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(Message started by: Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 1:54pm)

Title: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 1:54pm
I really, really need to find a job I can do from home and don't know where to start.  I do the eBay thing, but that always costs money to make money and I need something more steady.  I'm not looking to make a ton of money, maybe $100-$200 a week (or more of course, lol).  I'm just wondering how I can get my foot in the door to do some clerical work, or something of the like, without getting scammed.  I'm hoping to make enough money to buy a new camera, Photoshop and some backdrops to start my own business.

Where the heck do you find companies that hire at home workers??    

BTW, I can't do in home daycare/babysitting due to Jesse's job, I absolutely flat out refuse to do MLM, party consulting or any of that stupid crap.  I'm just looking for a legit company that I can apply to, that lets you stay home to do their work.  Oh, and no phone jobs!

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by brewcrew on Dec 19th, 2007, 2:08pm
A lot of folks who enter medical records work from home. Talk to cynjeep. That's what she does. I've even heard of folks who do this that have all their "raw material" delivered to them via FedEx.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Rosybabe on Dec 19th, 2007, 2:17pm
at least this info will help you weed out all the scams...

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 2:41pm
Thanks Bill & Rosy. :-*  

I need all the help I can get at this point. :-[

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by cynjeep89 on Dec 19th, 2007, 3:59pm

As Bill mentioned, I do work from home 32 hours a week.  Management thinks we need to go into the hospital to see our co-workers 8 hours a week but we are trying to change that since we get much more work done at home.

Another reason they allowed us to work from home is because they are running out of office space.  Research buildings are popping up all over the place but now they have no where to put some of the employees.....someone's brain wasn't firing on all cylinders but it worked out well for us. ;;D

I work for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and do physician billing, coding and abstraction for about 80 physicians plus the Emergency Department billing.

All of our charts are scanned via a program called ChartMaxx and the billing is submitted via EPIC for inpatient billing and Quantim for outpatient billing so we are able to do most of our work from home.

If you were interested in getting into this line of work, I would suggest starting with a medical terminology class.  Then head into Anatomy and Physiology I and II.  Those are the two basic classes you would need to be able to start learning ICD-9-CM/CPT coding.

I would also suggest a class in hieroglyphics to enable you to read the physicians' handwriting. [smiley=laugh.gif]

In order to be able to work from home, we had to have at least 5 years experience in coding, worked at CHOP for a year, had to obtain our Certified Procedural Coder Credentials and earn 36 continuing education units every 2 years to maintain our credentials or take the CPC exam again.....a fate worse than death IMHO.

Do you have any kind of accounting experience?  If so, some smaller businesses might be a good start for you to check out as a few of my friends do book keeping from home.

What about the beautiful knitting that you posted about?  Many people treasure handmade crafts like that.  Go to some of the stores in your area and see if they would let you sell your knitted items in their stores.

You have an absolutely wonderful talent for baking so that may also be something to think about.  We have a local company that delivers some of the best muffins, brownies and pastries to the hospital and they do one heck of an amazing business.  Check with some of your local catering companies and see if they would be interested in buying your baked goods.

You have lots of talents so sit down, list them and I'm sure you will come up with something.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 4:13pm
Oh dear God.  No, I don't think the medical thing would be for me.  Is there such a thing as selective learning???

Anyway, knitting is extremely time consuming and you don't get diddly squat for the materials and time put in unfortunately.

I have thought about the baking thing, but then there is health codes, shipping laws, possibility of getting sued...LOL!!  

Thank you for the suggestions Cyn, I'm going to keep looking and brainstorming as much as possible.  Right now I've opened a shop at Cafepress featuring products people can buy with my photographic artwork on them.  I'm going to keep building it up over the next couple months as many of my photos are long gone off my puter.  I gotta work at building my portfolio!

You guys are great! :-*

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Mosaicwench on Dec 19th, 2007, 4:28pm
You have an absolutely wonderful talent for baking so that may also be something to think about.  We have a local company that delivers some of the best muffins, brownies and pastries to the hospital and they do one heck of an amazing business.  Check with some of your local catering companies and see if they would be interested in buying your baked goods.

Start at the local schools.  When microbrew was in elementary school I had teachers BEGGING me to make them cookies at and around Christmas time.   They never had time for their own families and parties and wanted someone else to make home made goodies for them.  They were willing to pay A LOT, too.

Had I the time and inclination I could have made good money for a couple of months a year.

You could expand it to Easter treats, Valentines, Mothers and Fathers Days etc.

