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(Message started by: Paul98 on Dec 31st, 2007, 10:17pm)

Title: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Paul98 on Dec 31st, 2007, 10:17pm
Wishing you all a very happy and wonderful New Year! is now going into it's 10th year and I just want to say that I am very greatful for this web site and the effort you have put into it.  Because of what you did you have brought litteraly thousands of people together and started something that I can only describe as incredible.  

In the spring of 1998, after 11 years of dealing with CH and not knowing what I had I finally, by accident, learned I had CH.  In June of 98 I found and my first contact with another Cher was a man named Dave Greenly (Drummer).  I e-maild him and in 15 min we were on the phone together for a couple of hours.  It was like I had met a lifelong friend/brother I never knwe I had.  (Dave, if you are out there, I hope you are well)  My life changed that day in June of 1998!

Thank you DJ and ALL of the rest of the family at  Happy New Year folks! :)


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Dec 31st, 2007, 10:21pm

on 12/31/07 at 22:17:09, Paul98 wrote:
Wishing you all a very happy and wonderful New Year! is now going into it's 10th year and I just want to say that I am very greatful for this web site and the effort you have put into it.  Because of what you did you have brought litteraly thousands of people together and started something that I can only describe as incredible.  

Thank you DJ and ALL of the rest of the family at  Happy New Year folks! :)


Paul has stated it perfectly.  I want to add my wishes for a bright 2008 for DJ, Steph and family.


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 31st, 2007, 10:32pm

Paul stated something perfectly?   WOW, I wonder if Helen knows about this.

  DJ anytime anyone has thanked you or given you an award you have been so kind and shy...saying you only started the ball rolling and it was all of us who did the rest.

      It seems to me that your life is as perfect right now as one's life can be and I too hope it continues exactly this way for 2008 through 3008    

  Thank you, and now your beautiful wife... for letting us have this place.

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Kevin_M on Dec 31st, 2007, 10:53pm

All the best for the new year Deej and Steph and boys, and everyone that makes this place the mixed up very best neighborhood for cluster care and craziness.  A great help, a great time.

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Paul98 on Dec 31st, 2007, 10:56pm

on 12/31/07 at 22:32:56, Linda_Howell wrote:
Paul stated something perfectly?   WOW, I wonder if Helen knows about this.

Oh, I can bet the little Witch will be along in ...say 6-8 hours, read this and "piss on my Cheeri-os"  LMAF! ;)  If nothing else, she is predictable!


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by nani on Dec 31st, 2007, 11:43pm
I've been reading since 10/03, posting since 6/04...
I don't know what I'd do without this place and all of you.
Thanks, Deej.
Love you guys, nani

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Redd on Jan 1st, 2008, 12:02am
Life is a cycle, and things come back when they are meant to.  Deej and Steph have found that balance that makes them both complete and fulfilled.  It's natural.  

Deej started this site and Moya Moya  to reach out to others.  It's only natural that life reached back to him in Steph.  Good attracts good.  And Steph is a blesing to DJ as well as and Moya  Steph you are an Angel.  You are the personification of the good that exists in this world.

DJ is loved, as I'm sure you know.   You are loved just as much.

Bless you both and yours.  

Happy New Year

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by michael on Jan 1st, 2008, 6:54am
A few weeks ago I met Helen, Paul and Dape. My first ever meet with other CH sufferers in over 40 years. That wouldn't have happened without

Happy new year DJ, Steph and family and thanks.


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by LeLimey on Jan 1st, 2008, 7:24am
Paul -  :-*

I'm proud of you. You did good. (Don't let it go to your head!)

Thanks to this site - and whether you like it or not DJ that means thanks to you in the first place - I have a life.

I don't just have the correct meds.

I haven't just learned the coping skills to get by each day.

I have a family. A real family who I love and who I know will stand by me and hold me up through thick and thin (or sick and sin as it's beeen this year!)

I have friends who are the best I've ever had.

I have a purpose and a goal to help others have the same benefits I have.

And I have my numpty  ;) I wouldn't have Paul without having CH first so you know what? I can honestly say getting CH has been the best damn thing that's ever happend to me. It's changed my life in many way's but most of them are positive and that's what I prefer to dwell on.

Long live DJ, Long live and God bless us all.

Helen xxx

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Paul98 on Jan 1st, 2008, 8:41am

on 01/01/08 at 07:24:41, LeLimey wrote:
Paul -  :-*

And I have my numpty  ;)

Helen, you really ought to see a Dr. about that ;;D

I wouldn't have Paul without having CH first.

Hmm, probably the worlds slyest back handed compliment, but I think I know what you mean ;)
Helen xxx


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by LeLimey on Jan 1st, 2008, 8:45am
Wasn't meant as a backhanded compliment idgit!

