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(Message started by: Bas39 on Jan 22nd, 2008, 6:28pm)

Title: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by Bas39 on Jan 22nd, 2008, 6:28pm
After 8 months of testing a chance discovery, I am happy to report that by taking small handful of Goji berries once a day, every day, I can sustain remission from what appears to be cluster headaches symptoms.  An effect is noticeable after a few weeks, with a slight decline of the mild to moderate symptoms between the severe acute cluster attacks episodes.  Then slowly, a reduction of the number acute attacks themselves, and an increase in the remission period between Cluster cycles.

Regretfully, if I stop taking these berries, the cluster headaches symptoms slowly return.  To be successful, I have a small handful (in my case, no more than a heaped teaspoon), but every day, of Goji berries.  I now add them to a bowl porridge or muesli every breakfast.  

After months of testing and observation, the Goji berries diet change, for me, is the sole factor I believe that is making the difference in actually helping decrease my cluster headaches symptoms.

I have been lucky that my type of acute cluster headache attacks have always responded well to Imigran Recovery (UK brand name).  I am male, and the cluster headaches symptoms started a couple of years ago, quite suddenly, when I was 40.  I now still get the occasional classical migraine (which, if treated early, responds to Pink Migraleve), and which I have had infrequently since a teenager.

I appreciate this diet change probably will not help most other suffers, but just in case it helps somebody I thought it is worth sharing.


PS, when I choose my Goji berries, I take care in chosing the packets (even from the same supplier) as their quality can vary.

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by chewy on Jan 22nd, 2008, 7:50pm
And awaaaaaay we go!

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by E-Double on Jan 22nd, 2008, 8:33pm
I had a 2 week reprieve from a chronic state following a diet exclusively of Crunch berries.

modified to add Fruity pebbles can work too if eaten on off days beginning with a T

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by brewcrew on Jan 22nd, 2008, 8:49pm
In my freshman year, I yakked my Crunch Berries all over the field at the first day of football practice.

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by Jonny on Jan 22nd, 2008, 8:54pm

on 01/22/08 at 18:28:52, Bas39 wrote:
what appears to be cluster headaches symptoms.  

Nuff said!

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by monty on Jan 22nd, 2008, 8:55pm
You cannot trick me into eating those little 'Chinese raisins' that look like red mouse turds!!  I don't care if the research says that they contain something that is a calcium channel blocker!! I don't care if they protect nuerons from the stuff that causes alzheimers!  If it's herbal, its either worthless or deadly (or both).

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by vietvet2tours on Jan 22nd, 2008, 8:55pm
 Well hell I was gonna talk about dingle berries but umm      

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by chewy on Jan 22nd, 2008, 9:09pm
Ya know. Just the other day while I was standing next to the Bonji Stones cart admiring my new bottle of Lavender Oil and my fresh bag of Butterfly Farts, I heard a voices softly selling me Goji Berries.

The Doc told me they would remove the restraints and give me back my Tin Foil Hat if I stop smearing Himmilayan goat shit on my temples.

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by Melissa on Jan 22nd, 2008, 9:49pm

on 01/22/08 at 20:55:03, monty wrote:
I don't care if the research says that they contain something that is a calcium channel blocker!! I don't care if they protect nuerons from the stuff that causes alzheimers!

I would like to see some documentation of this because all I've read so far about Wolfberries is they help as antioxidents and have anti fungal & anti bacterial properties.

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by monty on Jan 22nd, 2008, 9:56pm
one of my coworkers was waving that rabbit food under my nose - she bought a ten pound bag at the Chinese market for 25 cents. I said no thanks, I'm sticking with my steak. Then I asked her how she knew it was goji berries - the writing on the bag was all Chinese!!

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2005 Apr;30(7):534-8.
   [Effects of LbGp on the intracellular free calcium concentration of cardiomyocytes induced by hypoxia and KCl]
   [Article in Chinese]

   Xu SL, Huang J, Tian GY.

   Department of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanfang 210029, China.

   OBJECTIVE: Hypoxia/KCl injury model in the cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes (CMs) was established to investigate the protective effect of Lycium barbanun Glycopeptide (LbGp) on calcium overload. METHOD: Cultured neonatal rat CMs were divided into three groups, namely normal control, hypoxia groups and LbGp-treated group. CMs in LbGp-treated group and hypxia group were cultured in an incubator ventilated with 95% N2 and 5% CO2 with or without LbGP. CMs viability under hypoxia was measured by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide colorimetry (MTT). The intracellular free calcium concentration in cardiomyocytes was measured by laser confocal microscope with Fura-3/AM as a calcium indicator. The protective effects of LbGp on the CMs treated by KCl (60 mmol x L(-1)) was observed. RESULT: As compared with normal controls, the degree of MTT metabolism was significantly reduced (P < 0.01) in hypoxic group and slightly reduced in LbGp (P < 0.05). Hypoxia-induced enhancement of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) was attenuated by LbGp significantly (P < 0.01). Moreover, KCl-induced enhancement of [Ca2+]i was also reduced by LbGp at the doses of 25, 50, 100 microg x mL(-1) in a concentration-dependent manner. CONCLUSION: The result suggested that LbGp is able to increase the survival ratio and inhibit the enhancement of the intracellular free calcium concentration in cardiomyocytes induced by hypoxia and high potassium. One of the mechanisms is that LbGp acts on L-type calcium channels.

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by chewy on Jan 22nd, 2008, 9:59pm

on 01/22/08 at 21:56:58, monty wrote:
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2005 Apr;30(7):534-8.
   [Effects of LbGp on the intracellular free calcium concentration of cardiomyocytes induced by hypoxia and KCl]
   [Article in Chinese]

   Xu SL, Huang J, Tian GY.

