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(Message started by: Yournotcrazy on Mar 29th, 2006, 5:35pm)

Title: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Yournotcrazy on Mar 29th, 2006, 5:35pm

In 1998 I shot my left foot. just to relieve the pain. Crazy question and pole.

How many of us had stressful childhoods: ? molested, stress, etc.

How many of us had stressful careers

How many struggle from depression or some form of anxiety disorder.

I am all of the above. I got into 1996 at 26 my hell started. They knew nothing back then. They treated me with migraine meds and O2, nothing. In 1998 after the shot I was locked away for 14 days. Called a drug addict, my family did tough love on me, my, fiancee left me. I was a zombie for a few years in 2000 till I found a doctor voted #1 by consumer reborts. He told me I had cluster headaches, what?  I then spent two weeks in a headache clinic and was told I was the younest worst patient they had seen. So I decided to do the most aggresive surgery twice and would do it every year. But medicine has progressed.

In the end this year my Psychiatrist found my pituatary gland and throyiod levels were off.  Way off and my potassium levels that control muscles was low.  These are the master glands and I recomend check them first. Dr.'s wont do it because it is very expensive to do these labs with out a reason. Well age between 26 and 50 is a good reason. There are some good doctors out there unfortunelately some dont take HMO or even PPO.

I found the best doctors will give you a break. Material things and comfort are worth what we feel.  The worst pain known to man!!!!!

Anyway long idea, thanks Kris :P

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by peep_nugget on Mar 29th, 2006, 6:18pm
How many of us had stressful childhoods?
sexually abused? check

How many of us had stressful careers?
Animal Protection Officer - not stressful. Boss? I'd like to twist her head off most days.

How many struggle from depression or some form of anxiety disorder?
depression? check.

I"m also  wondering about women - hormones, cycles, etc... if the hypothalamus being wonky is to blame for our CHs (circadian rhythms, for example), how many women find a link between their cycles and their CHs?

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by seasonalboomer on Mar 29th, 2006, 6:31pm

on 03/29/06 at 17:35:04, Yournotcrazy wrote:
How many of us had stressful childhoods: ? molested, stress, etc.

How many of us had stressful careers

How many struggle from depression or some form of anxiety disorder.
I found the best doctors will give you a break.

And if we all did, what would be the point of trying to draw a conclusion between some childhood experience, stress, or depression and CH? I think I see where you're wanting to go with this but it's been discussed ad nauseum in this forum and eventually we arrive at the same point. Some have, Some do but probably at no greater level than the population suffers from these things. Not enough to connect any dots.

In my reading I keep on arriving at the same thing, there's something wrong with my hypothalamus. It's a simple and elegant answer and something that I can address using information gleaned from this site on ways to manage my CH. Makes my life easy that way.

Yournotcrazy because of CH anyway.


Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Yournotcrazy on Mar 29th, 2006, 8:53pm
Copy on the stress. I believe the imbalance of the para sympathetic (feed and breed) sleep and the sympathetic (Fight or Fight) too much adrenalin....... I agree that is the hypothalamus,thus equals pituitary and thyroid.  So I agree with you both.

I give myself testosterone shots, and don't play base ball and also take synthroid and use a sleep apnea machine to sleep. "Hypothalomus" I am just asking people to possible check their hormone levels. I really appreciate the opinions. PS MY EEG's where off the charts at night no rem. "NO Rapid Eye Movement"


Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Mar 30th, 2006, 8:06pm
After years of reading and investigating posts on this board and researching just about everything I can about this terrible syndrome, I have come to one, undeniable conclusion.

We are all different, except perhaps for certain screwups in our hypothalamus glands.

No abuse or stress as a child or growing up.

No head or other major injuries while growing up.

No overly stressful jobs or career moves.

Never a headached (except minor tension things) until this awful think hit me at the age of 42.

Was it hormones from pre-menopause, I'll never know.  What I do know is that there is no ONE answer that fits everyone.  What a PIA - it's certain to make finding the one cure nearly impossible.

