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(Message started by: tammystryin on Dec 26th, 2003, 11:23pm)

Title: Christmas visitor
Post by tammystryin on Dec 26th, 2003, 11:23pm
:)Happy holidays everyone!
Had a Christmas visitor come over on Christmas eve :'(.  and hasn't left yet.  Clusters came on fast and furious.  Took to the couch to wait for Santa and he hadn't showed up yet at 2:22am, 2:43am, 3:13am, and so it goes.  
Went sliding with the kids today (Timmins Ontario Canada it was -3).  Hit a few good bumps ::) and jumps.  My sore bottom took my mind off my head for a while.  But that didin't last long.  Stress??  Haven't changes my diet at all much considering it's the holidays???
If it keeps up, I'll be the only person going back top work having lost weight [smiley=laugh.gif]  All I can do is pace, do house work, anything to just keep mov'in to not notice the stabs.

Happy holidays to everyone around the world and may this new year bring peace.

Tammy :)

Title: Re: Christmas visitor
Post by Renee on Dec 26th, 2003, 11:39pm
There is no way I could go sledding and hitting the bumps and jumps while in the throws of a CH, much less be able to step outside in -3 degrees.  

I can't even imagine -3 degrees.

Has your sleep patterns changed during the holidays?

Title: Re: Christmas visitor
Post by tammystryin on Dec 27th, 2003, 1:36pm
Thanks Renee! :)
When you have 2 very active children, and they are very very bored, you sort of have to put up with the pains of CH.  
Sleep patterns haven't changed much until the CH came back.  Now as a result I'm running a "Trading Spaces" and "While You Were Out" marathon [smiley=laugh.gif].  Sleeping into 8:30am because the sleep just isn't happening when it's supposed too.  

Oh well all things shall pass I guess.  Nothing but water, water, water today, some fruit and veggies and more water.

Thanks again for your concern and idea's

Happy New Year Renne adn to everyone :)
Tammy . . .

Title: Re: Christmas visitor
Post by thomas on Dec 27th, 2003, 1:42pm
Have you tried melatonin?  It might help you at least sleep.  Sorry to hear your CHristmas was messed up :(

Title: Re: Christmas visitor
Post by ave on Dec 27th, 2003, 2:59pm
Tammy, you might also try Dramamine, a lightOTC travel sickness  medication. It makes you drowsy, but does not let you get to the REM phase, which is mostly when the cluster strikes.

You can't keep it up indefinitely of course, for you DO need your REM-sleep.

And, eh, Renee, a few years ago when I was still getting hit (and didn't know what hit me), I used to get attacks every other hour on the hour from 11.00 pm till 5.00 or 7.00 am.

But since we were on holiday, in a cottage, I did the housework, drove the car, did all the visiting and coming honme, cooked the dinner, every day for 2 weeks.

I got a little woozy round the edges towards the end, but it can be done.
Those bumps and grinds humps I would habe takenin my stride, absolutely, just like tammy. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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