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(Message started by: Ace_Sterling on Jan 25th, 2008, 8:28am)

Title: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Ace_Sterling on Jan 25th, 2008, 8:28am
After the kidney infection, I had trouble coming off the opiates so I was put on Zoloft. Two weeks on Zoloft and no headaches but my hand began to swell. I came off the Zoloft and headaches returned. More it did't releive the selling in my hands.

I went 6 months trying to diagnose what was looking like a rheumatoid condition on top of my headaches. Finally, I was prescribed Prednisone. And it forever changed my life.

At first, it worked like a charm. No headaches, no morning stifness in my hands or other joints. I started with a 3 week trial and went on and off of it for 6 months as I was being tested by various physicians. (As we know a doctor won't run any test while your on Prednisone. )

I came off the Prednisone and the headaches returned along with my other symptoms. There was a trend occuring and I didn't realize it and my doc didn't warn me about it...I was becoming resistant to the steroids (i.e. it was taking longer and longer for the steroids to work...1 day then 3 days then 1 week then 2 weeks, etc.)

Also, each trial was making life worse for me when I would come off. With each course of prednisone it seemed to be amplifying my disease and my headaches.
And a third problem came into play...I was having some kind of rebound reaction when I first started my Prednisone taper. I would swell up and go into a cluster headache. Plus all the side effects going on the drug were horrible.

Now let's go to the week and day that change my life.

In late 2001, I had been going from specialist to specialist and going on and off Prednisone frequenlty. In April of 2002, I said "fuck it". Nobody was helping me and I needed to get back to work...I was rapidly running out of "living expense" money.  

I put myself on 30mg Prednisone, Xmg of Celexa, Aspirin, Vitamins, and who knows what else. During the week I noticed my sking was changing. My forearms were as white as Porcelin. The veins in the back of my hands are usually quite prominent...they were gone..I couldn't see them.

Half-way during the head was just ringing so bad I couldn't stand it..I couldn;t sleep, think, anything. I figured this was steroid psychosis. I was wrong. At one point, I smoked a cigarette. It made the ringing worse and I had a shock zip through my brain and almost knock me off of my feet.

I called a doctor because I was in trouble with this problem. I was told that I was just being over concerned about my health and to ignore it.

At the end of the week, I still had not slept all week. My headache had dissipated. But I had the veins in my left lower leg collapse. This also cause my whole leg to be black and blue. Yeah...It's all in my head.

I started taking myself off the medications....starting with the Celexa...Within 2 days I was feeling a whole lot better. Then it happened.

I got up on Monday, April 14, 2002. I started the day like I always do, with coffee and a few smokes. I noticed my veins were still constricted. I was tapering off the steroids and I was down from 30mg to 10mg. I took the Prednisone (10mg) and went to take a shower. Just as I was about to get in the shower, my head felt "funny"...then my heart started racing and it felt like boiling water had been injected into my veins. I had to lay down very quickly. I had my girlfriend call 911. EVERY THING THAT COULD POSSIBLY CONTACT ON A HUMAN BODY contracted. Blood Vessels, smooth muscle, regular muscle, etc.

At the hospital the missed the JVD which is when my jugular sticks out due to a strain on my heart. OSU treated me like shit but they probably saved my life by pushing two huge bags of fluid through my system. They admitted me and said my EKG showed Peridcarditis. The discharged me a day later not knowing anything of what I been through.

I went home and suffered for 3 more days. I had acid building up in my stomach non stop. I had to take Prevacid to keep from getting an ulcer. I have never had stomach problems.

My skin on my arms and legs was damaged like what happens in eosinophil fasciitis (per emedicine). My muscles were damaged head to toe.

I saw my doctor on day 4 after this happened. I had to take my girlfriend with me because my head (brain) was ringing and I couldn't think. (The only thing running through my mind was that I looked like my Mother after she has an episode. My mother has schizophrenia)

My doctor just wrote off the whole thing as e bad reaction to steroids. And he didn't realize that I had suffered tissue damage head to toe. All due to Prednisone which I took to control my headaches and the ringing in my head.
At this point of the story we are half way. The point of this first half is to learn a little bit about me and to warn you about the dangers of steroids. I see emedicine currently has 2 articles on cluster headaches and one of them suggests steroids as a treatment. I can not tell you enough how dangerous steroids are and it will change your life and your body's chemistry PERMANENTLY!!!.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Dape on Jan 25th, 2008, 8:38am
You may want to look HERE (,98.asp)

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by George_J on Jan 25th, 2008, 9:19am

on 01/25/08 at 08:28:17, Ace_Sterling wrote:
After the kidney infection, I had trouble coming off the opiates so I was put on Zoloft. Two weeks on Zoloft and no headaches but my hand began to swell. I came off the Zoloft and headaches returned. More it did't releive the selling in my hands.