It sure beats driving a desk if you don't want to.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by cynjeep89 on Dec 19th, 2007, 4:52pm
Adding on to what Pat wrote, check with some of your local florists.  Some of them make food, fruit and other types of gift baskets.  You could drop off some of your delicious baked goods for the florist to sample and start from there.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 5:52pm
Alright, here's the deal.  My mom sorta wrote down my Great-Grandmother's recipe for Peanut Butter Candy before she passed away.  Now you see, the only thing is, is that my Gram did not have a cookbook she went by.  Everything she made was by memory and she didn't use measuring cups or spoons either, so my mom was flying blind, as am I.  I just tried my first batch, which of course ended up being a little burnt due to high temps, but I'm thinking that if I can get a good pattern down, I'd like to try and sell it.

It'd be called Goldie's Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Candy.

I will also need to create a panel of taste testers.  

Anyone interested??

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by brewcrew on Dec 19th, 2007, 6:27pm

on 12/19/07 at 17:52:53, Melissa wrote:
Alright, here's the deal.  My mom sorta wrote down my Great-Grandmother's recipe for Peanut Butter Candy before she passed away.  Now you see, the only thing is, is that my Gram did not have a cookbook she went by.  Everything she made was by memory and she didn't use measuring cups or spoons either, so my mom was flying blind, as am I.  I just tried my first batch, which of course ended up being a little burnt due to high temps, but I'm thinking that if I can get a good pattern down, I'd like to try and sell it.

It'd be called Goldie's Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Candy.

I will also need to create a panel of taste testers.  

Anyone interested??

What kind of a benefit package does it come with?

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 6:40pm
a benefit package just to try some of my candy??


BTW, if it doesn't work, I'll switch to fudge instead. ;;D

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by brewcrew on Dec 19th, 2007, 6:46pm

on 12/19/07 at 18:40:26, Melissa wrote:
a benefit package just to try some of my candy??


BTW, if it doesn't work, I'll switch to fudge instead. ;;D

My mistake - I thought you were looking for a marketing director. ;)

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Mosaicwench on Dec 19th, 2007, 7:09pm
Melissa (and anyone else affected) . . . just ignore Brew until December 26th.  

He's smack dab in the middle of Hell Week at work and can't be responsible for what he says or writes . . .

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

I'd taste your candy but I can't figure out how you'll get it through the modem!

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 7:11pm
I'd mail it, LOL

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Redd on Dec 19th, 2007, 7:18pm
Sales and that would be right up my alley, but one thing I'd be warry of are the regulations and licensing to sell food goods to the general public.  

Check into the soy candle business.  You make them at home then sell to the stores.  They of course mark them up to make their profit.

The kids uncle does this.  Mill Creek Candle Company.

It's a thought.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 7:24pm
Ok, back to the original question.  Where/what can I do to make money that isn't going to cost me more money??  

It's like a neverending circle. :(

ETA, thanks Redd, but my problem is above.

Oh well, it's OK you guys, hopefully with more thought I'll figure out somethin. :-/

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Redd on Dec 19th, 2007, 7:33pm

on 12/19/07 at 19:09:15, Mosaicwench wrote:
Melissa (and anyone else affected) . . . just ignore Brew until December 26th.  

He's smack dab in the middle of Hell Week at work and can't be responsible for what he says or writes . . .

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
I'd taste your candy but I can't figure out how you'll get it through the modem!

I know what that is too...Christmas??? Advertizing????  Early Deadlines?  Can anyone wonder why I took vacation for the 21, 24 and the 31st?  5 day weekend, work 3 days and take a 4 day weekend.  

I can't loose these days off and I don't need to.  For the first time since August, I actually made 100% of goal, so I'll actually have a comission check coming.  Too bad it doesn't come till January...

