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(Message started by: pfunk on Mar 8th, 2006, 12:06am)

Title: Another med ?
Post by pfunk on Mar 8th, 2006, 12:06am
Hello folks.  Sorry but I've been away from th computer for a few days so I haven't been posting much.  However, I am happy to say that I have been PF, HAF and symptom free since the last Thurs of Feb.  Doc has up the verapamil to 540mg/day.  Other than the 12mg of melatonin, verap is the only med I have taken for the last three weeks.
Couple of questions though?  The doc says that even while I am symptom free, my BP is still running high.  He said that once we're sur this cycle is over, he'd like to lower the doseage but keep me on verap to try and keep the pressure low.  Is it wise for me to keep taking it while not in cycle?  Secondly, if this is the end of this particular cycle(which started Jan 3.-normally my cycles last six months but don't start until June), should I buckle down and be ready to fight again come June? Or, is it possible that as I've gotten older, the beginning and end of my cycles have just changed?  I did get a long period(from Oct. 2004- Jan. 2006) when I was symptom free that whole period for  the first time ever in my life.  Could that 'time off' have changed my CH clock and just switched my start time to a different time of year?  Thanks.  Much luv and PFDANS.

Pfunk :)

Title: Re: Another med ?
Post by Jasmyn on Mar 8th, 2006, 3:05am
Pfunk, glad you're PF! ;;D

You'll have to taper the verap but it may be too soon, usually wait a month to make sure you're out of cycle, then taper and if you get hit again you just increase the dosage again.

I don't think it is a medical problem to stay on verap out of cycle as many chronics use it daily for years but they will rather have to comment on this.  The only thing is that if you are episodic the verap may not be as effective when you hit a cycle again but I think this differs from person to person.

CH is not predictable, you might or might not be in cycle again in June.  Don't think too much or worry about it, CH happens but life happens too.

Hope you CH clock gets stuck in a PF period that lasts forever! ;;D

Title: Re: Another med ?
Post by sandie99 on Mar 8th, 2006, 3:42am
I'm so happy that you're PF! :) :) :)

And I glad that verap has helped you. It helped me, too. I waited a month before I begun to taper my dose (600mg/day). But I was chronic & in my case verap  made me faint (low doses) because it lowered my low blood pressure more. So I wanted to get off it asap.

I hope as well that your ch clock will be stuck at PF for a long, long time. Like the rest of your life! :)

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Another med ?
Post by marlinsfan on Mar 8th, 2006, 8:55am

on 03/08/06 at 03:05:33, Jasmyn wrote:
CH is not predictable, you might or might not be in cycle again in June.  Don't think too much or worry about it, CH happens but life happens too.

Right on, Jas. Don't assume the beast will come knocking in June. You may go 3 yrs before your next cycle. That's how long I was PF between my last 2 cycles, after cycling yearly for many many yrs.

When I got off the melatonin after my last bout, I tapered 3 mg off every 3 nights. Don't know if I needed to do that, but I did and all was OK.

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