I went 6 months trying to diagnose what was looking like a rheumatoid condition on top of my headaches. Finally, I was prescribed Prednisone. And it forever changed my life.

At first, it worked like a charm. No headaches, no morning stifness in my hands or other joints. I started with a 3 week trial and went on and off of it for 6 months as I was being tested by various physicians. (As we know a doctor won't run any test while your on Prednisone. )

I came off the Prednisone and the headaches returned along with my other symptoms. There was a trend occuring and I didn't realize it and my doc didn't warn me about it...I was becoming resistant to the steroids (i.e. it was taking longer and longer for the steroids to work...1 day then 3 days then 1 week then 2 weeks, etc.)

Also, each trial was making life worse for me when I would come off. With each course of prednisone it seemed to be amplifying my disease and my headaches.
And a third problem came into play...I was having some kind of rebound reaction when I first started my Prednisone taper. I would swell up and go into a cluster headache. Plus all the side effects going on the drug were horrible.

Now let's go to the week and day that change my life.

In late 2001, I had been going from specialist to specialist and going on and off Prednisone frequenlty. In April of 2002, I said "fuck it". Nobody was helping me and I needed to get back to work...I was rapidly running out of "living expense" money.  

I put myself on 30mg Prednisone, Xmg of Celexa, Aspirin, Vitamins, and who knows what else. During the week I noticed my sking was changing. My forearms were as white as Porcelin. The veins in the back of my hands are usually quite prominent...they were gone..I couldn't see them.

Half-way during the head was just ringing so bad I couldn't stand it..I couldn;t sleep, think, anything. I figured this was steroid psychosis. I was wrong. At one point, I smoked a cigarette. It made the ringing worse and I had a shock zip through my brain and almost knock me off of my feet.

I called a doctor because I was in trouble with this problem. I was told that I was just being over concerned about my health and to ignore it.

At the end of the week, I still had not slept all week. My headache had dissipated. But I had the veins in my left lower leg collapse. This also cause my whole leg to be black and blue. Yeah...It's all in my head.

I started taking myself off the medications....starting with the Celexa...Within 2 days I was feeling a whole lot better. Then it happened.

I got up on Monday, April 14, 2002. I started the day like I always do, with coffee and a few smokes. I noticed my veins were still constricted. I was tapering off the steroids and I was down from 30mg to 10mg. I took the Prednisone (10mg) and went to take a shower. Just as I was about to get in the shower, my head felt "funny"...then my heart started racing and it felt like boiling water had been injected into my veins. I had to lay down very quickly. I had my girlfriend call 911. EVERY THING THAT COULD POSSIBLY CONTACT ON A HUMAN BODY contracted. Blood Vessels, smooth muscle, regular muscle, etc.

At the hospital the missed the JVD which is when my jugular sticks out due to a strain on my heart. OSU treated me like shit but they probably saved my life by pushing two huge bags of fluid through my system. They admitted me and said my EKG showed Peridcarditis. The discharged me a day later not knowing anything of what I been through.

I went home and suffered for 3 more days. I had acid building up in my stomach non stop. I had to take Prevacid to keep from getting an ulcer. I have never had stomach problems.

My skin on my arms and legs was damaged like what happens in eosinophil fasciitis (per emedicine). My muscles were damaged head to toe.

I saw my doctor on day 4 after this happened. I had to take my girlfriend with me because my head (brain) was ringing and I couldn't think. (The only thing running through my mind was that I looked like my Mother after she has an episode. My mother has schizophrenia)

My doctor just wrote off the whole thing as e bad reaction to steroids. And he didn't realize that I had suffered tissue damage head to toe. All due to Prednisone which I took to control my headaches and the ringing in my head.
At this point of the story we are half way. The point of this first half is to learn a little bit about me and to warn you about the dangers of steroids. I see emedicine currently has 2 articles on cluster headaches and one of them suggests steroids as a treatment. I can not tell you enough how dangerous steroids are and it will change your life and your body's chemistry PERMANENTLY!!!.

Edit to add:

There ya go, JEG_43MD .  

