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(Message started by: peking0000 on Feb 11th, 2008, 9:28pm)

Title: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by peking0000 on Feb 11th, 2008, 9:28pm
I have all the classic cluster symptoms except the pain is directly in front of my left ear in the TMJ.  Does anyone else have the pain in this area?

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by MJ on Feb 12th, 2008, 12:31am

Hi peking.

this may be the first I've heard of that location as a focal point of CH pain

The trigeminal nerve that is affected in cluster headaches runs a bit above the TMJ.

some pics here from a TN site showing relation to the joint.

It is possible to feel CH in the area in front and a bit above the ear. The trigeminal runs a bit above the ear and out to the temple and to the cheekbones, eye area and teeth. chin too I guess.
Google trigeminal nerve images. Their used to be an excellent image circulated here.

Can you describe your classic symptoms. And I assume tic deloureau (sic) has been ruled out. There are also many other issues that can mimic cluster symptoms.

Your pain location is a bit different than classic clusters.

I know mine may refer back to the area above the ear but is focused in the temple area and radiates from there. While most others is centralized around the eye and some in the cheekbones.

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by peking0000 on Feb 12th, 2008, 3:44am
Thank you for answering/asking.  Symptoms are they usually occur 1 hour after falling asleep or mid-night (2:13 tonight).  Seldom during the day -- those are tolerable or shadow pain episodes.  Left side, tearing eye/clogged sinus, cannot lie down, pace, rock, moan (quietly).  Must move/shake/rotate my left foot and leg.  It is not involuntary, but I have to do it.  The actual pain is not sharp.  It is intense burning, electric, wave-like.  I have had thoughts "I cannot live like this," yet if "10" pain scale means, screaming and out of control, mine are a 9.  Never have the urge to hit my head on something.  Direct ice only relief (partial).  Reminds me of labor where there is a crescendo, then it fades, then it returns.  As I said, directly in front of my ear canal (the TMJ).  There's a heaviness to my eye, lid droops, but no pain there.   No pain in temple.  The worst sessions are 2-3 hours.  Ends quite abruptly -- cannot go back to bed until it is totally over.  Toward end of season (beginning now, actually), the time is more like 1 hour.  I have them all year, but they are far worse from October through March.  This week, I started Melatonin (9 mg) and tonight is my first in 3 days.  Before it was 5-6 nights a week.  MRI/CT brain 2004, negative.  Neurologist 2004 "thought" it was cluster headaches.  He wanted to give me meds to lower my blood pressure, but my blood pressure was already low and have to function alertly for my job.  I've not been back and have kind of decided it's my lot and I have to stay above it myself.  It's like this other world at night, fine, but tired by day.  What else do you need to know?  Thanks for your time!

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by monty on Feb 12th, 2008, 11:13am
I have had the pain creep down my jaw into the teeth on a few occasions. My TMJ is usually where the jaw attaches to the skull, which is rather different.

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by peking0000 on Feb 12th, 2008, 1:27pm
The TMJ locale seems unusual to CH, from all that I hear.  Am hoping MJ responds to me again as he seems to have some strong info.  

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by MJ on Feb 13th, 2008, 12:54am
Hi again

I really dont have any strong info. There are many here with very good knowledge though.
I cant say you do or do not have CH. some symptoms fit others dont and Clusters are certainly not a one size fits all malady. This is not a place to be diagnosed for sure.

I think some further diagnosis should be taken up with your doctor.

Heres a site with some information that may or may not pertain to you.

excerpt; "TMJ-related pain tends to be cyclical and may return again in the future"

Its worth a read.

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by thomas on Feb 13th, 2008, 2:14pm
My wife usually has hers in the jaw area as well, not uncommon.  Just not as common as the eyeball hit.  She does have them in the eye every once in a while too.

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by washed-out on Feb 13th, 2008, 7:24pm
It's too late to read all now (2 am :P) but I got one question:
does your ear go red?

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by Jonny on Feb 13th, 2008, 7:47pm
See the orange nerve at the temple in this picture?, thats the nerve that delivers CH pain. Notice that it turns yellow as it goes into the jaws, the pain can go that far for some of us.

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by peking0000 on Feb 14th, 2008, 12:18am
You have all been really helpful.  Think I'll take the advice and safe the diagnosis for the doc and learn and enjoy the site.  Thanks all!
(Nope, ear does not get red.)

Title: Re: Classic cluster, but pain in TMJ
Post by peking0000 on Feb 14th, 2008, 12:22am
Thanks for the illustration, Johnny.  Millimeters don't really matter -- all the symptoms are pure cluster.  Guess I was just looking/hoping for any other diagnosis.  Thanks for your time. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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