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(Message started by: clusthead on Jul 26th, 2007, 11:08pm)

Title: wedding day headache
Post by clusthead on Jul 26th, 2007, 11:08pm
Hey guys I am new on the site. Been fighting these bad boys oh for about 5 years or so. I'm an episodic sufferer ( my heart goes out to you chronic sufferers their will be relief) usually in the beginning of the winter and the first 2/3 of the summer.  I am pretty much a cluster poster boy.  Only on the left side, droopy eye, congestion, sensitive to light, throbbing pressure in the eye ball, you name it I've got it.  I would like to discuss the details a little bit more but I have a more pressing concern.  I am getting married- please G-od- on September 2nd and I am terrified of getting a cluster attack on wedding day.  Anyone have any suggestions of how to abort these things for a day or two so i don't have to worry about walking down the aisle like a "dead man walking" any suggestions anyone? anyone? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: wedding day headache
Post by thebbz on Jul 26th, 2007, 11:20pm
Have lots of coffee around when the hit begins swill down half a pot fast. Try not to pee in the aisle. Really caffeine or monster or redbull aborts the CH.
You dont have imitrex or other abort?
I'm a lefty too. Welcome

Title: Re: wedding day headache
Post by MR_FLOOR on Jul 27th, 2007, 2:27am
Hey Clusterhead,

         First off congratulations.

           I got hit at my reception and it was before I was diagnosed so I had no abortives so I had to tough it out.If I were you I would stock up on Imitrex you don't want these bastards ruin your special day.Good luck to you and your new Wifey.


Title: Re: wedding day headache
Post by sandie99 on Jul 27th, 2007, 5:19am
Welcome aboard! :)

I'm so sorry that you have ch, but I'm glad that you've found your way here. :)

I don't know what kinds of meds/treatment you use/have used with your ch, so it is bit hard to recommed things. I swear to Red Bull & other energy drinks and caffeine tablets myself, but I know that 02 (oxygen & the right kind of mask) help lots of people here. :)

At this very minute, I suggest that you will relax and don't worry too much in advance. You probably know if alcohol/lack of sleep/etc are triggers for you, so avoid those things you can around your wedding. And think about the places (church/reception/etc) you're going to be on that day and make sure that you'll have things you need to get rid of the hit closeby wherever you are -at all times! You can probably ask your bestman or someone else to double check that on your wedding day.

I'm sure that your spouse- to- be and others are aware of your ch, so they probably don't mind if you will "vanish" somewhere for a moment to get rid of the hit. Stress is one trigger to many, so the less you have that in advance, the better! :)

Many congratulations!!!  :)

PF days,

Title: Re: wedding day headache
Post by E-Double on Jul 27th, 2007, 11:16am
I also got hit at my wedding.
No big deal.I left for about 7 minutes and took a jab of trex.
I then partied my a$$ off.

If it will happen it iwll happen.

Don't fret just lkive and enjoy what will be the last fun you will have ;)

Title: Re: wedding day headache
Post by Bob_Johnson on Jul 27th, 2007, 1:06pm
You have time to get onto a good preventive med.

Here is a link to read and print and take to your doctor.  It describes preventive, transitional, abortive and surgical treatments for CH. Written by one of the better headache docs in the U.S.  (2002)  

Title: Re: wedding day headache
Post by Guiseppi on Jul 27th, 2007, 1:25pm
When I absolutely, positvely can't get hit, a work deal I can't get out of or something big, like a wedding!!!!!, I go on 60 mg of prednisone. Not a good long term med because it can be a bit hard on your body. I use it when my cycle first starts as i transition back onto my preventative. At dosages as low as 40mg a day I get complete relief.

Might want to convince your doc it's worth a short term taper to get you through the big day. And congrats on the big day, I'll celebrate 25 years in September...(the 11th if you can believe it!!!) still think it was the smartest decision i ever made!!


Title: Re: wedding day headache
Post by thomas on Aug 2nd, 2007, 11:19am
You will have so much adrenaline pumping that day, I don't think you will have to worry.

Title: Re: wedding day headache
Post by mhadley on Aug 15th, 2007, 5:24pm
I second Guiseppi.  Predisone is a great solution to discuss with your doctor, it can work wonders, and did for me.  But I've long since abandoned it because it is not a viable solution for a chronic problem.

Predisone is often used as a preventative for the beginning of the cluster, rapidly tapering off to allow verapamil to kick in (often takes a few days).  When I would take it the first few days, no headaches and I felt like million bucks.  But that's temporary.  Long term it did all kinds of nasty things.

Just be very careful about predisone.  Follow the docs directions exactly and don't get trapped into taking it long term just because it works at first.

And make sure you have injectible Imitrex (unless you've discovered that doesn't work). Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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