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(Message started by: cakelady on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:46am)

Title: thank God I found you
Post by cakelady on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:46am
New here. 32 years with the beast. For years I had perfect 18 month PF breaks between cycles. 4 years ago I had a carwreak just as I was ending a cycle, it started all over and lasted 4 more months.   PF ever since...until this week.  Fooled myself, thought they were gone...Have only had 2 so far. But I know it is just the beginning...I am so scared. I am so glad I found you.  Here I go again with the crappy effects of the Prednisone and Verapamil..Time to make friend again with the oxygen guy. damn, which is worse, the pain or the fear? OK in a few days it will be the pain, right now it's the fear.

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 28th, 2003, 10:55am

so sorry to hear that the beast has returned after a long absence.

Interesting that after a car accident that the beast returned quickly.  Also interesting is the long PF time since the last cycle.

Any head trauma in the accident?  (it doesn't seem to be a commonality, but curious nonetheless.)

ok --- ya better start reading...    lotsa new info in the last 4 yrs.

good luck getting in to see your doctor, getting your meds and o2.


P.S.    you realize that you've got one of the shortest drives to the convention?

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Unsolved on Dec 28th, 2003, 11:04am
Hey CakeLady ... I like your name (makes me hungry though)
Glad you made it here but sorry you had to.
Goodluck w/ your beast


Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Renee on Dec 28th, 2003, 11:15am
welcome cakelady,

ditto on the questions that brain_cramps asked!

so sorry you are back!


Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Elaine on Dec 28th, 2003, 11:25am
Welcome to clusterville. I think the fear is just as bad as the pain sometimes. The fear I think can make it worst.
Just remember now that you found us you have many more tools to fight. Also it sounds like you have the right meds. Get that o2 as soon as you can.
Good luck
We are with you , your no longer alone :-)

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:14pm

Sorry to hear the BEAST has returned. I've read a few posts now that described some sort of accident that started a cycle. Interesting.

Looks like you are prepared. That's a real good thing.

Sending PF vibes your way.   :)

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by cakelady on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:24pm
WOW! support! As to the acccident, no head trauma. Screwed up a ligament in my neck, same side of my head as the HA. Neuro prescribed Flexaril and physical therapy. And of course another round of Prednisone. Had a few shadows headaches in the last 4 years, but no clusters ever developed.

Convention, what convention?

Will call the neuro on Monday. Who knows how long it will take to get an appt. His gatekeeper is a beast herself. She won't let me get rx without an appt. and then the Dr. says "Why didn't you just call me, you didn't need to come in." arggh

As to the name >cakelady< I'm a pastry chef.
Thanks for being here,

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by jonny on Dec 28th, 2003, 12:30pm

............................jonny ;;D

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:50pm
Sounds to me like you are locked, loaded and ready to fire!
I didn't like the Prednisone and Verapamil side effects either. But they are 10x's better than a average CH!

Patrick :)

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Prense on Dec 28th, 2003, 2:51pm
Welcome aboard Christine!


Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by ShariRae on Dec 28th, 2003, 3:07pm
Welcome cakelady...
   Sorry you had to find us though.. it sounds like you are prepared for the fight..remember we are here for vent..ask questions...whatever you need to do to get through it...
And after your cycle is gone, please stay on the board and contribute what help,knowledge & support you can to someone that needs it...We can never have enough supporters!!

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Edna on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:22pm
Hi Christine, welcome and I'm very glad you've found us too. Lots of support to be had here and loads of info for you too. Takes some reading time, but read a lot.

Love the name "cakelady"..........go ahead and join us in chat sometime and you're sure to hear us talking about food there!!!!!!!!!  It's a bad habit we can't control...LOL

Hope you can join us there sometime at  ""

pf wishes,

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by cakelady on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:28pm
Thanks for the welcome. Yeah, after 30+ years of this Sh%# I pretty much know what to do when they start. The only help I can be to anyone else is to tell them to fight their way through as many neuros as it take to find one who understands. And try not to let the bad ones kill you on the way.
I am also very grateful for the forum for our support people. My poor husband feels so helpless. He's watched these damn thing for 17 years. And I tell you, anyone who can stand by my for all this time, deserves a purple heart of his own.

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 28th, 2003, 4:28pm
Welcome to the board, Cakelady.....

Can't add too much to what has already been said.

Someone usually always here 24/7.        8)

Feel free to come here and rant, vent or whatever you need to do.

Hope the beast takes it easy on you!

PF vibes,


Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Cerberus on Dec 28th, 2003, 5:07pm
Reckon we gotta be more careful whom we tell to eat cake now.............mmmm pasties , er... pastries ;;D LOL!

Wish I could offer more than whats been said already, but, alas..........

Welcome back and sorry ya gotta.


Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by cakelady on Dec 28th, 2003, 5:32pm
Hey man... tell everyone you know to eat cake! Keeps me from having to get a real job. Which would take me away from my o2 tank and make me have to explain this shit to a boss.

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Little Deb on Dec 28th, 2003, 9:11pm

So excited to have you!!

I'll put in my request now, I LOVE rum cake!!!

And I nominate you for desert for the convention...anyone want to second????

Oh, and I love lemon cake, and chocolate, and cheesecake, and angelfood cake, and banana split cake, and chocolate chip cake, ........

little deb ;;D

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Mr.Happy on Dec 28th, 2003, 9:11pm

on 12/28/03 at 10:46:40, cakelady wrote:
which is worse, the pain or the fear?

It's always a pleasure to welcome a new virgin.
Loose lips, sinking ships and all that.........

Let them eat Cake.......

Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by Charlie on Dec 29th, 2003, 5:07pm
Welcome to the fold Cakelady. Glad you found us; sorry you had to.  

It sounds like you have a handle on this horror and I hope you stick around. You'll find a lot of good ideas.

Here are two links: The first helped me shorten the attacks and the second helps explain to others that CH has no relationship to what one thinks of as headache.


Feel free to rant away and let us know how you're doing.


Title: Re: thank God I found you
Post by gmlevenhagen on Dec 29th, 2003, 5:15pm

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