Pessimistic me .... Kris

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by BlueMeanie on Mar 30th, 2006, 9:59pm
1. nope
2. nope
3. nope

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Richr8 on Mar 30th, 2006, 10:27pm

on 03/30/06 at 20:06:37, Kris_in_SJ wrote:
We are all different, except perhaps for certain screwups in our hypothalamus glands.

No abuse or stress as a child or growing up.  FAlse!

No head or other major injuries while growing up.  False!

No overly stressful jobs or career moves.  False!

Never a headached (except minor tension things) until this awful think hit me at the age of 42.  True

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Yournotcrazy on Apr 3rd, 2006, 7:57pm
Thanks Richard8,

My point is if we don't talk about it and I mean the past then how can we understand the now.  Great for all those people that grew up perfect then there is me. "Who has the answer for CH"! Heck no.  I have a degree in Emergency Medical Services.  Been involved in A/A and N/A and have a great psychotherapist..."Who Deals with CH and an ex GI, Aerospace Surgeon, MD, PHD uses the EEG and is leading others in the Neuro 2000.  I don't have Ch any more(5 years and shotting myself)  so why the hell should I come here and be blown off by always a few that cant even "Think outside a box because they love living in the CH world"  I was told I was the youngest and worst pt. he'd seen by Dr. Nina Mathew?  

I don't have answers....I have questions. Sorry I will shut up and just listen theories. Cause thats all is all we have. Until we walk it. Find the best in the world and ask that Dr. who is the Best and so on.

Hormones, I take testosterone and synthroid....along with a few other un-heard ofs.  

Here to help and be a part. I respect those opinions.


Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by cootie on Apr 3rd, 2006, 11:02pm
Well I am no expert in this area but can say that I know "alot" of people that would answer yes to those questions but none have ch. Brad never gets ha's but has ch.......guessing gamer Pam

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by sandie99 on Apr 4th, 2006, 11:34am
I know what stressful childhood is. I know how stressful studying can be. I know bit about depression. But most of all, I know that it's good to ask questions. Perhaps the only thing which links us all, in a way or another, is just ch, but who knows? I think that it's always good to know more and more about the beast.

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by jmorgan52 on Apr 4th, 2006, 12:51pm
I had 30 odd years of doctors trying to tell me that stress was the cause of my migraines until a neuro diagnosed me with CH in 1995

I rarely get stressed out, never had depression, never got sexually molested as a kid, and was very full of testoterone in my younger days  8) not so much now though in my mid 50's!  [smiley=huh.gif]

Are any of the suggestions you make the cause of CH?

I personally doubt it very much.

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Yournotcrazy on Apr 10th, 2006, 11:47pm
Thanks for all of those who have positive and question my comments.  Like Sandie stated these questions just link us all.  We are all differant no doubt. Some have differant backgrounds.  Just if I can help one person simular to me, I would be greatful.

My CH destroyed my life and helped create the stress.  I went the most drastic route to stop mine and I breathe every day without CH. Medicine and the ex- President of the National and International Headache Society stated I was bad one of the worst and young. Leaving no options. So if any have my type. All day, every 4 hours I can only offer what I have gone through and still pray and hurt for us who do and have suffer. I wrote a song called "the cave." and own many url's on Ch's what do I do to help?


Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Tom K on Apr 14th, 2006, 12:56pm
1. No
2. Yes, but after years of being hit.
3. No

I got hit the first time when I was 15, back in 1983.  No stress other than regular teen bullsh*t.  I wasn't working in the stress filled field that I am today, and stress doesn't bother me, unless it isn't there.  Big catering with tons of people and prep, I'm fine.  Once the event is over, I get hit like there is no tomorrow.  I went through all of this polling and stuff when I first found the board, trying to find something that tied us all together, other than CH and you really can't find it.  The only thing is that we are the "Chosen" few who get to deal with this.  It sometimes seems like our numbers are growing, that it can't possibly be 1 in 100,000 or what ever the number is.  I don't think that there are more people who have this, I think that more people who have this are finding this site.  
Thanks upon thanks to DJ for starting this site and giving all of us a place to hang, and not have people raise an eyebrow when you tell them that the headache they are feeling is childs play.