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by starlight on Jan 25th, 2008, 9:26am

You sound like a total hypochondriac.
Not because you say you have headaches.
Because of your "observations" of things going awry in your body that are obviously figments of your imagination--one example would be your arms turning to porcelain, EVERYTHING in your human body collapsing like "smooth muscle"--what the heck is that all about?-- tissue damage head to toe from meds, the feeling of water boiling in your veins, your jugular sticking out because of a strain on your heart....
Dude, you need to get a reality check OK?  If all those things had actually happened you'd be in a coma.  You're not right?  You're sitting at your computer typing away describing this outlandish story.  You need to go see a psychiatrist for hypochondria if you actually believe this stuff is happening in your body.  Good luck.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by NJRik on Jan 25th, 2008, 9:40am
I feel sorry for you dude, but I won't even read porn if it goes on for more than two parts.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Guiseppi on Jan 25th, 2008, 9:54am
Wssup haven't PM'd me in almost 24 hours????


Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by brewcrew on Jan 25th, 2008, 9:59am

on 01/25/08 at 09:54:03, Guiseppi wrote:
Wssup haven't PM'd me in almost 24 hours????


God-dammit! I've never gotten a PM from him. I may have to relinquish my tard status.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by George_J on Jan 25th, 2008, 10:02am

on 01/25/08 at 09:59:01, brewcrew wrote:
God-dammit! I've never gotten a PM from him. I may have to relinquish my tard status.

I'm feelin' kinda left out--alway's a tard'smaid, never a tard.   :'(

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by PollyPocket on Jan 25th, 2008, 10:22am
Yep, its JEG.  What a waste of dna.

Edit to add:  ROFLMAO Dape!

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by chewy on Jan 25th, 2008, 10:31am
Heres another link for you.,364&oid=3880b9b2fd12a0a2&ei=UTF-8

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Jimi on Jan 25th, 2008, 10:42am
JEG, if you don't send me a nasty pm, I am gonna find you and know the reason why. Nobody sends mean ass pm's and leaves me out. >:(

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by vietvet2tours on Jan 25th, 2008, 10:46am

on 01/25/08 at 10:42:09, Jimi wrote:
JEG, if you don't send me a nasty pm, I am gonna find you and know the reason why. Nobody sends mean ass pm's and leaves me out. >:(

 Let's hope jimi finds ya before I do.


Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by hotprestwich on Jan 25th, 2008, 11:11am
so your saying that this guy jeg is using mutiple user names? i guess i can belive it cos ive never read so much shit, and all the new people seem to write exactly the same style and offer the same advise, coincidence??
seriously i feel sorry for ya dude to have to come on here and tell us what, well to be nice a bunch of crap, i dont buy story 1, 2, or 3,  

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by starlight on Jan 25th, 2008, 11:16am
He is under at least 10 different user names split between the top 3 boards.  In some he is saying he is a woman.  

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by brewcrew on Jan 25th, 2008, 11:17am
Perhaps someday I'll get around to actually reading this trilogy. Right after I polish the rafters in the attic.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by chewy on Jan 25th, 2008, 11:26am
I have to finish painting the grass blades in my yard before reading the first part. Each blade is being numbered.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Jonny on Jan 25th, 2008, 10:38pm

on 01/25/08 at 09:59:01, brewcrew wrote:
God-dammit! I've never gotten a PM from him.

LOL...These pricks never have the balls to PM me....LOL ;;D

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Ace_Sterling on Jan 25th, 2008, 11:25pm

on 01/25/08 at 09:26:52, starlight wrote:

You sound like a total hypochondriac.
Not because you say you have headaches.
Because of your "observations" of things going awry in your body that are obviously figments of your imagination--one example would be your arms turning to porcelain, EVERYTHING in your human body collapsing like "smooth muscle"--what the heck is that all about?-- tissue damage head to toe from meds, the feeling of water boiling in your veins, your jugular sticking out because of a strain on your heart....
Dude, you need to get a reality check OK?  If all those things had actually happened you'd be in a coma.  You're not right?  You're sitting at your computer typing away describing this outlandish story.  You need to go see a psychiatrist for hypochondria if you actually believe this stuff is happening in your body.  Good luck.

Thanks for viewpoint. I have got that before...especially with the "boiling in my legs". Diffrence being I don't actually think my blood is boiling, something else is going on.

