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(Message started by: okudik on Mar 12th, 2002, 2:59pm)

Title: i slept the whole night...
Post by okudik on Mar 12th, 2002, 2:59pm
What a wonderful website this is...what a relief, to know there are others out there with this...thing...anyhow, have dealt with them since13, now 42, got out of the 'standard' medical loop about 10 yrs ago, 'cause the cures were getting so toxic, the last 2 were an inhaled steroid and inderal.  Now i use a fan on me at night, water by the bed, caffeine, chiro, and, the reason for this post, alcohol.  I don't normally drink at all during the cycle, cause it is instant agony, but out of just not giving a fuck one night years past i kept on drinking right through that initial headache, and the one an hour or so after that, and kept on drinking, hard liquor, and by golly, after most of a fifth i went to be and slept the whole night through.  No pain, no shadows, the whole next day, either... granted i had a whopping hangover, and the headache that goes with it, but pffft, that's a joy to behold next to the beast.  That particular cycle, that was the first solid night's sleep i had in over a month.  I have used it on many occaisons since, and while alcohol is a coarse, crude painkiller, it has worked for me when i had to get some respite from the pain.  Now when i get to that point in the cycle, i make sure there are no interactions to worry about, i eat a good meal, i drink strong hard liquor to cut down on the volume, i have coffee on the side to help a bit with the one or two i will probably trigger, and i use nature's second oldest cluster headache treatment, the first being i am sure a tall cliff... hope this helps.  peace and pain free to all

Title: Re: i slept the whole night...
Post by kim on Mar 12th, 2002, 6:38pm
What a Pisser!  You are my kinda warrior!  Totally relate!  The coffee is my sword.  Booze, well, I tend to throw up...  I've gotten attacks IN bars and it was not pretty.  Then again, I've remained in bars through an attack (order an irish coffee and swig) and when the attack passes i continued drinking and had a thoroughly entertaining evening!  I've been in weddings through ch's.  One time this girl at the wedding sat next to me.  I wasn't doing too good and lo and behold she whips out all these pills!  Here, have a fiorinol she says.  So, i popped it, had coffee and an hour later was shakin up the dance floor.  Many times, these remedies help us through.   Me and the Beast have a HISTORY.  It's like a marriage.  Sometimes you find a truce and other times, it's WAR!  Anyway, PFDAN to you!  

Title: Re: i slept the whole night...
Post by studebaker on Mar 13th, 2002, 3:23am
You the man!  Anybody that can face the beast head on with booze and stay out of the mental ward I got to give credit to.  I don't know if your headaches are scheduled or not, but I have recently been able to stop a severe cycle dead in it's tracks by using a cheap vitamin called melatonin.  I used 3g before bedtime.  MAybe the beast is just waiting, but I really feel great and normally the cycle lasts 2-3 months.  I really like your method, but booze has almost always triggered an immediate CH for me

Title: Re: i slept the whole night...
Post by okudik on Mar 13th, 2002, 5:59pm
Yes, i only use this method after my ragged ass has been shocked awake one too many times!  Been reading up on the melatonin, as this seems to at least be working at the source, but see a whole lot of variance on the dose.  Some take as high as 9 mg., some as low as 300mcg.  I'm gonna be stupid for now and assume that 1,000 mcg=1mg, so there is a difference of, like, 30 x the dosage!  I think i will just 'take 2 tabs and see what happens', in this case the tabs are 375 mcg, so that will total three quarters of one milligram as a dose.  Small, but i will work up and note what happens, 'cause if the meds trigger the beast... well, i just fucking hate it when that happens!  Thanks for the input and responses, and pain free time to you all...

Title: Re: i slept the whole night...
Post by Mattso on Mar 13th, 2002, 6:53pm
"but I have recently been able to stop a severe cycle dead in it's tracks by using a cheap vitamin called melatonin"

Hey Studebaker,

 What brand of Melatonin did you use? (would love to know, because apparently there can be major differences from brand to brand).


Title: Re: i slept the whole night...
Post by Lawann on Mar 24th, 2002, 10:04pm
What brand of melatonin have you used?

Title: Re: i slept the whole night...
Post by Mattso on Mar 25th, 2002, 1:28am
Hi Lawann,

I asked Studebaker about his Melatonin dose on the "Thanks - Melatonin advice worked" topic, and he replied: GNC brand 3mg.

Title: Re: i slept the whole night...
Post by Mattso on Mar 25th, 2002, 1:29am
Hi Lawann,

I asked Studebaker about his Melatonin dose on the "Thanks - Melatonin advice worked" topic, and he replied: GNC brand 3mg. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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