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(Message started by: Lori on Apr 3rd, 2002, 8:41pm)

Title: Need Info on Topamax dose please & kidney stones?
Post by Lori on Apr 3rd, 2002, 8:41pm
My family doc started me on topamax 3/9 while i was waiting to see neuro..started on 25mg...3 days later I increased to 50mg...been on 50mg ever since. When I saw neuro for 1st time 3/19, he put me on verapamil and let me stay on topamax even though he personally felt it wasn't helping me (not his drug of choice) but I felt it helped a little and afraid to go off. So he let me continue it. The verapamil had stopped the HA's completely until yesterday and today all day of heavy shadows so I called neuro and he increased topamax to 100mg once daily. Basically I've read I'd need to get to 150 mg. for it to work on CH, right? Is it ok for the doc to increase my dose by 50 mg like this and how soon would it be ok to jump up another 50mg to be safe with this? What could happen? How long does it take to become effective usually? I read on the leaflet that came with the topamax today that it can increase your chance of kidney stones?? Does someone know how likely this is to happen on this dosage?? The last thing I want on top of all of this is kidney stones!! Does drinking coffee and/or ice tea count for water intake that is required with this med? Sorry  for the long post. I feel like the docs should discuss this stuff with us...I guess I didn't think to ask about all this stuff. I can't think straight anymore. Thank you for helping.

Title: From the OUCH Library
Post by Bob_P on Apr 3rd, 2002, 9:12pm
In an open-label study of topiramate, Wheeler and Carrazana evaluated 11 patients with episodic cluster, 3 with chronic cluster, and 1 with cluster-tic syndrome. They treated the patients with 70-100 mg/day of topiramate. Thirteen of the 15 (87%) patients achieved remission. Two patients did not tolerate topiramate because of fatigue. Headaches remitted 1-3 weeks after beginning topiramate (mean, 1.8 weeks).
Do you guys realize how many times each day I post quotes from the OUCH Research Library?  It took a bunch of people a long time to collect the info there.  It covers just about everything you could want to know.
As for kidney stones - try the OUCH Medications page, just click on topamax and it will tell you everything about the drug.

Title: Re: Need Info on Topamax dose please & kidney ston
Post by Bob_P on Apr 3rd, 2002, 9:18pm
Just read the info on Topamax myself.  Cracked me up!  Here are the side effects:

Side Effects: Note: Side effects with an incidence of 0.1% or greater are listed. CNS: Psychomotor slowing, including difficulty with concentration and speech or language problems. Somnolence, fatigue, dizziness, ataxia, nystagmus, paresthesia, nervousness, difficulty with memory, tremor, confusion, depression, abnormal coordination, agitation, mood problems, aggressive reaction, hypoesthesia, apathy, emotional lability, depersonalization, hypokinesia, vertIgo, stupor, clonic/tonic seizures hyperkinesia, hypertonia, insomnia, personality disorder, impotence, hallucinations, euphoria, psychosis, decreased libido, suicide attempt hyporeflexia, neuropathy, migraine, apraxia, hyperesthesia, dyskinesia, hyperreflexia, dysphonia, scotoma, dystonia, coma, encephalopathy, upper motor neuron lesion, paranoid reaction, delusion, paranoia, delirium, abnormal dreaming, neuroses. GI: Nausea, dyspepsia, anorexia, abdominal pain, constipation, dry mouth, gingivitis, halitosis, diarrhea, vomiting, fecal incontinence, flatulence, gastroenteritis, gum hyperplasia, hemorrhoids, increased appetite, tooth caries, stomatitis, dysphagia, melena, gastritis, increased saliva, hiccough, gastroesophageal reflux, tongue edema, esophagitis, gall bladder disorder, gingival bleeding. CV: Palpitation, hypertension, hypotension, postural hypotension, AV block, bradycardia, bundle branch block, angina pectoris, vasodilation. Body as a whole: Asthenia, back pain, chest pain, flu-like symptoms, leg pain, hot flashes, body odor, edema, rigors, fever, malaise, syncope, enlarged abdomen. Respiratory: URI, pharyngitis, sinusitis, dyspnea, coughing, bronchitis, asthma, bronchospasm, pulmonary embolism. Dermatologic: Acne, alopecia, dermatitis, nail disorder, folliculitis, dry skin, urticaria, skin discoloration, eczema, photosensitivity reaction, erythematous rash, seborrhea, decreased sweating, abnormal hair texture, facial edema. GU: Breast pain, renal stone formation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorder, hematuria, intermenstrual bleeding, leukorrhea, menorrhagia, vaginitis, amenorrhea, UTI, micturition frequency, urinary incontinence, dysuria, renal calculus, ejaculation disorder, breast discharge, urinary retention, renal pain, nocturia, albuminuria, polyuria, oliguria. Musculoskeletal: Arthralgia, muscle weakness, arthrosis, osteoporosis, myalgia, leg cramps. Metabolic: Increased weight, decreased weight, dehydration, xeropthalmia. Hematologic: Anemia, leukopenia, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphopenia, granulocytopenia, lymphocytosis, thrombocytothemia, purpura, thrombocytopenia. Dermatologic: Rash, pruritus, increased sweating, flushing. Ophthalmic: Diplopia, abnormal vision, eye pain, conjunctivitis, abnormal accommodation, photophobia, abnormal lacrimation, strabismus, color blindness, myopia, mydriasis, ptosis, visual field defect. Miscellaneous: Decreased hearing, epistaxis, taste perversion, tinnitus, taste loss, parosmia, goiter, basal cell carcinoma.

Title: Re: Need Info on Topamax dose please & kidney ston
Post by NotH20 on Apr 4th, 2002, 8:38am
GOOD GAWD!!!!!  Did they leave anything out?????  I'd say this drug just about covers all the bases for symtons and side effects!!!!  I can this though - once the DHE iv treatment broke my cyckle - the Topomax has kept the beast away since January!!!!!!    ;D

Good luck to all......


Title: Re: Need Info on Topamax dose please & kidney ston
Post by Bob_P on Apr 4th, 2002, 9:13am
Yeah.  hub tried the stuff his last cluster and wound up with:
fecal incotinence
body odor
and enlarged abdomen

No wait!  That was Jack who tried the topamax.  Wonder why hub had theses symptoms then?

Title: Re: Need Info on Topamax dose please & kidney ston
Post by stevek on Apr 4th, 2002, 9:41am
I have had several bouts with kidney stones.  They are almost as fun as CHs (actually not even close).  I drink a lot of water now and have not had kidney stone trouble for 10 years.  The urologist I went to (Stanford med clinic) always harped on drinking water (not beer, coffee, etc.).  I guess water is best at washing the bad stuff out of the kidneys.

Bob, as for reading the info on the site.  ya'll have done an awesome job at collecting information and responding to the calls for help that there has been nothing for me to add to the MB in quite some time.  But at least I don't have Jonny telling me to shut up.


Title: Re: Need Info on Topamax dose please & kidney ston
Post by nancyc on Apr 4th, 2002, 10:35am
Lori, the first time I went on topamax, i started at 25mg and weaned up to chs did not stop...the next time, my neuro was very aggressive and started me on 200mg the first nite..i was pf for about three months..only problem is that i got every side effect Margi listed for you...or it felt like i did anyway...i also got extremely depressed and suicidal. I felt like a zombie..My new neuro said that was insane for me to be told to start on 200mg...So, continue to wean up like you are doing with the topamax, be observant about any side effects and drink lots of water to decrease your chance of kidney stones.  Good luck and keep us posted...I am convinced Topamax is not effective till you get around 150mg... ;D Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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