As for the JVD thing, I had a sane witness with me.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Ace_Sterling on Jan 25th, 2008, 11:27pm

on 01/25/08 at 11:16:35, starlight wrote:
He is under at least 10 different user names split between the top 3 boards.  In some he is saying he is a woman.  

Not me dude. I'll cop to the JEG43MD thing. But that is all. Don't know who those others are.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by George_J on Jan 26th, 2008, 1:02am

on 01/25/08 at 23:27:55, Ace_Sterling wrote:
Not me dude. I'll cop to the JEG43MD thing. But that is all. Don't know who those others are.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Ace_Sterling on Jan 26th, 2008, 11:38am
And What...

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by LeLimey on Jan 26th, 2008, 11:39am
I assume you mean the "and what?" to George's quoting of you?

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by chewy on Jan 26th, 2008, 11:43am
Why do you do that George?

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by LeLimey on Jan 26th, 2008, 11:45am
I think I know Chewy..

Do you think you know too?

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by deltadarlin on Jan 26th, 2008, 3:40pm

on 01/25/08 at 11:17:01, brewcrew wrote:
Perhaps someday I'll get around to actually reading this trilogy. Right after I polish the rafters in the attic.

I have dustbunnies that need corraling, anybody want to help me?  They're a bit on the wild side, so it may take awhile.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Ace_Sterling on Jan 26th, 2008, 8:37pm

on 01/25/08 at 11:11:22, hotprestwich wrote:
so your saying that this guy jeg is using mutiple user names? i guess i can belive it cos ive never read so much shit, and all the new people seem to write exactly the same style and offer the same advise, coincidence??
seriously i feel sorry for ya dude to have to come on here and tell us what, well to be nice a bunch of crap, i dont buy story 1, 2, or 3,  

I am only under 1 name and it is ACE. The only other "persona" I had was JEG_43MD. Tha's it. So if you wanna beat up on them to go for it,

As for story 1-3...I havn't re-read the but they are true.

What didn't you "buy"?

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by George_J on Jan 26th, 2008, 8:49pm

on 01/26/08 at 11:43:17, chewy wrote:
Why do you do that George?

Historical context.  

Sometimes posts change...or disappear.  I like an accurate reference.  Call me a fetishist.  (No--wait--  [smiley=eek.gif] )



Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Ace_Sterling on Jan 26th, 2008, 9:04pm
Well thanks for the reply. Some people may think I am a bit off and when it comes to CH I know nothing. I must know something or the NIH wouldn't be taking interest in me.

I am trying to link up with the Intrnstion Hesdsche Society (IHS) but thus far no luck. Everyone thinks thirt an expert. Whether it is here or there or anyplace else.

I did leave out a lot of details in my story which I need to back and fix for my own reference. Screw evrybody else. If I wanted to be falmed all time I would go some
Dataline NNBC site [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by chewy on Jan 26th, 2008, 9:07pm

on 01/26/08 at 20:49:24, George_J wrote:
Historical context.  

Sometimes posts change...or disappear.  I like an accurate reference.  Call me a fetishist.  (No--wait--  [smiley=eek.gif] )



Ohhh! Good idea George. Didn't even occur to me.

I am trying to link up with the Intrnstion Hesdsche Society

Try linking up with Fun With Phonics.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Jonny on Jan 26th, 2008, 9:09pm
Youre a douchebag of the lowest kind!

We like that, we get to bat your douche ass from here to September......LMAO ;;D

Com'on douche........lets play....LOL

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by starlight on Jan 26th, 2008, 9:41pm
So, Ace, lemme get this straight--you're a schizophrenic headache expert with a penchant for hypochondria?

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by Kevin_M on Jan 26th, 2008, 9:43pm

on 01/26/08 at 21:04:25, Ace_Sterling wrote:
I must know something or the NIH wouldn't be taking interest in me.

I hear they are doing things with the comparative pathology of zoo animals.

I am trying to link up with the Intrnstion Hesdsche Society (IHS) but thus far no luck. Everyone thinks thirt an expert. Whether it is here or there or anyplace else.

They get a lot of stories like yours, but more interesting.  Your story needs some Martians and a wizard, maybe a talking dragonfly.  

Screw evrybody else.

Yeah, see.  You haven't fooled anyone from day one.

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by starlight on Jan 26th, 2008, 9:56pm
Maybe a talking dragonfly!!!!!  Bahahaha!!!  I love it!!!!

Title: Re: A Headache Story - Part 3
Post by jpa on Jan 26th, 2008, 10:05pm [smiley=laugh.gif] Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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