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(Message started by: maryo on Jan 11th, 2008, 6:29pm)

Title: oxygen logistics
Post by maryo on Jan 11th, 2008, 6:29pm
First of all, I think any clusterhead needs to have oxygen on hand, the same way everyone has bandaids in their house.

I was a rural EMT for years and years and I never went anywhere without oxygen. The E tanks are a little too large for carrying around. I always used the D size tank. They make oxygen bags to carry both sizes. These bags have securing straps and are padded and sit on their side rather than upright in a stand. You have to always keep in mind that oxygen tanks can become missiles if dropped. Being told about a dropped O2 tank that careened through the lead filled wall of an xray room convinced me to never stand an unsecured tank up or even be around one. If you carry one in your car, keep it in the trunk or the way back (secured if possible) and always inside the padded bag. You wouldn't want to be in an accident and have your O2 tank thrown into your head. I take the O2 kit (it has little pockets inside for masks and whatnot) on our sailboat when we cruise overnight. Two sources of O2 supplies I've used are and Anyone can buy oxygen bags and non-rebreather masks.

I have the D tank for travel (or in the living room where I retreat sometimes to avoid waking my husband), and active and backup E-tanks for main use.

Regarding travel -- I recently traveled out-of-state and prepared for the inevitable clusters by locating a medical oxygen supplier where we'd be staying and having my doc phone them a prescription. It got delivered to my hotel room!

I did recently see someone being given oxygen turned up too high, and what happened is the hose wouldn't stay attached to the mask. The patient didn't seem to suffer any though. I have had success with as low as 8 liters but I'm needing 12 now. Go with whatever works.

Title: Re: oxygen logistics
Post by TxBasslady on Jan 13th, 2008, 4:38am
Yep...good stuff, 02.

I have 1 H tank and 4 E tanks.   Apria is my provider....and they have locations in just about every State in the US.  

All I have to do is call my local office....they have the 02 waitin' at the front desk of the hotel when I travel.

Downside is....unfortunately 02 doesn't work for all CH'ers.    


Title: Re: oxygen logistics
Post by Gator on Jan 17th, 2008, 4:54pm
One thing about carrying oxygen bottles in vehicles:  Consult your O2 provider and/or check your state and local laws.  In Oklahoma, it is illegal to carry an oxygen tank in your trunk. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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