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(Message started by: SusanM on Mar 30th, 2002, 4:09pm)

Title: Verapamil
Post by SusanM on Mar 30th, 2002, 4:09pm
Thank you all for replies to my verapamil side effects post.  I have found I'm experiencing many of the same things you are.  Starting today, I'm going to decrease my dose to 380mg daily, and see what happens.  I'm still taking Lasix (furosemide) 10mg daily for the swelling as well as B-vitamin supplements (work as a natural diuretic, I've always taken them).  
Anyway, I'm praying that decreasing the dose will be just what I need to put an end to this torture.
After upping to 480mg, it took about a week to kick in, and then I had one really good severe attacks but constant shadows (that sometimes felt like an attack was imminent).  Then starting last weekend, the attacks started again..ugh.  The pain level went down a bit, but still awful and the duration of the attacks went down a bit as well.  However, I still was not able to go to work at all last week.  I'm planning on returning to work on Monday....I've missed so much work already during cycle, but I'm on FMLA to protect my job...that's been a miracle for me!

I WILL beat the beast!

Praying for PFDAN for all!
Have a wonderful Easter holiday!  

SusanM :)

I must take the time here to praise the Lord for all He has done for my family during this time.  He has helped  in providing me with doctor who understands CH previous doctor was clueless...and He has provided financially to help with lost income from not working (I lost over $1200) .  Money has come from unexpected from an old cancelled life insurance policy for when the company went on the public stock mkt which paid previous policy holders as shareholders ($1080) and money from a large credit on a budget billing plan on my electric bill ($353).  In addition, my new electric bill and ARM mortgage pymts have gone down $50 each!
Again, I thank You and Praise You Lord! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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