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Yournotcrazy on Apr 14th, 2006, 1:37pm

I copy your same thoughts. Sometimes I even find bitterness if someone brings out an idea or comment. The cure and the ideas are there maybe here. Its up to us to find them.

Man if you could bottle CH like chemical warfare. Giving CH to our would be the worst of warfare agents. LOL>

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Dragnlance on Apr 14th, 2006, 4:48pm
I was born with this. Had these all my life, chronic.

I spent most of my childhood fishing, shooting gophers or hiking in the hills or swimming...

My job is BORING... not stressful

I am known for my smile, (if I dont smile all the time, I will end up crying)  and depression is not an issue...

sorry to be the crow bar in the theroy.... :-/


Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Yournotcrazy on Apr 15th, 2006, 8:46pm

Thanks for writing.  Your story is very rare. I was told I was one of the youngest .01% of the population. You must be .00001% I hope it is ok if I say I am sorry. Man that is just pure crazy.  I think who ever wrote "Bang Your Head" CH not heavy metal will drive you mad.

Take Care........We need to pray for a Jerry Lewis Marathon. My heart and money is already donated.


Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by BobG on Apr 17th, 2006, 1:30pm

on 03/29/06 at 17:35:04, Yournotcrazy wrote:
How many of us had stressful childhoods: ? molested, stress, etc. Nope, not me. I had a very happy childhood.

How many struggle from depression or some form of anxiety disorder. Nope, not me. I’m happy as a clam.

How many of us had stressful careers My job is 90% adrenaline rush and 10% shear boredom. And I change shifts each week. Been doing it for 35+ years. So yes, I’d say my career is a little stressful.
But, guess what…….in the 30 years I suffered clusters I have had only, maybe, 3 attacks on the job.
Stay stressed, it’s good for you.

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Tom K on Apr 17th, 2006, 4:37pm
Ok, maybe it's just me say that you started your CH at 26 in 1996, correct?  If your doc said that you were the youngest person they have seen with them, then they are full of chit.  I know a lot of people on this site that started their CH well before '96 and well before the age of 26.  What headache clinic did you deal with?  I'm not trying to start anything, but something is a miss in the hen house... [smiley=huh.gif] or maybe it is just me...

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Yournotcrazy on Apr 17th, 2006, 7:03pm

Very real question and you are right.  Here in Ca. in 96 CH was almost unheard of. I live in Simi Valley Ca. pop. 120k back then 100k?  I should have stated "Chronic"
Dr. Nina T. Houston Texas. Ex-President of the International and National Headache Society.

So the term I should use is......"He has seen",and mine were around the clock every 4 hours kip 8-10. Youngest worst sufferer. So from 96 to 2000 until I met him and some other doctors. I was a freak and treated like one by other docs.  MY CH's were every 4 hours 24hrs for four years only lasting 45 min......8-10 kip. I wanted death, shot myself LOL but the CH hurt worse.

So truly, thanks for asking!   Dr. Nina believes in this site last I knew.  He started the Houston Headache Clinic.

Thanks Tom.

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Apr 17th, 2006, 8:06pm
It used to be thought that CH went away with age, if that’s the case then I’m going to live to 100 as I didn’t get it till I was 50, then had a 5 year break before going chronic in 2004.

If there is any pattern to CH it would have to be only that we all hurt, but I agree that if we stop searching we will never know.

Kind Regards

Title: Re: Our Hormones, age and past
Post by Yournotcrazy on Apr 18th, 2006, 1:59am
Thanks Barry and that for sharing that picture of the beautiful woman by your side. Chronic I am so sorry. If I can offer a cheap ear please write me.

Kindest Regards,

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