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by cootie on Dec 19th, 2007, 7:38pm
I work at home doin the dog kennel thing.....but Brad let me take over a large closet off the rec room and built nice big pens with dog doors he made himself (plexi glass swing doors that cost 100 bucks or more a piece) and we ended up useing most of our deck for pens we built the dog doors enter one has a large chain lenk fence area. The pens have lights and blankets and everything plus there inside. Lot of work tho and expense esp with vaccines and all these's all went up.....lucky for me a friend is my vet !!! Sellin pups has become a chore now also cuz people want to just come over to hang out and dog talk.....and bring the family......or they call wanting one but have no money. I get alot of that !!! And it's getting risky now too with the public turning on ya.....a pup bites a baby and YOUR BEIN SUED !! (I have a contract to try and protect me tho and I explain alot of things on care and all ahead of time)

What ever ya do don't sign up for the work at home program that sends ya BOOKLETS to look thru then you BUY which item you want to makes booklet and kit. You sell them BACK to can only get the correct products from them at a high dollar to beads and stuff. I signed on one year for makeing cool beaded earrings. Took me HOURS to make one pair.....they sent enuff materials for a price to make so many pairs but DEMANDED I make around 40 to 60 pair a week. And they stated if they found ONE TINY FLAW in anything I finished and sent back to them they'd KEEP the entire group of items and not pay me a dime !!! I worked till my hands went numb tryin to make the quota but it was IMPOSSIBLE even working around the clock !!!! Each kit is about 70 bucks to make and sell a particular item BACK to them you make. Plus ordering forms to buy materials. I tried buying materials to make them and they would not work the same....string didn't hold up or beads uneven. I think they got about 120 bucks of my money which was sumones get rich quick scheme that was working !? It's a scam for the most can NEVER meet there quota or please them to get paid for what ya sent in. Am sure there are sum that are reputable.....but be careful !!!! It was for makeing craft stuff like beaded hair clips THEY sold to stores or earrings or necklaces whatever. Good luck......crap cleaner Pam

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Redd on Dec 19th, 2007, 7:38pm
Thats what brainstorming is all about.  Toss everything out there, and then see what sticks.  

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 19th, 2007, 7:56pm

just ignore Brew until December 26th.

  O.k. you are ignored Bill.  Can ya feel the love?  ;;D

Mel, I can't find one of his posts to copy right now, but Ray...on the bottom of his posts is a link to his wifes at home business.  If I didn't have to use pay pal I would have bought some things from her....check it out the next time he posts.  

You will need to spend SOME money to make money Mel.  There's no getting around that.   16 yrears ago I put an ad in the paper for housecleaning....even though it was my own effort that was the product I was selling I still had to pay for the ad supplies...gas in getting there, etc.


Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 8:00pm
Linda, I know, but I don't want to spend so much money on supplies.  I could make fudge, but the cost of making that is very low compared to like Redd's suggestion of candles.  (btw, I know how to make those too, LOL)

I was hoping for some sort of data entry job I could do, but I think those are just a fantasy.

S'ok tho!  

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 19th, 2007, 8:04pm

Dang...I wish I could find a post of Rays.  His wife makes soaps, shampoos etc...I would think that the ingredients for that would be about the same as the candles Mel.

P.S.   I also think the mark-up is pretty high.  (no offence Ray)

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 8:13pm
It's OK Linda, I found it.  It's called Shade's Garden, right?  And $3 for a bar of soap is actually not a bad price, especially if it's GOOD soap.  Heck, I paid I think $4.50 for some Amish homemade soap myself.


ooooo, I was just looking up how to make soap and they also have how to make bath bombs!  I love those things!!

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by vietvet2tours on Dec 19th, 2007, 8:18pm
 You could beg.


Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 19th, 2007, 8:41pm

on 12/19/07 at 20:18:04, vietvet2tours wrote:
 You could beg.

Yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhh right.  And I could open a phone sex line too.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 19th, 2007, 8:45pm

Stay out of this Potter.  Mel and I are on a roll here.   JK

and LMAO   at the sight of Mel with 3 kids in tow...begging on the street where she lives.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Rosybabe on Dec 19th, 2007, 8:48pm
ok I let you in my little secret...I do all kind of tests for mechanics, service advisors, service and parts managers and sales for car dealerships. The high: the pay is good, about $10 to $15 the hr depending of the lenght of the test and the grade I get (I make more if I get 100's) I also make more depending of the line of vehicle, MB and BMW pay more than Chrysler or Ford. The low: it is seasonal, only during certification times, that would be every 4 months or so. You also need to know someone in the field, because this is totally underground, no one is supossed to know  ;). But I get my regular phone calls asking for my services.

I don't need to know anything about a car (I don't drive you see) but I have good memory and I can do multiple choices and math problems real good  ;). I use my engineer skills to do these tests when I don't have any other project going on.

