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(Message started by: bugsy909 on Mar 30th, 2002, 6:45pm)

Title: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by bugsy909 on Mar 30th, 2002, 6:45pm

:o    I am new here so please forgive me if I am bringing up something that has been beaten to death.
I have been A cluster for about 3 years now , with the last run lasting over a year. I decided to try the imitrex statdose and paid $106.00 for the two shots and carrying case and statpen. Does this sound out of line.?

Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by williamsmh on Mar 30th, 2002, 9:53pm
Actually when I was on vacation to Outer Banks of NC and the drug store didn't take my insurance I paid close to $200 for a kit.

You are right that it's out of line - we shouldn't have to go broke to releave our pain, but... it is the going rate.


Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by Mattso on Mar 30th, 2002, 10:51pm
I couldn't agree more that imitrex prices in the U.S. are an incredible rip off.

Back in the good old days when I lived in San Diego it sure was nice to be able to pop over the border (Tijuana) and get it way cheaper.

I've been able to get it a bit cheaper lately (approx. $70 for 2 injections) by ordering at these foreign sites:

This site is Brazilian - I ordered it express shipping and I think I got it in 6 days. It was new syringes that worked fine. NO PRESCRIPTION REQUIRED.

This next one is Canadian. It appears perfectly legal. They don't offer express shipping, but I recieved mine in Seattle in 7 days. PRESCRIPTION REQUIRED.

I'm so thankful that Glaxo offers this miracle Imitrex stuff, but man, they are clearly commiting extreme highway robbery with their U.S. prices!

Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by williamsmh on Apr 1st, 2002, 1:25pm
Thanks for the info.  My doctor is out of town for another week... I only have one syringe left and my dr.s replacement won't do anything with my meds.....  Which means that even after he comes back he has to call the insurance company and battle with them to get me my meds - then they will ship them - it will be at least 4 weeks.

So... I ordered some express.  I have a refill (I may have to pay full price) but I can at least get by until the mail order comes.


Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by NotH20 on Apr 1st, 2002, 2:47pm
Here is a trick that I learned - if my doc writes a script for ONE Imitrex and 3 refills - I get one box (2 injections) for my $25 co-pay - with three refills......


If he writes the script for THREE with three refills - I get 6 injections for my one copay of $25 with 3 refills of 6 injections each!!!!!!!!!!!!!  More bang for the buck!!!!!

You may want to check with your pharmacy first and have them run it thru their computer to see if it will work with your particular insurance - but it has saved me a considerable amount of money.

Good luck to everyone and be strong......


Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by Rich D on Apr 1st, 2002, 2:47pm
If your anywhere close to Mexico, I just bought 4 individual injections at $23 each.  No prescription needed.  

Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by williamsmh on Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:02pm
Unfortunately I'm in Ohio - so no chance of running to mexico!  I did order from brazil though.

My Doctor tried to write 10 - 2 packs via mail and all as they would send me was 3 - 2 packs.  He also wrote for 2 - 2 packs with 5 refills from the pharmacy and they would only give me 1.....

This insurance thing sucks!


Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by NotH20 on Apr 2nd, 2002, 1:17pm

I just check my last Rx and my doc wrote it for Qty:3, Refills: 3

Maybe it's not the way your doc is writing it and more w/ your own ins. company.  I'm sorry - but it was worth a shot.  Maybe when ur doc gets back into town you can have him contact your ins. company directly and have you approved for the "medically necessary" provision which would automatically allow you more injections no matter what restriction the ins. company has.........

Are you ch's still subsiding a bit - especially w/ the correct mask, etc.?

Keep us all posted......


Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by williamsmh on Apr 3rd, 2002, 4:13pm
Hopefully when he gets back he'll contact the insurance company and talk the insurance into letting me have the imitrex I need.

I think I might be at end of cycle.  I haven't had a cluster in 48 hours.  Had a migraine 36 hours ago, but I think it was rebound from imitrex.

The new mask is helping a lot!  The last time I had preasure that was turning into a cluster I used the oxygen and it got rid of it.

Thanks for everything...Mark

Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by NotH20 on Apr 4th, 2002, 7:44am
Mark - you are sounding so up and positive  ;D  that's wonderful !!!!!!!!!  I do hope the beast is gone for a while for you and that you will be able to have some fun w/ your children and some overdue R&R as all clusterheads need........

Keep us posted and good luck....


PS - Keep me in your prayers today - today is the last day for my Topomax schedule - what a ride this cycle has been for me - 2 more weeks of Calan and I should be med free if everything goes according to plan....I'm really nervous, scared and trying to stay positive - but in the back of my mind I know that the other shoe can drop at any minute.......

Title: Re: imitrex prices @#&$%
Post by Tom K on Apr 6th, 2002, 2:54pm
Try to see if your Dr will write your script for "Refills:  Y".  My Dr did this for me and my insurance has covered every refill for the $20 copay.  I filled my Imitrex Inj 4 times in 2 weeks along with 2 Imitrex NS, 1 Imitrex Tab and 3 Zomig Tab...each one was a $20 copay.  Don't know if it had to do with the writing of the script or my insurance, but it is worth a shot! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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