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(Message started by: chronic_chic on Dec 26th, 2003, 2:22pm)

Title: executive decision :)
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 26th, 2003, 2:22pm
Especially to those talkin to me about ditching the meds...

I decided that I'm ditching neurontin and melatonin...not taking them anymore as of my last dose last night.  I've had it.  I feel like total they're the easiest ones for me to dump right now right away.  If they're pissed on Monday, then this is the reaction they will get:


PF to all
~Lizzie :)

Title: Re: executive decision :)
Post by kim on Dec 26th, 2003, 2:34pm

One step at a time - keep going!  You'll find the right way for you!

Keep shiny side up and well wishes!

Title: Re: executive decision :)
Post by fubar on Dec 26th, 2003, 7:31pm
Way to go Lizzie.  Neurontin is a good one to ditch.  Melatonin isn't even prescription, and doubtful if it's a cause of any pain, but the more meds you stop, the better.


Title: Re: executive decision :)
Post by Renee on Dec 26th, 2003, 11:43pm
I dumped Neurontin and I found that my he were not better but actually worse while on it.

imo....dump Neurontin!

happy holidays

Title: Re: executive decision :)
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 27th, 2003, 8:10am
I took neurotin years ago and felt like the devil on it. Quit it and then told my neuro. He didn't get upset - we just tried something else, and something else, and something else until we hit on topamax.

The trouble with these things is that you just have to keep trying until you hit on the RIGHT thing.

What I like about my neuro is that he knows that I know what is working and what is not and doesn't get upset when I stop  something or come up with something else to try. He has a theory --
If you listen to your patients long enough - they'll tell you what's wrong with them. And then if you listen a little longer - they'll tell you what to do for it.

I really think he skipped the God 101 course in med school.

Good luck with your meds.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: executive decision :)
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 27th, 2003, 10:33am

on 12/27/03 at 08:10:13, BarbaraD wrote:
I really think he skipped the God 101 course in med school. \

Haha I wish they all did!  My former neuro definately was like that.  Every time I went in, he would ask my opinion on every form of treatment that we did.  I was working with him every step of the way.  I soooo wish he hadn't moved out of the country!  Singapore is a little far away for me to fly... ;)

I always forget that the main purpose of the neurontin was to treat a "secondary neurological condition" that I constantly deny having.  Now that I dropped off it...I see why I was on it.  Well, I'm gonna try to tough through the other condition for now, but it definately kept me up all night until I got slammed with another headache around 5am.  Ah well...the price we have to pay for ditching meds sometimes.

I think I will hold off on ditching any more for the moment until I get used to this change.  It's gonna be a little rough for a few days.  Take care!

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