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(Message started by: dratbone on Mar 21st, 2006, 7:53pm)

Title: Another new one today
Post by dratbone on Mar 21st, 2006, 7:53pm
Hello all,

First off let me say how glad I was to find this site. I was lucky and had a good GP who recognized something was wrong pretty quickly when my first CH's started a month and a half and ago. This is my first time having these, and I'm 33 years old, and being quite pain tolerant, this scared the living daylights out of me the first time it happened. She sent me to a neuro who after asking alot of the questions that I have read here, and a quick MRI, made the diagnosis of CH and started me on meds after my 3rd episoide.

Mine are at night when I'm asleep, so I guess I'm fortunate they haven't happened at work. Which I'm keeping my fingers crossed they won't. I wake up from a dead sleep, damn near blind in my right eye, and pretty heavy watering.

As a sidenote, has anyone noticed a precusor to these as a general dopey feeling a day or so before they strike? (forgetfulness, fumbly, etc) (And I'm not usually like that :p) It seems to me, and bear with me as the 2 prior episodes days before are a bit foggy, that this happened this time, and I think the time before. Any info would be appreciated, as it may help me recognize what is happening. Although Im hoping they break for awhile, as I'm almost out of sick time already.  :P

Hope everyone has a pain free day! (And night)


Title: Re: Another new one today
Post by BobG on Mar 22nd, 2006, 6:20am
Welcome to the board, drat.

Have you looked under all the buttons on the left side of your screen. Lots of good information there.

About the general dopey feeling........I have never noticed that as you describe it. After many days and nights of attacks and the lose of sleep it caused, I might get somewhat goofy.

Title: Re: Another new one today
Post by Bob_Johnson on Mar 22nd, 2006, 7:10am
Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2001 Feb;5(1):55-9.  

Premonitory symptoms in cluster headache.

Raimondi E.

Catedra de Neurologia, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 9 de Julio 3826, Rosario 2002 PKP, Argentina.

Cluster headache is one of the most excruciating headaches affecting human beings--especially the male sex. Most of the cluster headache cases are of episodic nature, with active cluster periods lasting generally between a few weeks and 2 or 3 months. A still undetermined percentage of patients report nonpainful sensations preceding the onset of the pain attack for a variable period of time. If occurring only a few minutes or a few hours before the onset of pain, such symptoms are called prodromal. When occurring for several days, weeks, or months before the pain, they are termed premonitory symptoms. The author believes that premonitory symptoms have not been properly diagnosed and emphasizes the need to investigate their presence, because by knowing them advances can be made in the understanding of the physiopathology of this particular cephalalgia. Furthermore, it can also allow the physician to be ahead, by giving preventive treatment and stopping or diminishing the intensity and duration of the pain attacks.

Publication Types:

PMID: 11252138  

Title: Re: Another new one today
Post by Jasmyn on Mar 22nd, 2006, 7:53am
Welcome Drat

On your question, I just get very agitated and irritated before a hit.  I do think the brain chemistry changes before the onslaught.

Hope you get some pain free nights and let us know what meds you are on.

9mg Melatonin before bedtime can be very useful to prevent some of the nightly visits.

Title: Re: Another new one today
Post by dratbone on Mar 22nd, 2006, 6:05pm
Thanks to all the responses and the information. Currently the neuro has put me on a 7 day steroid pack and lithium. However, with the job I have I'm not wild about the side effects I'm expiericing with the Lithium. I'm also on Verapamil for HBP (Which was the original reason I went to the doctor, feeling faint, dizzy, nauseous, and some monster headaches. Found out my BP was extremely elevated.) For my followup visit to the neuro, I plan to talk with him about just switching to a possible higher dose of verapamil and discussing some of the treatments that I have read here. I also have Relpax for the "relief" of my headaches. Needless to say that has about as much as an effect as putting a drop of water in the Sahara..

As for the melatonin Jasmyn: Thanks to whoever started that thread on the other board. I remember seeing your name in the thread with some good information, and since we had some on the nightstand I took 4 mg last night. I was able to get 6 and a half hours of glorious sleep last night, and I feel half way human right now.  [smiley=laugh.gif] So far today has been entirely PF, and lets hope it stays that way!

Bob, thank you for posting that, Im trying to keep a daily journal of hit times, and any akward feelings I get during the day, that feels out of the norm for me. Nice to know there may be something that is telling me they are coming.

Thanks to everyone for the information and keep them PF days and nights coming!


Title: Re: Another new one today
Post by RichardN on Mar 24th, 2006, 2:36pm
Hi drat & Welcome

 What dose of Verapamil did he start you on? My first script was for a low dose (don't recall exactly), and got to 240 mg before I had my first PF day (got hit three times that night . . . but it was a GREAT day) . . . got up to 360 mg.  Many here take much more and in combination with drugs like lithium.  I have no experience with Replax, but many here do.

 PLEASE read up on the oxygen info (link on left).  I cannot take triptans (like Imitrex) due to arterie blockage and high cholesterol . . . . so 02 is my only abortive . . . can kill the beast in minutes if used early-on in the attack . . . works for 60-70% of us . . . reasonably inexpensive and no side-effects.  Requires a 15 lpm regulator with a non-rebreather mask (the one with the bag).

 Do copy the 02 info and take to your doctor . . . .don't leave without a script . . . and DO NOT USE THE STRAP ON THE MASK!

 You've found the mother-lode of CH information/caring/ sharing from people who truly know your pain.  Sorry you have to be here, but know now you're not alone.

 Be Safe,  PFDANs

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