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(Message started by: arby on Mar 1st, 2003, 11:14am)

Title: Solumedrol???
Post by arby on Mar 1st, 2003, 11:14am
I’m new here so I’ll give you a little background.  I turned 50 last month and have had CH’s for about 15-17 years (misdiagnosed and chased around until 1995 so can’t remember exactly when they started).  Episodes come one to two times per year and last about two months with periods of shadows lasting several weeks before and after the “real thing”.  Checked on the internet when I first got it and there was virtually nothing, so gave up on that avenue, but as DJ says “if you found us you are probably in a cluster and desperate” and that is how I got here. (Thanks again DJ!!)  I was diagnosed by a neurologist (1995) but then ended up with a GP who said (and seemed) to know about CH, so that is how I have ended up where I am – 3 1/2 months in and no sing of an end (symptoms – almost exclusively right side (maybe two episodes in my life have been on the left), tearing and swelling and bloodshot of right eye, congestion in Rt. nostril, pain in temple and around orbit ranging from Kip 5 to 10. Have been getting Demerol for the 10’s but that was starting to fail. Have tried oxygen (since finding this site) with good success. Finally an appointment with neuro, but not till the end of March, so I told my GP to get directions from the neuro for new treatment (he had had me on propranolol and amitriptyline).  The neuro has prescribed verapamil (80mg 3times/day) and lithium carbonate (300mg 3 times/day).  Also I am to start on solumedrol IV for five days starting next Monday (not sure of the dosage).   Sorry to take so much room and your time to get to my question, but some background seemed important.

So… what can you kind folks tell me about solumedrol??  I don’t seem to see it mentioned much on this site.

Thanks for any info.


Title: Re: Solumedrol???
Post by ave on Mar 2nd, 2003, 11:20am
Arby, I hesitate to pronounce on combining meds, and know dang-all about solumedrol, but...

The amount of Verapamil seems very low. Some of us go to 400, 600 a day and over! I was on 400 for a time and it takes about a week to kick in.

But don't medicate yourself, when you are on lithium too. Do you get blood work done regularly for lithium? You should.

Use the search facility top right anyway to get more info on Vera and lith.

Good luck

Title: Re: Solumedrol???
Post by arby on Mar 2nd, 2003, 12:43pm

Thanks for your input.  

Since covering a lot of this site, I have started to think that the verap may be on the low side - will discuss with Dr.  As for the lith, I have only been on it and the verap for 5 days, so will keep the blood work in mind.
As for the solumedrol, I (after two days of searching) have discovered that it is a brand name for Methylprednisolone and have subsequently found some info myself

Thanks for the good wishes
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