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(Message started by: WhatIsTHAT on Jul 23rd, 2007, 8:53am)

Title: Any Ideas?
Post by WhatIsTHAT on Jul 23rd, 2007, 8:53am
Hey board!

Glad to have found you.

I am looking for some opinions on what the F?? I have.  I realize I need a neuro to really diagnose, but I am wondering if 1) anyone has anything similar, and 2) if anyone knows what the hell it is that I have.

Since I was around 10 I have had what I always believed to be like a mild migraine.  I say mild because I know others that have migraines and puke and are bed ridden from them.  These haeaches generally last about 8-12 hours if untreated.

Mine are USUALLY not that bad, more of a dull ache that tends to throb behind my left eye and temple.  I do get slightly nautious, and very flemmy.  They range in intensity from completely functional, to I need to lay down.

Here is one weird thing that got me to this board.  They are extremely patterned.  They tend to come every week on Thursday morning.  Occasionally if I dont eat, or drink too much, I can change my pattern to a saturday/sunday for a few weeks, but they always go back to Thursdays.

OK, next for where I think I have some form of a cluster.  When I was 15 for a 2 week period I got the same type of headache, only waaaay more intense.  It felt like my eyeball was being crushed by a vice.  These lasted for anywhere from 1/2 hour to 3 hours and hit 2-3 times per day for 2 weeks, then went back to my normal lighter Thursday headaches.

I have had these "cycles" every 4-5 years since religiously.

In reading this site, I don't get nearly the devastating pain that some report.  Even at the worse in cycle, I do not get that horrible ice pick feeling, its really bad in that I really feel like my eye is getting crushed badly, but I don't think i would describe it quite as bad as some do.

For my "off-cycle" migraine type headaches I take a maxalt and within 30 min. it is completely gone.

Its almost as if I have some form of a migraine/cluster whcih I did not know existed.

Any ideas?


Title: Re: Any Ideas?
Post by DennisM1045 on Jul 23rd, 2007, 9:13am
Hey What!  Man I see some serious Abbot and Costello posts in your future  ;;D  I'm glad you found this site.  I'm sorry you had to.  Either way, welcome to the Family.

It's not uncommon for folks to suffer from multiple forms of HA.  That is one of the things that makes diagnsis so difficult.  It sounds to me like you have hit the jackpot so to speak.  Time to buy a lottery ticket.

Anyway, take your symptoms to the cluster quiz link on the left panel.  Focus your answers on the cluster headaches you have.  Like you said yourself, there is no substitute for a proper diagnosis by a qualified Neurologist familiar with CH.


Title: Re: Any Ideas?
Post by Guiseppi on Jul 23rd, 2007, 10:41am
And to really help with that diagnosis you need to keep a headache diary, the details that really help in the diagnosis are:

When the headaches start, how fast they build, how they rate on the KIP scale, (on the left side of the board). how fast they peak, how long they stay at peak, what you've taken and whether it had any effect.

There is really no way to "diagnose" CH, it's more a process of eliminating everything else. Do take the cluster quiz on the left and start keeping track of everything in the quiz that applies to you. It'll all be a big help for a proper diagnosis. There are several on the board who get migrains and CH, (damned cruel in my humble opinion)....they'll be along shortly I'm sure. Good luck!!!!


Title: Re: Any Ideas?
Post by WhatIsTHAT on Jul 23rd, 2007, 4:37pm
Thanks for the responses!

While it definitely sux to get what I believe to be both Migraines and Clusters, I feel lucky to so far not get either nearly as bad as some seem to get them.

Some of the stories of the Kip 10's are horrible.

If I had to rate my in cycle HA's, I would put them on a 7-8 level.  That is by no means fun and my two weeks of them completely dominates my life, but I guess I feel fortunate not to have 10's, and that its only for 2 weeks and 4-5 years in between.

God Bless any of you are chronic or get these nightmares more frequently!

Title: Re: Any Ideas?
Post by lionsound on Jul 23rd, 2007, 9:34pm
I have migraines and Ch and a few other sundry headache types. yes, please get to a neuro to help you sort it out.

Have you ever tried Oxygen for the ones you think are clusters? I have .... and for me it sometimes helps my migraines as well. So keep that in mind to ask the neuro to try.

be well and PF!

Title: Re: Any Ideas?
Post by WhatIsTHAT on Jul 24th, 2007, 9:14am

on 07/23/07 at 21:34:17, lionsound wrote:
I have migraines and Ch and a few other sundry headache types. yes, please get to a neuro to help you sort it out.

Have you ever tried Oxygen for the ones you think are clusters? I have .... and for me it sometimes helps my migraines as well. So keep that in mind to ask the neuro to try.

be well and PF!

Never tried O2, but next "cycle" I will.  Interesting thing I do remember was last cycle I remember trying to shadow box as hard as I could during the HA to get trhough the pain, and it actually went away.  It was one of the last ones I had during that cycle so I never got a chance to try it again.  But in reading, I think  the vigorous exercise is supposed to work in a similar way to the O2.  Will try it next cycle.

Title: Re: Any Ideas?
Post by Guiseppi on Jul 24th, 2007, 10:11am
Before I had a decent diagnosis and oxygen, I'd go for a half hour run as soon as I got the first shadows. many times I could abort the headache that way. I gotta tell you, kicking back with an 02 mask is MUCH easier. Hope it proves as useful to you!


Title: Re: Any Ideas?
Post by Sandy_C on Jul 24th, 2007, 4:17pm
Hi What, and welcome.

It sounds as though you could have CH, along with other headaches.  Nobody can tell for certain until you get a complete diagnosis.

Various medications work on CH, but not on other types of headaches, and vice versa.  Some medications that may be prescribed could be extremely harmful, depending on what is causing your headache pain, so it is vitally important to get that firm diagnosis.

In the meantime, you've found us, so stick around and read.  There is a lifetime of experience and knowledge from the people here.  We'll do all we can to help get you sorted out.


Title: Re: Any Ideas?
Post by Rosybabe on Jul 24th, 2007, 7:57pm
HI WElcome aborad!!

I do have different kinds of HA, migraines, episodic clusters, sinus HA's and ice picks.  ;;D. and I can tell you not all meds work for all, but I find that O2 helps with most of them so why not give it a try?

You need to get a proper diagnosis so you can have access to meds and testing.

Please stay around and let us know how you are doing.

      Good Luck and PF wishes for you!

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