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(Message started by: Artie on Sep 23rd, 2003, 10:37pm)

Title: Prozac and other SSRI for CH
Post by Artie on Sep 23rd, 2003, 10:37pm
Hi All,

I just saw an interesting post from someone saying  prozac helped her CH.  Given its effect on serotonin, I guess it makes sense.  I just don't remember seeing anything about SSRI and CH before. Are there others out there that have tried this?  Did it help or not???  Any info is appreciated!!!!   Thanks.....Diana

Title: Re: Prozac and other SSRI for CH
Post by eyes_afire on Sep 23rd, 2003, 10:54pm
Hi Diana.  I've tried several SSRI's.  None of them had any effect on my CH.  I've tried Serzone, Zoloft, and Paxil.  Trying to withdrawl from the Paxil on the third attempt was a month long nightmare.  Never again.  They're not widely recognized as being useful against CH, but it wouldn't surprise me if it helped some people, but they didn't help me at all.  Like so many other meds, it's hit or miss.  I still curse the name of the doc who decided to treat my so called migraines with Paxil... my misery was multiplied exponentially.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Prozac and other SSRI for CH
Post by ChasB on Sep 30th, 2003, 7:51pm

I have found that if I have taken a course of Prozac then I am likely to get an episode for a considerable time.

With this in mind, when I got my first shadows afew weeks ago my doc and I agreed that we should try Prozac as a preventative.

Sadly, this did not work and I am currently in episode.
However, one important factor to remember is that Prozac can stop Sumatriptan working efficiently in many cases (I found this to be so and thus stopped taking it).

Title: Re: Prozac and other SSRI for CH
Post by forgetfulnot on Oct 1st, 2003, 2:55pm
SSRI'S = mucho cluster headaches for me, can't take them, tried almost every brand on the market.

The older tri-cyclic antidepressants don't bother me at all cluster headache wise.


Title: Re: Prozac and other SSRI for CH
Post by UAL_FlyGal on Oct 1st, 2003, 6:05pm

Trying to withdrawl from the Paxil on the third attempt was a month long nightmare.  Never again.

You can say THAT again!!  
I also had a very difficult time weaning off Paxil.  Two years ago they had a special on "20/20" about the dangers of discontinuing that drug without proper supervision.

Be careful!

Title: Re: Prozac and other SSRI for CH
Post by Karla on Oct 3rd, 2003, 7:26pm
I have tried serzone, celexa, and effexor.  They did nothing for my ch.

Title: Re: Prozac and other SSRI for CH
Post by ckelly181 on Oct 14th, 2003, 8:40am
Hi Diana,

I took prozac for one cycle a few years ago. It worked pretty well, just the worst ones got through and there weren't many.

Unfortunately, the next round it didn't work. Go figure.

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