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(Message started by: davidg on Apr 1st, 2002, 8:42am)

Title: Nortryptaline
Post by davidg on Apr 1st, 2002, 8:42am
It's that time of year again for me. I'm a CH for about 15 years now, and I have settled into a spring/fall pattern. I went to see a neurologist last fall, and he perscriped Nortryptaline. He claimed it is still the best preventative out there for CH. I started taking them, and my cycle eventualy ceased. Last Wednesday, I got the shadows, and sure enough out of nowhere got hit with an 8. I started taking 30mg at 5pm, and last night the demon did not pay me a visit. Hope I am not jinxing myself, but was curious if anybody else has tried this.


Title: Re: Nortryptaline
Post by Karla on Apr 2nd, 2002, 4:44pm
I haven't tried nortritaline but have tried amitriptaline, celexa, and effexor and none have done anything to help reduce the frequency or the severity of my headaches.  As far as best preventative or most popular... well... usually vepramil and lithium are the first choices to try for a preventative. However, there are many preventatives out there and everyone reacts differently to them.  It is basically a trial and error until you find one that works.  I am glad that you seem to have found something that works for you.  It took me 4 years of hell to find something that finally keeps the beast away. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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