Hope you find something that will work for you.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Jonny on Dec 19th, 2007, 9:19pm

on 12/19/07 at 20:48:16, Rosybabe wrote:
ok I let you in my little secret...I do all kind of mechanics, service advisors, service and parts managers and sales for car dealerships. The high: the pay is good, about $10 to $15 the hr depending of the lenght of the test and the grade I get (I make more if I get 100's)

:-X...................................... ;;D

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by cash5542 on Dec 19th, 2007, 9:27pm
My sister used to bake cheesecakes for restaurants in Maine. The health dept. came through and certified her kitchen and she said it was no big deal. It does have overhead but she had contracts and knew the money she made would pay for the supplies.  I remember a few years ago one of our students mom used to sell candy at our schools for various holidays and that worked. The bakery idea Pat had would probably be a good start too. My husband is a potter and has been working at home for almost 30 years.  There are lots of ups and downs but the best was the childcare aspect. Also we have some pretty good tax advantages. Good luck!


Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Dec 19th, 2007, 9:51pm
My oldest stepdaughter works from home and does quite okay financially.

She does service calls for one of the natural gas companies.

It meant she had to have a decent computer with a phone nearby.

She takes service calls - people who have had their furnace quit - or they need prices on new hot water heaters - any number of problem type calls like that and then she enters it into the computer where it's dealt with by the technicians.

She only works evenings after the baby has gone to bed.

She used to also do one of the pizza places as well but it didn't pay as well so she dropped that one.

Lots of the big companies are outsourcing their service work to home workers.

Hope this is yet another thing for you to mull over.


Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by jimmers on Dec 19th, 2007, 9:52pm

jonny and I will send you all of our empty beer cans, at 75 cents a pound you'd probably make about 2 grand a week! ;;D


Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 19th, 2007, 10:02pm

   OMG... and if Brian in Australia added'd be rich enough to take care of everything at well as send everyone here to every convention for the next Milennia.     [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Jonny on Dec 19th, 2007, 10:15pm

on 12/19/07 at 21:52:15, jimmers wrote:

jonny and I will send you all of our empty beer cans, at 75 cents a pound you'd probably make about 2 grand a week! ;;D


Woot, there its is, Woot there it is....LOL. ;;D

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 20th, 2007, 12:01am

 I found it I found it.!!!    lol

  Here is Rays wife's link.   If anyone wants to buy really natural products here it is: may want to e-mail her and at least ask her  about this?  huh?  maybe sorta? Kinda?

I get paid nothing for this announcement.  Trust me.   ::)


Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by writer on Dec 20th, 2007, 8:38pm
You might think about boarding dogs or cats in your home.  Years ago when my son craved a dog and I was a single parent with no money to spare, I decided we would board dogs.  We did, and the money came in handy.  We operated mostly by word-of-mouth, although once I put an ad in a little local paper.

Clients in this situation provide all the food.  However, I always gave our (boarder) dogs little healthful extras when we were having things like roast beef and brown rice, etc.

Things to consider: You will need to write up something and get your potential client(s) to sign, absolving you of responsibility in case of accidents and authorizing you to take their pet to ______ animal hospital if necessary.

Your dogs should be walked at noontime.  My junior high son left school to come home and take out our boarder.  (I was employed full-time elsewhere.)

We made it a point to offer potential clients an entirely free weekend at our place BEFORE the actual boarding began.  This way the pet was not nearly so miserable when he/she came back to board with us--the (dog) had lived with us for a weekend and gotten plenty of love and pampering.  It made our later work much easier and I highly recommend it.

Interesting: we never had a dog urinate or vomit or do anything else unsociable in our house while with us.  We fell in love with each and every one and missed them when they left us.  

A bit of work, but it's all profit and love!

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by nani on Dec 21st, 2007, 12:46am

on 12/19/07 at 13:54:10, Melissa wrote:
BTW, I can't do in home daycare/babysitting due to Jesse's job,

I'm confused. Lucy, please 'splain.  :)

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by brewcrew on Dec 21st, 2007, 7:46am

on 12/21/07 at 00:46:00, nani wrote:
I'm confused. Lucy, please 'splain.  :)

I'm betting he has to sleep during the day.

Title: Re: Anyone here work from your home?
Post by Melissa on Dec 21st, 2007, 10:02am
For example, this week he's on 2nd, shift, next week he's on 1st shift, the following week he's on 3rd shift, so not only do I deal with that, I also have Lily's Karate commitment to stick to.

Brew is correct.

writer- thanks for the suggestion but my husband would say a resounding no, not only that, but I'm just wanting to make a few hundred dollars to buy my camera and equipt., so something like that would be a whole different direction I don't want to go in.  Thank you for time though! :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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