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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Zyprexa
(Message started by: Erika on May 15th, 2007, 3:25pm)

Title: Zyprexa
Post by Erika on May 15th, 2007, 3:25pm
I have about 35 - 10 mg tabs of Zyprexa left over from a prescription for my son (Experimental treatment to help with his Tourette's - he took a quarter of one daily but it didn't do any good)

In reading these posts - I see that some are using Zyprexa.  Is that true?  Is it a preventative?  

(yes, trying to self medicate hubby here, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.....)

anyone know the dosage for a 200 pound man?

And please don't yell at me, I am just trying to help him.  For those that don't know - we don;'t have insurance and are working at finding medical care, but for now we are self medicating - or at least trying to)

thanks for any information you may provide me with.....


Title: Re: Zyprexa
Post by Erika on May 15th, 2007, 3:31pm
and CRAP - I just noticed they have an expiration date of April 2007

they were samples from my sons doctor's office and they are still sealed in the tin foil brown bottles

do you think they are even any good anymore?  

I know you aren't doctors, I'm just trying to get your opinion

thanks again!

Title: Re: Zyprexa
Post by UN solved on May 15th, 2007, 5:41pm
This is a question probably best answered by E Double ( Eric ) ... I'm sure he'll be along soon.

In general, self medicating is a bad idea. Get to a doctor somehow.



Title: Re: Zyprexa
Post by Mr. Happy on May 15th, 2007, 8:36pm;action=display;num=1028572264

Title: Re: Zyprexa
Post by E-Double on May 15th, 2007, 8:45pm
I love it and these days though I do not take any meds.....(doc thinks I'm nuts) It certainly is one of my emergency meds if needed. Bob J is also a big fan ( he was actually the first to mention it as well as present research. It is cost effective and works rapidly) in addition to several others who have found success with it.

But you really should talk your doctor.

Here's my schtick.......... ;)

This is a great resource to know like the back of your hand...print it out and give it to the doc

It will present the appropriate treatments that you should seek and your doctor should know!!!

If you want an abortive with the least amount of side-effects O2 should not only be requested but demanded from your doctor!!!

I have used Zyprexa as an abortive and have found it to work (for me) as fast as Imitrex and without the "hangover";action=display;num=1120904753

If you do have the "typical" wake you up in the middle of the night horrors then.... Melatonin might be very helpful
Many of us (myself included) have found that taking 6-9mg (some take more) about a 1/2 hour to 45minutes prior to bed have Knocked out the night visits and can finally get sleep.

With the exception of 10-12 times.....I have slept through the night since August '04 (went chronic in March 05 now just awaken from a 9 month old haha).....Still get hit during the day but my overall quality of life is better because I am not as exhausted all the time.

Some people report that it seems to make them worse....The fact is that we are all different and respond differently to everything therefore it may or may not...

The one thing I will tell you as far as my experience was that I had to stick with it...The first night I took melatonin, I was awoken with a doozy only I was too groggy to find my O2 .....It got a lot better for me....I then slept through the night but would get slammed about 1/2 hour after waking up....kinda like knocking the beast off schedule.....then again I was peaking and this cycle has been all over the place with no real pattern.
I stayed with melatonin and have had decent sleep overall. (Maybe I should start following my own advice again but then I might not wake up for the baby and wife will give me a real headache  ;)

It may help and it is natural with not too many sideeffects....also ask your doctor b/c if there are any side effects or contraindications...I think they have to do with mild depression.....

Like I said we are all different.

Best wishes, good luck & stay as positive as you can!!!!

Title: Re: Zyprexa
Post by Erika on May 16th, 2007, 10:52am
It is almost amasing how the human mind works - the information a person - namely ME - can overlook when they read something for the first time....

I am going to have to start waiting before I ask questions, lol,  to see if I really already had the answer but just didn't realize it....

I went back to the initial post that led me to my question about Zyprexa and was surprised that the answers to all these questions was right there all along.  I am not sure what my brain is doing these days.......

Bill is not comfortable with Zyprexa yet, wants to hold off until the regulator and stuff arrives and give the O2 a fighting chance first,,,,,,,,,so,,, back burner for now.  (I should just get rid of them, though, since they are already expired)

Of course if you would have asked him last night when he was in too much pain to even be able to huff oxygen, he probably would have taken all 35 of them at once.  I didn't ask him.............some parts of my brain are still working........for now

Hurry up mail!!!!!!  

thanks again everyone for all of your support and wisdom and years of information!!!!!!!

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