I meant it sincerely - you big girls blouse  ::)  :-*

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by BarbaraD on Jan 1st, 2008, 12:23pm
Paul, you said it well. I can't believe it's been almost 10 years. And yes, Drummer was/is and experience - sorry he went away and so many here missed him.

DJ started this place and bless him for that. For so many of us, it's been our lifeline to sanity thru some really dark days and nights.

We've made lifelong friends - we've shared things with each other that only another CHer can share another CHer.

Guess this is making me feel sentimental but today I'm missing Kip (for those of you who are newbies - Kip was the man who wrote the Kip Scale - he died in 2006). He was the first CHer I saw go thru a hit (in Drummer's garage back in 99). He was a grumpy old goat, but one of my dearest friends. Without this board, I'd have missed out on that friendship that I'll always treasure.

So to DJ (and Steph) I raise a glass (without the bubbly today - sorry but it's the thought that counts) in toast and wish you a Happy New Year.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by DennisM1045 on Jan 1st, 2008, 1:22pm
Yea, what Paul said!

This place has given me power through knowledge to fight the beast and a new family that truly understands.  Thank you DJ!


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Jackie on Jan 1st, 2008, 3:48pm
Thank you, Paul...
You've put into words, perfectly, what we all feel....

DJ, Steph and boys....we love you!!


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by DJ on Jan 1st, 2008, 6:09pm
Awww, thank you so, so much for your kind words.  Steph and I are sitting here reading all this stuff trying to fight back the tears.   :'(

Wow, ten years.  Who would have ever thunk?

Thanks to each and every one of you for making this place what it is!  

I'm like the sports arena that hosts the circus.  I just open the doors, YOU GUYS make it the Greatest Show on Earth!!!


From the bottom of my family's heart... THANK YOU CH.COM FAMILY!

DJ, Steph, Conner, and Brandon

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by chewy on Jan 1st, 2008, 6:17pm

I just open the doors, YOU GUYS make it the Greatest Show on Earth!!!

Thats enough to make you pull your hair out.

Oh Shit! HE DID!

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Jonny on Jan 1st, 2008, 6:44pm
You mind if I send the boys guitars for Christmas next year, bro?

You pay for the lessons.  ;)

It could mean early retirement for you and Steph....LOL ;;D

....................................... :-*

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Groov on Jan 1st, 2008, 7:11pm
Dang Jonny...what a cute little fella...and WOW, he is gonna be a great guitarist someday!!!!!

For me, it goes without saying what I owe this site and the owners.

But I would also thank the people here who have helped me in many ways.

Heres wishing everyone a great New Year !!!

  Cheers, Dave

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Mosaicwench on Jan 1st, 2008, 7:24pm

on 01/01/08 at 18:44:58, Jonny wrote:
You mind if I send the boys guitars for Christmas next year, bro?
You pay for the lessons.  ;)

For any lasting legacy, you MUST send them DRUMS!!!

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Jonny on Jan 1st, 2008, 7:30pm

on 01/01/08 at 19:24:57, Mosaicwench wrote:
For any lasting legacy, you MUST send them DRUMS!!!

LMAO....Pat! ;;D

Yeah, we will need a Van Halen combo, right?

Ok, drums it is......LMMFAO  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by andrewjb on Jan 1st, 2008, 8:24pm
:), thankyou DJ and family, et al. through this site to a better understanding. andrew.

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by DJ on Jan 1st, 2008, 8:37pm

on 01/01/08 at 19:24:57, Mosaicwench wrote:
you MUST send them DRUMS!!!

Yea, if you want the site to go dark!!!    :P


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by chewy on Jan 1st, 2008, 10:11pm
In order to defuse the current situation and prevent the site from going dark I propose the following solution.

In lieu of drums and guitars I will come over and give the kids Bagpipe lessons.

Just trying to do my part for your site and your family shnookums.  8)

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Charlie on Jan 2nd, 2008, 12:10am
Thanks DJ & family.

I don't always feel that I have much more to say but you clowns have me cornered here. It wouldn't be the same without yuz.

The thing that I remember so well is meeting other clusterheads for the first time. I wasn't prepared for it. We didn't have to say much. No one had to try to describe the things or elaborate. How I wish this place existed way back when.

It's great DJ


Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by barry_sword on Jan 2nd, 2008, 6:34am
DJ, Steph, Conner and Brandon, THANK-YOU!!!! [smiley=thumb.gif]
I really do not know where Angie and I would be today without this site. I have been here for a little over one year and have been helped by so many.

Thanks once again DJ for giving us and for Angie and I to be a part of this amazing family.

 Barry&Angie Sword [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: To DJ, Steph and family...
Post by Ghost on Jan 2nd, 2008, 9:13am
Clainets they really hurt on a foul note.


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