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(Message started by: tankman on Dec 31st, 2007, 12:32pm)

Title: Cluster Headache description (mine)
Post by tankman on Dec 31st, 2007, 12:32pm
I'm reading on this site the norm for cluster headache's. I don't seem to fit into all the "norm" catagories. For one, I've had imitrex ever since I can remember. When my first real eye pain type headache started, I had imitrex, and it worked. Nothing else worked. I have had the other two types of Migranes and had imitrex for them already. They seemed to be pretty much gone for the last 3 to 5 years. Then out of no where, I got the stabbing in the eye type of Migraine about two years ago, it lasted about 4 months and the doctor worked me up for high blood pressure and it seemed to go away when my blood pressure got under control. Now, two years later, with my blood pressure still OK, My knife in the left eye pain has come back with a vengence, just asking me to whack myself off. One of the difference's that has me a little concerned is that, cluster headache sufferers I read on this sight usually suffer 15min to 30min hit's.  Unless, I take a Imitrex shot, my hit will never go away. I have suffered at least 6 to 8 hrs before I finally broke down and took my Imitrex shot, by then it was almost too late even for my Imitrex to work properly, if not, next step would have been ER room and I don't want Demerol or whatever Narcotics they give ya. After reading on this site last night, I will see my Doctor and ask for O2, Verapamil and fresh Imitrex. Already on Topomax, does not seem to be helping much though. Also, I can't say anything about the attacks happening the same time other than at night, unfortunately, I found myself staying up past 2am last night just to stay up past that bewitching hour. Also, found myself taking the fioricet 1 tab whenever I feel that twinge of pain coming on, of course not being closer than 4 hrs from each other. (no more than 6 tabs in a 24 hr period). Also, when I take my Imitrex, it usually will not suceed very well if I'm not in a quiet place with the lights down and lying still holding my head still. Also, the circulating air in whatever room I'm in seems to irritate my eye's too. Just saw an Ophthalmologist, he did a good job checking my eyes out and everything is OK, he basically said I must be having referral pain. Plus, the pain is no where near a 6 or 7 on the 0 to 10 scale, I would like to say it's a 20, but I know that's silly, anyway, it's a 10! I do feel like someone is in my head with a hatchet trying to do eye surgery from behind it. Only after the pain subsides can I fall asleep, I'm sure that is true for most sufferers. I know my sinuses are messes up and I will prob need surgery, I also know I prob have sleep apnea, will be seeing ENT on the 3rd, just had CT of Brain this past Friday. Will have Sleep Apnea testing done on the 11th.  (Question? Should I bring my Imitrex to the testing? Guess I should, afraid now to go anywhere without it. Forget the questiion)  Also, I seem to notice that my left sinus vessels are reacting to the imitrex just before I get my relief (it's my left eye area that is mostly affected), any thoughts on this? Just more venting and maybe some of these questions are more suited for the Doc. Well very tired since I havn't had any sleep and will nap. No alcohol tonight for me or trips to the mountains. David from California

Title: Re: Cluster Headache description (mine)
Post by Bob_Johnson on Dec 31st, 2007, 1:08pm
Dave, going to reinforce my book suggestion on your other message!! Your anxiety level is, I believe, making your distress much worse.
First, are you seeing a headache specialist? If not, think you need one because you are reporting symptoms of both migraine and cluster. And cluster is NOT a variation or subtype of migraine. Attacks of 6-8 hours are not cluster. Pain meds don't work for cluster tho help with migraine.

Tomamx and Verapamil both take time to start working and may require dosage adjustments before you can expect results.

Cluster is not related to sinus problems although sleep apnea has been reported in a significant % of cases. Again, why you need to headache specialist to sort thru the issue.

Not using the Imitrex at the first sign of an attack is a waste of $. But the issue is not testing it for quality: that simply is not the issue--nor could you doc test it, in any case.

Eye pain is very common in cluster (as is jaw/tooth pain) because of a shared nerve pathway common to the headache and other areas.

