really appreciate this community guys have been amazing tonight.  

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by cynjeep89 on Dec 13th, 2006, 7:48pm
Are you ok?   Please mail me here or at my private verizon e-mail and let me know.  I am worried about you.

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by Opus on Dec 13th, 2006, 7:53pm

You can add me to your list if you want. I figure you got a lot of help but it you didn't feel free to IM me.


Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by Jonny on Dec 13th, 2006, 7:53pm

on 12/13/06 at 19:45:51, swimchica623 wrote:
you guys have been amazing tonight.  


Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by swimchica623 on Dec 13th, 2006, 7:59pm
I'm doing better leaet for the time being.  I a lot of people IMed me and I've had some nice conversations to calm me down and get me emotionally ready for whatever might come.  This is just so unfair....

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by cynjeep89 on Dec 13th, 2006, 8:03pm
It is unfair.  We have all been thru this and managed to make it out to the other side and you will too.

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by thebbz on Dec 13th, 2006, 8:06pm
;) Yep unfair. Kick some demon ass now >:(.
all the best

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by Broken on Dec 13th, 2006, 8:54pm
Hang in there sweety. I'm here if you need me. It was great talking to you. Love ad vibes headed your way.


Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by Callico_Kid on Dec 13th, 2006, 10:39pm

on 12/13/06 at 19:59:25, swimchica623 wrote:
I'm doing better leaet for the time being.  I a lot of people IMed me and I've had some nice conversations to calm me down and get me emotionally ready for whatever might come.  This is just so unfair....

What is fair?  President Kennedy said that life is not fair, and he was right.  Is it fair that you have CH, but someone else doesn't?  On the other hand, is it fair that my wife Linda has MS and you don't?  Or that the eighth floor of Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge IL is filled with children suffering from cancer?

I am not jumping on you by any case.  We have all had to deal with this, especially when going through a tough time like you are right now, and seeing others around us who have not a care in the world.  I know for a fact though that after having suffered CH for over 25 years and now being chronic for over 4 that I would not trade places with my wife for a minute, or for one of those children on the eighth floor.  It really is a matter of perspective that I have to deal with myself all the time.

Hope you are doing better soon, and PLEASE let us know when you are having a rough time.  that is why we are here, just as I hope you will be here for us when you are doing better.

We will be praying for you specially at this time.


Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by Woobie on Dec 13th, 2006, 11:50pm
I know what you mean, Jerry.

Sometimes, when you're down - you need that little reminder that things COULD be worse......

but - then again - sometimes... that's the last thing you wanna hear.

sometimes, you just need someone to listen and empathize.

sorry, swimchic, that i was late.........

(woobie is always late - just so you know! ;) )

pain and suffering is relative.  Ramon tells me all the time that he would rather have CH than what I have, but I dont know... we deal with it as it comes, right?   sometimes, that's all you can do.

and - i would like to point out that even the STRONGEST of us breaks down sometimes and needs to let it out... it doesn't make us whiners or weak.

It takes a lot to know when you need to ask for help, and actually doing it.

again, swimchic - sorry that I wasn't around earlier.
hope you're ok...

woobs :-*

Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by Callico_Kid on Dec 14th, 2006, 1:05am
You are so right Woobie.  I did not mean to be putting Lisa down for needing help right now.  That is why I said to PLEASE let us know when she is having a tough time.  It is all relative, and sometimes I HATE my relatives! ;;D  That is especially why I love and need this site.  There have been so many times I have been really down and needing encouragement and a lift and can find it here.  Often by reading someone elses struggles and realizing I am not alone in this, and that I don't have it any worse than anyone else.  


Title: Re: anyone free to talk?
Post by UN solved on Dec 14th, 2006, 1:34am

    I'm jumping in here late. Hope all has turned out good for you. The light is always on here ... 24/7/365

Best Wishes

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