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(Message started by: Angie on Apr 24th, 2008, 8:39am)

Title: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Angie on Apr 24th, 2008, 8:39am
Friend called two weeks ago to tell me he had a cat abandoned at his house. The cat was there for a week trying to get into his house. He would not feed him hoping he would go away. He did not. I told him to take him to the OSPCA they would look after him.

I have kept in contact with the OSPCA to see how he was doing. He was very thin and was dehydrated. They called me on Monday to come and have a look at him. I did and that was it. I have started the adoption process.

Hope my Siamese gets along with him because when he comes he is not going back to be abandoned again.

Here is a pic, we will name him when he comes home.

Isn't he cute

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by jimmers on Apr 24th, 2008, 8:43am
Name him Frank, after old blue eyes Sinatra.


Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by George_J on Apr 24th, 2008, 8:54am
Sounds like he picked you, Angie.  

They do that.   ;)

He's a great-looking cat.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by artonio7 on Apr 24th, 2008, 8:54am
Definitely a beautiful cat... When I first saw the photos I was struck by his markings... he appears to have two sets of eyes...

consider calling him Four Eyes.

with warm regards,

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Rosybabe on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:03am
I love Kitties!  :). Call him Harry for Harry Potter because he worked his magic to win your heart  ;).

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Melissa on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:05am
Awesome cat!  I miss having cats myself. :(

Anyway, if he were mine, I'd call him Lucky, cause he's very lucky he has you! ;)

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Angie on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:09am
Jimmers, I like that name Frank

You are right George, he has been on my mind for two weeks, he picked us.

Antonio, I did not notice the second set of eyes until you picked it out.

Harry, that is also good. Hoping we get him by the weekend. The OSPCA will neuter him before he is allowed to come home.

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by CostaRicaKris on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:10am
I see the four eyes. Good observation Tony.

He is gorgeous, definitely a keeper.

We have three of our own, all from the shelter. I can't imagine our lives without them.


Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Angie on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:11am

on 04/24/08 at 09:05:26, Melissa wrote:
Awesome cat!  I miss having cats myself. :(

Anyway, if he were mine, I'd call him Lucky, cause he's very lucky he has you! ;)

Thanks Melissa that is also a good name. He is lucky that he was abandoned at our friends house and he took my advise and took him to the OSPCA

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by deltadarlin on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:24am
Yup, grab him up.  He looks like he may be a snowshoe siamese (markings are similar to siamese with the blue eyes, but colors range from can to can't).  I have two of them and they are awesome cats.

Here's a pic of little boy

Here's his half-sister, BB.

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Rosybabe on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:28am
AWWW! I want a kitty too!!! I miss Panchito  :'(

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Angie on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:29am

They have the same markings, I think you are right he might be a snowshoe. I am going this morning to drop off the adoption papers. When I get him to his new home I will post pictures.

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by LeLimey on Apr 24th, 2008, 11:31am
Jasper says he would call it Smiley 'cos it looks like he's smiling!

i think he looks like he's about to take a swing at someone so I'd call him Fang or Killer or Gnasher or something like that but then I'm mean.

Pauls/our next dog is going to be called Fluffy Wuffie Princess Sparklietoes. And if it's a girl it will be something prettier..

Go on. Admit it. You can just see Paul calling the dog in can't you?!  ;)

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by fubar on Apr 24th, 2008, 12:39pm
Who could say no to a face like that?  Not me.

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by artonio7 on Apr 24th, 2008, 12:43pm

on 04/24/08 at 11:31:05, LeLimey wrote:
Go on. Admit it. You can just see Paul calling the dog in can't you?!  ;)

I have a friend.. 350 lbs, 6'2" two phd's in music... who named his Siberian Husky PeePee....

Of course whenever the dog would escape from his fenced in yard... My friend would wander the neighborhood asking all the neighbors if they saw his PeePee.  ;;D

Don't name the cat PeePee please.

with warm regards,

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Langa on Apr 24th, 2008, 2:06pm
He's such an adorable looking cat.  He sure was lucky.
Enjoy him.  

