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(Message started by: Critter on Apr 5th, 2002, 3:04pm)

Title: Pregnancy and Meds
Post by Critter on Apr 5th, 2002, 3:04pm
Any of you wonderful women experience clusters during pregnancy? or shortly after giving birth? And if so, did your docs have you on any meds during the pregnancy? My wife had no attacks during her pregnancy and now after the birth (of the most cute child i've ever seen) her attacks are back. Lookin' for a little help here!

Title: Re: Pregnancy and Meds
Post by kim on Apr 5th, 2002, 3:12pm
Dear Critter,

First Congratulations to you and your wife :D
Second, I am sorry to hear your wife is clustering!
I have three children.  During each of my pregnancies I was blessedly ch free; however, following the birth, I spun directly into a ch cycle - EACH TIME!! The cycles following childbirth ranged from 2 - 4 months.  I was not on meds during pregnancy bcause ch free and otherwise healthy, however after childbirth and having ch, was on several.  They include:
Fiorinol - useless and addictive to boot - severe rebounds;
Depakote, imitrex nasal, midrin, stadol (sp), lithium, prednisone (oh boy, it goes on)
I was not breast feeding so could take many medications.  If your wife is breast feeding, meds may pose a problem.

Has she tried oxygen?
As long as she is not breast feeding and in good health, there are lots of options.  I wish the very best for both of you!!!!  Kim

Title: Re: Pregnancy and Meds
Post by Linda T on Apr 5th, 2002, 6:39pm
Hi, congrats on the baby and sorry your wife's in pain.

I went into cycle about 10 days after the birth of my son.  It lasted only about 2 weeks (I think).  I went to my GP asap and he gave me elavil, which worked on previous cycles.  I took it for 30 days and was ch free.  I also did not breastfeed so meds weren't a problem.

Also, I was ch free during pregnancy.

Good luck.  PFDAN always, Linda T. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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