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(Message started by: Nigel33 on May 6th, 2007, 11:33am)

Title: Do I still go?
Post by Nigel33 on May 6th, 2007, 11:33am
I was only diagnosed with CH this year but have been suffering for a couple of years. I have just come out of a headache cycle and thank god am free from pain. I have a neuro appointment on the 17/05/07 (my first) is it a good idea to still go?
The current waiting list for appointments is 65 days and I do not wish to miss an opportunity as I am still not happy that my meds are right.
Currently prescribed Verapamil and Imigran Nasal Sprays.

Reading through the forum advice seems to be spilt between going to the neuro when in a cycle and not when pain free.

Any advice would be great.



Title: Re: Do I still go?
Post by LeLimey on May 6th, 2007, 11:38am

Even if you are out of cycle now you can get ready for next time. Get prescriptions, get them filled and have the stuff ready as otherwise, God forbid - you could go into cycle on a friday evening before a bank holiday on the monday - get armed.

Get all you need to get you through at least the first week of your next cycle and get your doctor told what they need to give you. That way when it all starts again you don't have to wait in agony.

Mind you, you'll know "agony" if I don't see a post from you on the 17th telling us how you got on with the neuro!  ;) I'm bossy - get used to it!

There will be alot of other posts on this subject - but you won't see one that'll say - "Nah - don't worry mate"


Title: Re: Do I still go?
Post by Nigel33 on May 6th, 2007, 11:41am
Thanks Helen

Believe me I did take your advice from before. I will still go, it is just this is all so new to me. Before the CH I have never been ill a day in my life and I am still trying to get my head around the fact that I am not indestructable and actually mortal!

You take care and I really appreciate your time and knowledge.


Title: Re: Do I still go?
Post by LeLimey on May 6th, 2007, 12:28pm
Nige I'm the first to tell you to ask all the questions you want - yuo do it! I want you to be 100% confident of what you need to know and what you want to ask the neuro before you go so you get the best out of it hon

Title: Re: Do I still go?
Post by Callico on May 6th, 2007, 11:55pm
I'm with Helen 100% ont his one!  Definately go!  All you will accomplish by waiting until you are in cycle is to scare eveyone in the waiting room when you get hit while waiting to get in.  Ask for O2.


Title: Re: Do I still go?
Post by chrisw on May 7th, 2007, 10:22am
You should definately go.  I have been in your situation before, and I waited for months to see a headaches specialist, and by the time the appt. came, my CH were gone.  I didnt go and I was very sorry the next time they appeared.

You should go and tell the doc of your history,and get some scripts for O2, and imitrex, and that way you will be ready for it if the beast should come back.

good luck,
chrisw ;;D

Title: Re: Do I still go?
Post by E-Double on May 7th, 2007, 10:24am

Stock up!

Good luck!


Title: Re: Do I still go?
Post by TonyG1 on May 7th, 2007, 8:40pm
Yep, listen to Helen !!  Nigel, most of are like squirrels in or out of cycle ... stockpiling our defenses for when the next cycle will hit... the only guarantee with the condition is that another cycle will hit and we will dance again ... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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