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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Neuroton
(Message started by: jimp63 on Sep 17th, 2007, 2:54pm)

Title: Neuroton
Post by jimp63 on Sep 17th, 2007, 2:54pm
After failed attempts over the last 8 months to abort this cycle, my Neuro has now prescribed Neuroton.  Has anyone tried this drug?  Was it successful.  I need some feedback before I move forward.  I'm waiting to start the p. cubensis therapy as soon as I have the fungi.  I'll keep everyone posted.  As usual, thanks for being there!

Title: Re: Neuroton
Post by Mark C on Sep 17th, 2007, 3:08pm no avail, for may respond and others have.

Medication Studies and Research From The OUCH Website (


Title: Re: Neuroton
Post by totka2 on Sep 17th, 2007, 3:14pm
Neuroton is a vitamin B-complex. My neuro tried on me vitamin B-2 (sometimes good against migraine) in high dose as last weapon. The only effect: my piddle turned dark yellow.
Good lack to the shroom.

Title: Re: Neuroton
Post by tommyD on Sep 17th, 2007, 3:32pm
Do you mean Neurontin (by Pfizer, generic name: gabapentin)?

This is an anti-seizure med, of limited use to clusterheads.

Side effects are said to be mild, but a friend of mine tried it, and said the side effects sucked. Made him mean and nasty (he's one of those big gentle fellas) and did nothing for the headaches.



Title: Re: Neuroton
Post by jimp63 on Sep 17th, 2007, 3:39pm
Thanks for the clarification tommyd

Title: Re: Neuroton
Post by E-Double on Sep 17th, 2007, 6:02pm
if neurontin....made me ill that's about all I can say.
It did not have a positive effect on the clusters

Title: Re: Neuroton
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 17th, 2007, 7:37pm
I tried Neurontin for a month and couldn't stay on.  It made me seriously stupid.  For the first two weeks I had a constant two martini buzz.  After that I just felt numb.  I couldn't do my job and almost wrecked my car pulling out in front of someone.   That was my experience.

I know some people have had success.  I wish you the same.  If you do try it, please be careful driving and such until you know how the drug affects you.  


Title: Re: Neuroton
Post by nani on Sep 18th, 2007, 12:21am
When I was chronic, I took it for a long time. I would get some let up in the kip levels, but I still got hit 4 times a day or more. I kept having to increase it, too. My all time high was 2400 mgs a day. Mostly, I used 1800 mgs a day. I was sluggish and kind of out of it. You'll have to detox from it in order to use clusterbuster treatments... it may interfere.

Title: Re: Neuroton
Post by Batch on Sep 18th, 2007, 1:22am

I've taken Neurontin (gabapentin) for 18 months and only recently stopped the end of July when my last high cycle ended.  It worked in the sense that the attacks were less painful and less frequent, but it didn't stop them completely.  That was good in my book, and I keep a full Rx handy for high cycle times.

I titrated up from 600 mg. TID to 1800 mg. TID over a 5 day period per my neurologist's directions at NIH, Bethesda MD.

Other than a reduction in the frequency and intensity of my cluster headache attacks, the only side effects I had consisted of a three-martini "buzz" at 900 mg. TID, and puffy feet at 1200 mg. TID.  I found both side effects to be a very tolerable trade off.

I've been using  O2 at a high flow rate since the end of July so am not taking any other meds at this time...  The higher flow rate slams the beast dead in his tracks in 5-7 minutes if I catch it early.

Take care,

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