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(Message started by: justin on Mar 20th, 2002, 9:45pm)

Title: my shroom and imitrex experience
Post by justin on Mar 20th, 2002, 9:45pm
just want to say that i tried shrooms while in amsterdam. i took a quarter dose (drugs affect me really strongly so i was tripping from this mildly) after three days of no headaches. it was the last day i was there and i wanted ot try it. i took them on sunday afternoon and 30 hours later i had my first attack in 4 days. oh well. i'm still on 320 mg verapamil. 480 wasn't working so i lowered and am actually getting fewer attacks, and weaker. go figure. i think the break i got on my trip was do to circadian rythyms being disrupted or something like that. anyway. 30hours after the shrooms i took an imitrex shot for my kip9 that woke me in the middle of the night. it was very strange. my brain felt cold within 2 mins. it was a very weird sensation. i felt the chest tightness as well but i think i was going into shock or something because i had about a 30 min anxiety attack before i could calm down. however, i'm prone to anxiety attacks. so i have been using O2 and vicadin since for my attacks. still afraid to use the imitrex, especially at work. wonder if anyone had this happen to them or how long it will take for the shrooms, lsd, psyclobin, whatever to get out of my system. thanks

Title: Re: my shroom and imitrex experience
Post by pinksharkmark on Mar 20th, 2002, 11:53pm
Justin, thanks very much for the detailed report.

To answer your question re elimination time: all traces of any psilocybin, psilocin, and metabolites of those two compounds would already have been out of your system by the time you took the Imitrex. They are not detectable by even the most sensitive GC/MS tests within about 12 to 18 hours after ingestion.

But it may take 72 to 120 hours for your 5-HT receptor sites (some of which Imitrex also work on) to return to their regular state. Since you say you took just a single low dose, my guess is that the 72 hour figure is more likely the one to go by.

I'm sorry to hear that a single low dose of psilocybin didn't end your cycle. How many more headaches have you had since that Kip 9 you aborted with the Imitrex? How bad were they?


Title: Re: my shroom and imitrex experience
Post by justin on Mar 21st, 2002, 1:01pm
following that 1 am kip9 monday morning wake up call i had;

1pm - kip8
11pm - kip4
8 pm kip4
1pm kip 7
8pm kip 5
11am kip 7

so the pattern isn't back really. haven't used imitrex since. at home relying on O2, and at work vicadin, which doesn't help much and fighting it hard core. oh well. i would try dosing again if i didn't hate the tripping and high effect so much. can't go through those anxiety attacks again. ugh..thanks for your help. i really appreciate it. i've been researching a lot on depakote and topamax, might give it a try. gonna make an apt with Dr. Richard Lipton at the Montifiore Heache Center in the Bronx.


Title: Re: my shroom and imitrex experience
Post by Karla on Mar 21st, 2002, 1:23pm
chest tightness can be a side effect of imitrix.   I would use it with extreame caution but the only way you will ever know if it was the shrooms or anxiety attach is to try it again.  You may want to have someone around you when you try it again (relative, friend, co-worker) so if you feel real uncomfortable and need to go see a dr you can be driven.  The insert says your dr. should do an EKG to make sure you don't have any pre-existing heart conditions if you are feeling chest pains and tightness and then it sounds like if you get a clean bill of health it is up to you on if you want to take the imitrix and feel uncomfortable and know you are ok or take something else.

Title: Re: my shroom and imitrex experience
Post by Jodi on Mar 21st, 2002, 8:28pm
Last I heard from you, your were not going to trip,    What happened.   Can't say much for myself did it last week and so far so good.  Started the depakote again because of  the goost headaches.
See ya

Title: Re: my shroom and imitrex experience
Post by Flash on Mar 22nd, 2002, 8:00am
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