Stories like this put a big smile on my face.  :)


Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by LeLimey on Apr 24th, 2008, 2:23pm

on 04/24/08 at 12:43:37, artonio7 wrote:
Don't name the cat PeePee please.

with warm regards,

When we got our beagle I had said I wanted to call him "Bollocks".

I almost had David sold on the idea when he was grinning as I was saying he could walk up and down the paddock at race meetings shouting "BOLLOCKS" at the top of his voice and no one could say anything.

He liked the idea of putting a sign on the back gate saying "Trespassers will be caught by the Bollocks" too but then, I had to over play my hand.

I went on to say And when all the kids go home in the evenings after being at our house and their dad's say "So what were you doing this evening?" and they reply "playing with Davids bollocks"......

We called the beagle Ron.  :(

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by brewcrew on Apr 24th, 2008, 3:06pm

on 04/24/08 at 12:43:37, artonio7 wrote:
I have a friend.. 350 lbs, 6'2" two phd's in music... who named his Siberian Husky PeePee....

Of course whenever the dog would escape from his fenced in yard... My friend would wander the neighborhood asking all the neighbors if they saw his PeePee.  ;;D

Some people are born to greatness. Others have it thrust upon them.

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Lizzie2 on Apr 24th, 2008, 5:31pm
Angie - That is an adorable cat!!!  I can't wait to see more pics!!

The rest of you are cracking me up with some of these names.  Very funny!!!

Carrie, proud mama of Tony (Baloney)

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by barry_sword on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:34pm
He had the nasty done today (neutered) [smiley=yikes.gif] and the OSPCA called and said all is well and we are scheduled to pick him up tomorrow.

They call him "Buck" and seeing as he was abandoned at the place we bike at called "Buckwallow Cycling Center" we decided to call him Buck. [smiley=grin2.gif]

Thanks for the name suggestions, there were some good ones.  ;;D

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by cynjeep89 on Apr 24th, 2008, 9:36pm
My suggestion for a name is Seeatee (sounds like CAT).

Just going along with my dog's name Deeogee (DOG).

Congrats on the new addition to the family.  He surely will be one lucky cat with the best parents for sure!!

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by mummymac on Apr 25th, 2008, 3:15pm
What a beautiful cat I hope you get a lot of joy from him.

deltadarlin I have never heard of snowshoe siamese , your cats are stunning.

We once had a cat called Christmas, I have stood out side calling that,

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Mosaicwench on Apr 25th, 2008, 3:50pm

on 04/24/08 at 08:54:22, artonio7 wrote:
he appears to have two sets of eyes...consider calling him Four Eyes.

First thing I saw too, Tony!

Maybe a little something more dignified like Foreyez

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by barry_sword on Apr 25th, 2008, 10:37pm
Well "Buck" is home and he has just been neutered  [smiley=yikes.gif] We were suggested by the Vet to keep him separated from our other two cats for a few days, so he has our bedroom tonight so Angie , me and our two cats are on the couch for a night or two!!!! Damn!!!!! ;;D

We will post a new pic when he lets us. He is a Siamese after all! [smiley=grin2.gif]

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by cynjeep89 on Apr 26th, 2008, 9:13am

Sorry about your "loss" but happy to know that you were rescued by such wonderful people.

You really have it got your own room for the night and I know you are going to be spoiled as all heck.

Welcome to the world of!!!!

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by barry_sword on May 4th, 2008, 8:51am
Buck is doing awesome. Just wanted to share a pic of what he looks like now with a few meals under his belt. [smiley=grin2.gif]

He moves every time I go to take a pic of him! ;;D

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Melissa on May 4th, 2008, 9:42am
Awesome! :D

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Rosybabe on May 4th, 2008, 3:19pm
I love kitties  :D ! He is a handsome cat!

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Mosaicwench on May 4th, 2008, 5:46pm
He's VERY handsome.  Is he a snuggly kitty or are you simply "staff" to him?

You know the old saying - dogs have families, cats have staff.

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by deltadarlin on May 4th, 2008, 6:18pm
If Buck's not a *snuggly* kitty, I'll be really surprised.  Most snowshoes have a need to own at least one human (sometimes more than one).  HOWEEVER, BB, who owns Jimbo completely, decides when *she* wants attention, does not like to be picked up or cuddled.  BUT, will rub all over Jmbo and tell him in no uncertain terms that it's time for him to love her and submit to her will (that being brushing and petting).  Little boy is quite content to sleep in my lap or somewhere near me.