   Department of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanfang 210029, China.

   OBJECTIVE: Hypoxia/KCl injury model in the cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes (CMs) was established to investigate the protective effect of Lycium barbanun Glycopeptide (LbGp) on calcium overload. METHOD: Cultured neonatal rat CMs were divided into three groups, namely normal control, hypoxia groups and LbGp-treated group. CMs in LbGp-treated group and hypxia group were cultured in an incubator ventilated with 95% N2 and 5% CO2 with or without LbGP. CMs viability under hypoxia was measured by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide colorimetry (MTT). The intracellular free calcium concentration in cardiomyocytes was measured by laser confocal microscope with Fura-3/AM as a calcium indicator. The protective effects of LbGp on the CMs treated by KCl (60 mmol x L(-1)) was observed. RESULT: As compared with normal controls, the degree of MTT metabolism was significantly reduced (P < 0.01) in hypoxic group and slightly reduced in LbGp (P < 0.05). Hypoxia-induced enhancement of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) was attenuated by LbGp significantly (P < 0.01). Moreover, KCl-induced enhancement of [Ca2+]i was also reduced by LbGp at the doses of 25, 50, 100 microg x mL(-1) in a concentration-dependent manner. CONCLUSION: The result suggested that LbGp is able to increase the survival ratio and inhibit the enhancement of the intracellular free calcium concentration in cardiomyocytes induced by hypoxia and high potassium. One of the mechanisms is that LbGp acts on L-type calcium channels.

Aint that sumpin.

Title: ..Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by Melissa on Jan 22nd, 2008, 10:03pm
Hmmm.  I looked up Lycium barbarum Glycopeptide and found this on Tradekey...


Specification: Polysaccharides: 20-70%
Code No. : BCY-ZT028
Description: Wolfberry rich of wolfberry polysaccharides(amylose), detaine, zeaxanthine, physalein, Ascorbic acid, Carotene, Riboflavin, Nicotine, Thiamine, Betaine, taurine, all kinds of vitamins and 19 kinds of amino acid, as well as 21 kinds of minerals. Moreover, the concentration of Beta-carotene in wolf berry even higher than carrot, effective protein concentration more than bee pollen. Every 100g fresh wolf berry contain crude protein 5.8g, wolf berry fat 1g, Calcium 155mg, phosphor 67mg,Fe 3.4mg, carotene 3.96mg, vitamins B 10.23mg, vitamins B 20.33mg, vitamins C 3mg, Betaine about 1%.
1. Benefit for kidney, nutritional for lung, good for vision and eyes.
2. Many type of amino acid, vitamins, and more other nutritional components and minerals, can supply body fluid and increase internal secretion
3. Enhance immunity.
4. Decrease acidic content in blood.
5. Can be made of the best natural health care products, widely used in health food, health drink, and teas.
6. Can be used as a tonic for the eyes, especially where the circulation is thought to be poor, in conditions of dizziness, blurred vision, and diminished sight.
7. In the respiratory system it is used to tonify the lungs, especially in conditions with a consumptive cough.
8. In the cardiovascular system lycium is used as a circulatory tonic, to reduce blood pressure and to lower lipid levels.


Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by PollyPocket on Jan 22nd, 2008, 10:10pm

on 01/22/08 at 20:33:00, E-Double wrote:
I had a 2 week reprieve from a chronic state following a diet exclusively of Crunch berries.

I heard a fruity pebble enema cures athletes foot and acne too.

its gotta be the crunch berries

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by brewcrew on Jan 22nd, 2008, 10:14pm

on 01/22/08 at 22:10:28, PollyPocket wrote:
I heard a fruity pebble enema cures athletes foot and acne too.

It does wonders for colonic polyps, too. Roughage.

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by Kevin_M on Jan 22nd, 2008, 10:47pm

on 01/22/08 at 18:28:52, Bas39 wrote:
An effect is noticeable after a few weeks, with a slight decline of the mild to moderate symptoms between the severe acute cluster attacks episodes.

What are cluster symptoms between cluster attack episodes?  This is usually PF time.  Are you talking about between hits or cycles?

Regretfully, if I stop taking these berries, the cluster headaches symptoms slowly return.

You being episodic, whether in or out of cycle?

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by nani on Jan 22nd, 2008, 11:43pm

on 01/22/08 at 20:55:03, monty wrote:
 If it's herbal, its either worthless or deadly (or both).

There are quite a few kudzu users who would probably disagree with that statement.

As far as Goji berries... I don't know enough about them. I do know that if Flo says something positive about them in his med-owl book, I'd believe him.
I may go check later.

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by Ray on Jan 23rd, 2008, 12:17am
Sorry Bas39 with post count of 1, I'm not buying it either.

It would be nice, but there's nothing known about the berries that even begins to make me believe you.


Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by sandie99 on Jan 23rd, 2008, 4:49am
I'm glad that you've found something which helps you. The rest of us... we need more information.

PF wishes,

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by hotprestwich on Jan 23rd, 2008, 12:21pm
If it's herbal, its either worthless or deadly (or both).

Then whats clusterbusters web-site about, lots of people have found help there havent they?
as for the berries...hmmmmmm

Title: Re: Remission from Clusters with Goji Berries
Post by Ghost on Jan 23rd, 2008, 1:12pm
You know I finally read this and I aint gonna stop hacking up chunch berries when I eat them like FOREVER!!!!!! [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

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