Please try and breath deeply, sit quietly, and slow your thinking. It's racing you into distress.....

Title: Re: Cluster Headache description (mine)
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 31st, 2007, 2:07pm

Excellent words of wisdom from Bob, Tankman.

Could I ask you a small favor?  Could you try to use paragraphs. Your posts are very hard to read like this and could be dismissed and not even read at all for some people.  

Title: Re: Cluster Headache description (mine)
Post by tankman on Jan 4th, 2008, 10:20am
Still not sure exactly how to use this site but I apoligize if I'm doing this wrong. Bob, you mentioned tooth pain. I have never had a cavity before. This past year I have noticed pain in my left upper tooth, I guess you would say it's a molar. It hurts only occasionally when I bite hard into something that is hard to chew.                                                                                        I'm trying to use paragraphs here, but now that I think about it, maybe it's the cause of these terrible headaches. Also, maybe it's why I break the mold and my headaches seem to never go away unless I give myself a shot. My ENT said my Sinuses looked fine yesterday on the CT Scan, the CT Scan was negative. A nurse friend of mine said if it's my tooth, the Rocephin shot I got at the Doctor just before the Augmentin should have been enough to stop the tooth pain/abcess from causing the headaches, but I'm not sure she's right.                                                                                   The ENT Doctor has referred me to a Neurologist and also agrees that maybe I'm suffering from clusters. Although, I didn't think of mentioning this tooth thing to him yesterday.  Just read your note again today and now I'm putting two and two together. I sure hope it's my tooth causing all these headaches and this is not going to be a lifelong battle. So, today I'm going to try and see a Dentist, and tomorrow, going to see my PCP who happens to work on Saturdays and show him the 02 therapy, Verapamil, etc. Plus, it does make sense it's the left side and that's where my tooth problem is too.                                                                                           Well, So far, I thank you and this site for all it's help. Hopefully, I'll get to see a dentist today and maybe get to the bottom of these most terrible headaches.  Again, thank you.  David from Calif (Tankman)

Title: Re: Cluster Headache description (mine)
Post by Bob_Johnson on Jan 4th, 2008, 2:34pm
Assuming there is no pathology in a tooth--with CH it's not unusual to have pain in the teeth because our jaws share a nerve pathway which is involved with the Clusters. So, treating an abscess--assuming there is one which has been identified by x-ray--will solve that problem and the pain arising from it, but the abscess is NOT the cause of Cluster headache.

Put another way: the tooth pain, like the intense pain in the eyeball common to Cluster, both come from this shared nerve. Many new folks go to the eye doc only to be told there is no pathology with the eye.

More reasons to be working with a headache doc who has experience!

Title: Re: Cluster Headache description (mine)
Post by tankman on Jan 4th, 2008, 9:46pm
Bob, your right, next step, wait to see headache doc, at least today got 24 hrs without headache. Dentist said nothing wrong except maybe tension headache stuff and suggested bite separater for 400 bucks. Will see PCP tomorrow for f/u and will ask him for fresh imitrex and O2, etc. Then, will also, f/u on headache doctor. Again, thank you. David from Calif. (Tankman)

Title: Re: Cluster Headache description (mine)
Post by Linda_Howell on Jan 4th, 2008, 10:27pm

   Hi again tankman...I'm in California too.  Redding, up North...smallish little town.

While I can say that I am NOT a doctor, I can also say with a lot of assurance   that:

I'm trying to use paragraphs here, but now that I think about it, maybe it's the cause of these terrible headaches.

   NO.  it is not.

See.  I just used four paragraphs and my head is just fine.  For right now, that is.  In a few hours I will be writhing in pain asking my husband to put me out of my misery.

O.K.....Yes, I'm making fun at your expense but I am truly wanting you have a sense of humor as well as getting the correct diagnosis, and treatment.  We all kid around here.  A LOT!!!!!  if we didn't, out world would be a very gruesome, colorless place.

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