Snowshoes are fun!

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Angie on May 4th, 2008, 7:11pm
Thank you everyone, he is awesome, very cuddly with Barry. I sleep on the pull out couch with the other two cats, our Siamese is still adjusting to Buck.

It has only been a week since he arrived I am sure the other two will start to accept him soon.

He is a nice addition to this family. The only thing is he just ate part of my chocolate chip muffin that I had left on the counter. He will eat anything.

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by deltadarlin on May 5th, 2008, 8:20am

on 05/04/08 at 19:11:15, Angie wrote:
The only thing is he just ate part of my chocolate chip muffin that I had left on the counter. He will eat anything.

Don't let Littleboy of BB see/smell/hear a potato chip (or anything salty) being eaten.  They will both take you down for one.  Callie likes chocolate icecream.  They all have a horrible sweet tooth and will take the hide of your finger when eating  buttercream frosting  ;;D.


Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by Tiannia on May 5th, 2008, 7:05pm
Ah you are making me miss my kitty.

Teek got out 3 weeks ago and we can not find him.  I was sitting in the recliner last night reading and miss having him curled up in my lap.  

He is beautiful.  

Glad you found each other.

Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by jon019 on May 5th, 2008, 9:42pm
Hi Angie and Barry,

What you did just warms my heart. I am confident you will be rewarded with a "forever friend". People who abandon animals ought to be required to spend some time in the same cages most of them end up in. People like you, who rescue them, are the "salt of the earth".

I am reminded of a happy/sad, sad/happy experience in my life:

My friend and assistant(at the time) owned a small apartment complex. She had to evict a deadbeat family from one of them. They proved that moniker when upon inspection post eviction several days later, the apartment was trashed and she found a sweet, loving cat that had been abandoned.

My friend called me to ask what to do. I knew sending it to the pound would most likely be a death sentence. So, I told her to bring it to my office (a trailer separate from the main office). It was instant bonding as he "only had eyes for me" (must have been a guy's cat) and I for him. Fortunately, I had cans of cat food in my desk. Use 'em for trapping possums. Nothing against that ugliest of animals, just can't allow them in a food plant. BTW, I have a permit to trap and I don't kill 'em (even tho the law says I HAVE to). I release them in a riverside park that used to be a homestead, old apple trees, the river, lots of brush. Just perfect for a coon's cousin. They do hiss, just like a cat, while mosieing away from the trap (a possum doesn't do ANYTHING quick).

Anyway, it took two cans just to slow him down (obviously starving). He became velcro cat and would hide under my desk, at my feet, only I could touch him. Major separation anxiety every time I had to leave.

That wasn't going to work so I invited all colleagues to visit the "orphan" and think about adopting. If I held him, he was regal in his bearing, accepting all commoners. The HR lady (cat lover extraordinaire) came to take him away and find a home. She took him to her office (after a spirited crawl under several desks). I was a mess as he was obviously upset (but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.) She later called me over because he was acting abandoned again and mewing pathetically.

I went. Instant velcro cat again. He would only eat or drink if I got down on the floor next to the food dish (and stayed there). The HR lady kept saying, "Jon, you gotta take him" Jon, you gotta take him", "Jon, he obviously loves you, Jon, take him home", "Jon... until I was almost in tears and had to beg her to STOP! I couldn't take him home, I live in a no pets apartment. Believe me, I almost moved just so I could take him. But, there is a dearth of "pet friendly" apartments where I live. More's the pity...

I remain heartbroken AND happy. I insisted she find a good home with a guy. She told me she did, and I trust that that is true. I never asked who or where, couldn't bear it. Sometimes there is a bond with a creature that you know is not only meant to be, but perfect. I regret the circumstances, and I remember a "forever friend" who got a new life. Thank you, Lord...

AND, thank you.... he is beautiful!



Title: Re: Looking to adopt this abandoned cat
Post by barry_sword on May 5th, 2008, 10:10pm
Jon, thanks for sharing that from both of us, sorry you could not be with your buddy. :'(

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