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(Message started by: BarbaraD on Dec 26th, 2003, 8:06am)

Title: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 26th, 2003, 8:06am
All in all our Christmas was really nice. We had our Grandson the day before and Christmas eve. He had the croup, but didn't slow down much for it. He and Granny cooked all day (Granny only got hit once during the day and it was during his nap time).

Then we went to the cemetery and sang "Happy Birthday" to my Mom (a family tradition) - we saved the birthday cake for later. She would have been 93. Caleb loved the cemetery - explored every "mile" of it with Granny chasing him. Then he sat down on Mamaw's stone and drank his juice and decided he didn't want to leave - had to "force" him back in the truck.

Then we went to Shreveport (with all our food) to spend the evening with his parents, who were both sick. Got home about midnight to wait for Santa.

Christmas Day we drove to Linden Texas to spend the day with 500 in-laws (brothers, sisters, grandkids, great-grandkids - don't know who some of those people were!). Grandmaw (who's 92 and a "little" senile since her stroke) told me I had bags under my eyes (hell, I'd only been hit twice that morning - couldn't understand the bags at all - my damn eye was swollen shut). But, as usual, the great and great great neices and nephews flocked to Aunt Barb to try out all their new toys (for some reason they think Aunt Barb is about their age). Anyhow we put a band together, learned our ABC's and played about 100 games that they explained to me (they also think Aunt Barb is a little slow sometimes because she doesn't understand all these games). Then we went to little brother's house and Aunt Barb got attacked by a very loving dog (about 100 pounds of loving dog!).

Finally, the sun started sinking and we could leave gracefully. Only about a 65 mile drive home, but Aunt Barb made it. Put Papaw to bed and CRASHED! Didn't even move until three this morning when Mr. Demon made his appearance.

All in all, it was a nice Christmas, but I, for one, am glad it's OVER for another year.  ::) Ho Ho Ho

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by cher on Dec 26th, 2003, 8:43am
had a lovely day barb, verrrrrrrrrry quiet, just me and the two kiddies, got an extra pressie, a bloody cold, lol.

kids got a playstation 2 and i can`t get them off it, i shoud`nt complain really, its really quiet and they are`nt fighting, lol,

glad you had a good day

bye for now

cher x

Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by Peppermint on Dec 26th, 2003, 9:15am
Well, since you mentioned it....

It was kind of  "Its a Wonderful Life" for me this year.  I really mean that.  Thank goodness for the miracles of small things.  

I didn't buy many gifts.   But I got a few phone calls and messages  from a few truly wonderful friends.  

My niece called me Teetee (auntie) for the first time.  This little blonde-haired, blue-eyed angel is only two.  

My daughter performed for the family for the first time....sang all her chorus Christmas songs.  What a ham! - but I think we've started a tradition.

Christmas day, big dinner party at my sister's.  Lots of family, kids running around, my nephew/godson, an abundance of the best food (Martha Stewart has nothing on my sister's talents), the most beautiful deocrations and tree.... and a lot of love going around.  

There were wrapped gifts too... but its the other things that really got to me.  I can only thank goodness I have so much when I was despairing at how little I thought I had only a few days ago.  

God, this sounds so corny, but well, I just thought I'd share that with you all.   I hope yours was as good as mine!!!


Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 26th, 2003, 10:26am
To continue the spirit of this thread, I'd like to add to it, but change it a bit.  What were the BEST and WORST things you received this Christmas?  I know we discussed what they were for us in the PAST, but what about this Chrsitmas?

I'll begin.


My stepmother and dad handed my brother, step-brother, step-sister, and me each a VERY heavy gift.  It felt like a photo album.  Each were about 5 inches thick.  Well, I opened mine (as did the others) and was truly amazed, truly taken aback and that is not easy for me.

It was a photo album, of sorts.  It was a leather-bound scrapbook my stepmother had put togther with the history of my family (each album, actually, was applicable to each recipient) from 3 genrations back on the maternal and paternal side.

She had text and photos (some dating back to the early 20th century when my grandfaher was in boarding school).   A couple of pix were of my great grandmother from the late 19th century when she was a child.  It was broken down into a history of each of the family memebers and what they did and how they met so and so and who their offspring were, finally culminating with my daughter.

There were pictures and actual postcards my father sent his parents when he was in boarding school and when he was in Japan at Iwo Jima while in the Air Force in the 1950's.  There was one in particular which was amazing.  Now, my dad's family is from Ohio.  But in the very early 1960's, he came to the South.  There was an actual letter from him to my grandparents where he said he was never going back to Ohio as he had found the promised land (South Carolina).  He was apologetic and sad and elated, all at the same time.  He described in detail the cotton fields he lived near and the warm Springs and his bi-weekly trips to see the Atlantic ocean.  He described the sounds of the ocean lapping up against the shore at night when he was alone on the beach with just a whiskey sour in his hand.       ;)

There were actual birth and death and wedding and Deb announcements from various memebers of my family.  God, to see my dad in his blue blazer and white turtleneck during the 1970's was enough to make us all laugh out LOUD...

In short, it was a complete and comprehensive history of this old and storied family of mine.  Complete with tons of blank space at the end so that we coud add on to it.

In a private moment, I asked daddy how long it took her to do this and he told me nearly 2 years.  I have been, quite frankly, moved.  And that is not easy for me.  Can it be the Yorks are becoming sentimentalists?  


My mother is quite ill with acute lung disease and hospitalized on a ventilator.  She did not get to spend Christmas with us.  It does not look good.  And while we cerainly know that cigarettes do not cause CHs, they do have other effects not discussed here.  I need to put them down.  No child should have to witness this.

I hope you all had the best Christmas ever!!!



Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by kim on Dec 26th, 2003, 2:15pm
I think Christmas is the sum total of the BEST and the WORST - it is being alive - it is living through all the good and all the bad and finding the exquisite middle.........the only way to feel that elusive fleeting joy is to have flown on each wing.  The best Christmas stories come from folks who tell the truth.  Not from folks who tawk about wrapped up tidy presents bought with definitions and/or illusions of "spirit"....

I woke up at 5am kinda stupefied and most unglamorous.  I looked at my babies' faces and the world was RIGHT, for that moment in time, all was as it should be in this world - and I felt very lucky, indeed.

Later on we all piled in the car and headed for grammas.  Kids played, our dogs all ran amuck in back yard, Grampa and Gramma argued about when the ham was done (or not done :D), we all ate a WHOLE LOT.  There is that "block" of time when the whole world stands still and it's PERFECT.

When it got dark later on and time to go, we piled back in the car and headed for home.  How many days come to an end with only the tired happiness of a day well spent?  I laid my head down with no haunting thoughts, only the full-up lazy smilin tiredness that comes from ONE GOOD DAY lived through and through.

This morning I took a walk in the woods and then watched the Long Island Sound; it was cold and quiet but for the sounds of the wind whistlin through the forest and the water meeting the sand.  

We are alive and the world is still a most magnificent place.

Peace :)

Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by CathiP on Dec 26th, 2003, 2:34pm
Awww, yess! I do love Christmas....and, as usual, it was replete with family chaos, lots of laughter and surprise visits! ::)
Christmas Eve- At our house.....6 of us adults(well, kinda).Our grandson was too excited to go to sleep, till Gil drug out his trusty ole "bells on a long handle"....rung those puppies fora bit outside Michael's bedroom window, and suddenly, it was "DAD...I HAVE TO GO TO SLLEEP...NOW!" ;;D My daughter, Dana, and her new husband announced they would be in town a bit longer than expected....they'll be looking for an apt nearby, as they have decided Seattle is not their cuppa tea! ;;D  ;;D ;;D ;;D
Christmas Day-Our grandson snuck into our room to tell us Santa had, in fact, stopped by last night......he whispered at first, and, in my fog, I mistakenly said "I'm sorry, what, Michael?".... he repeated himself, as LOUD as he could, knocked Grampa right out of the bed!  ::)Nothin like sippin coffee, trying to hold oneself upright on the couch while the sole child opens all his packages......I loved it! We brought my 98 yr old grandmother over for dinner...she has been in a nursing home since late summer, after breaking her femur......took all 3 of the boys to get her into the car, and then, of course, into the house.....she smiled all day, then fell asleep at the dinner table. [smiley=sleep.gif]
The crowd all cleared out around 9, at which point, Gil & I sat by the fire, too tired to talk, and simply smiled. The tree sparkled, the fire crackled and all was quiet and calm once again.
Today, it's round 2! My cuz and her family will spend the weekend, and we will have Christmas, the sequel.
Gil and I are leaving for the coast as soon as the gang heads for which point, we can settle in for a long winter's nap.  
Alll that buildup, all the decorating, all the cooking, shopping, running.........and it was ALLworthwhile......every minute of it!
Now, on to a great 2004......
To all of Clusterville, peace and PF!
Cathi  :D

Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by Charlie on Dec 26th, 2003, 3:30pm
I had a terrific time. It’s fun buying stuff for a three year old girl that my cousin adopted a couple years ago. One of the dogs ate New Mexico from the wooden puzzle I bought for her though. We had lots of what we hope was pre mad cow beef and gallons of Wild Turkey laced eggnog.....79,000 calories.  I got to meet the new dog that thought I was a relation of hers and camped out on me all day. I guess we are related now.....or should be.  :o

We went nuts on gifts but it’s only four this time. No one made too much of a fool of themselves....they tell me. More friends showed up here yesterday. It was a surprise and the most fun in several years.  It was a white Christmas but only slightly. We couldn’t have asked for better weather. Not one accident in the whole town.  8)

WTF did we do right up here?   :)

Contented Charlie  8)

Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 26th, 2003, 5:04pm
God, I totally forgot one other FANTASTIC gift.

A liter of Absinthe from the Czech Republic from the step-brother.  The REAL deal folks.  I cannot wait until this cycle is over.

You may hear the sirens, screams, authoritarian directives (i.e. the Police) and see the flames from whereever you live.

Pray for my annointed soul.

Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by kim on Dec 26th, 2003, 9:38pm
brian?  ........what's absinthe? ;;D

PS:  your soul is not annointed - you just gotta take a shower ;)

meet ya at the atlantic 8)

Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 27th, 2003, 1:48am
I had a great Christmas.....

Hubby gave me the trip to Davenport.....My sons gave me big bux gift certificate to Bass Pro Shop.
My "angel" and her hubby Blake sent me 2 wonderful gifts.  

I had my sons and their wives and my fantastic grandchildren here, and they had a very good Christmas.

The greatest gift...this site and board and all of you to share it with.

Love you all,


Title: Re: Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 27th, 2003, 8:55pm

on 12/26/03 at 21:38:32, kim wrote:
brian?  ........what's absinthe? ;;D


Absinthe is a liqueur containing Wormwood.  It is illegal in almost every country in the world except for the Czech Republic, Spain, Holland (of course), a couple others.  

Consuming large quantities of it over a long period of time have been known to cause insanity.  Van Gogh drank it regularly.  It has mild hallucinogenic

It is VERY powerful booze.

I knew a guy who drank, like, 5 glasses (mind you, SMALL liqueur glasses) and he wandered around Dublin introducing himself to everyone as Carlos Valderama.

He woke up some 30 miles from Dublin in a pub wearing someone else's clothes.

Go away, CHs!!!  I wanna try this stuff....

Ahhhhhh yeaaaahhhhhh!!!

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